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A member registered Jun 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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I meant Dell Latitude E6520, the HP elite book is the laptop I've been considering buying 🤦🏿‍♂️

I am very stingy with my cards but this is one of the few I wouldn't mind sharing(Not yet though, I might release a few of them for patreons by October.)

(1 edit)

Dimensional Storekeeper is my current long-term project and It'll be getting an update by next week.

As for the multiple short VNs, I do those because I don't like letting ideas die once they pop up in my head.


There's also a very small chance that I might have developed a "New Content Release" OCD.

Looks cool, will check it out 👌🏿

In an alternate timeline, this one is named "You're not my fucking cousin" or "Who are you, What are you and What are you doing in my room". 

I suck at naming things.

Looks fun, will check it out.

As always thank you very much for the confidence booster 🙏🏿

I'll get back to them eventually.

The dude with his dick out.

I played lessons in love while making this so I apologize in advance for any weirdness you might encounter.

Thank you.

I did not expect this to make a comeback, congrats on the release and I look forward to playing it.

Thanks for the insight, you two have a very funny Yin/Yang relationship.


How does having a black MC equal disliking light skinned ones?

I really like making shorts, they're a nice creative outlet as they help me give life to random character models I come up with.

While not all Muscle girl lovers are into traps, fandoms like Twisted world make me think that the majority of Trap lovers are also into Muscular women. And as someone who is equally attracted to both ends of the spectrum, I still don't understand why I feel this way about two very opposing Body and character types.

You're welcome and thank you for the positive reception.

Thank you very much for the confidence boosters.

Cool concept, will check it has out.



Thank you.

 I actually have another unfinished short that's a bit similar to this, it's already got everything down to the sex scene done but I still haven't wrapped it up for some reason.

Thank you for the feedback back, I'll fix them now.

I probably won't be releasing it in the next few months but let's see how things go

Thank you very much, the majority of my symptoms are gone so I will be back in action by tomorrow.

Thank you very much, I've been able to fix that along with a few other issues I found.

Thank you very much, I don't really have much confidence in my writing but stuff like this makes me feel better about it.

Which song by the way, is it the Japanese one? What scene was that?

Thank you.

I didn't have much faith in this project so I am quite surprised that there's a few people who actually like it.


I never played King of corpse but I liked the first version of cold comforts and I'm pretty sure that it's still in development.

To be honest while I do like the characters, I didn't really enjoy working on this demo which is why it is currently marked as 'On hold'. But I am willing to make it a sub project if enough people say they want more.

Thank you so much, beautiful words like this mean the world to me.


Most of the choices in the first few versions of the game will involve breaking up with old love interests and rejecting or accepting new potential love interests. In other words, you won't be forced to interact with characters you're not interested in.

Mac will be uploaded tomorrow night and I'm currently trying to get an Android version.

Thank you very much and I'll use that suggestion in the future.

I only noticed the hand spasm thing when I was finishing up the renpy side of things and with how much I had pushed my laptop the previous day, I didn't want to risk redoing everything so I just left it as it was. I might fix it in the future but I think I'll be leaving it as is for the foreseeable future.

Oh shit, I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for so long. I checked out the works of the people you mentioned and they're doing some really advanced stuff that I probably won't be capable of in the near future.

I think the best method you can go with for now is just loading the custom game animations and then using the kinematics function to modify them.

This video was where I learnt the basics of Fk and ik functions and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the rest by playing around with the studio or searching his channel for videos related to stuff you need. If you ever need help with anything koi related, you can join their discord server here;

Or message me on Twitter. Once again I'm sorry for leaving you hanging.


I had previously also planned on following Jayden's POV whenever he got up to some weird stuff with the zombies but I think I can expand on that idea.


I'm currently working on something with the same characters but the story/world building is very different from the original short.

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If you need any tips or pointers that you think I could provide about koikatsu, my twitter DM is always open.

As for how I record animations, i use the Koikatsu after school better repack build that has tools for recording and exporting scenes in studio mode. It's pretty easy to understand but I'll advice against using it on a weaker laptop.

Of the many blue screens I've gotten at least 70% of them were caused by recording and exporting videos. Even now my laptop hasn't fully recoverd from the damage and constantly makes loud whirring sounds from the moment it is turned on.

Thanks. I'm currently at a place with electricity so I'll be posting a progress update by tomorrow morning.

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Holy crap I didn't expect this to be so long, there's a TLDR at the bottom.

Our current president has been a dick since he got elected, there's a shit ton of crappy facts about him but I'll just start with the basics;

 First of all he's an ex drug dealer who forged his certificates which is pretty alarming, next he rigged his way into the presidential seat of power and the judiciary is already in his back pocket and finally he just recently budget about $38 million for a "Presidential yacht"(Fucking insanity), $1,770,580 for the first lady (WTF?) and $71,793,619 to by expensive cars for all senate members while ignoring the labour union's demand to increase the national minimum wage to $140 per month(With a fuck ton of conditions for this proposed increase of course).

While these are the problems with him individual, the labour union and it's various affiliates have been fighting for better working and compensation systems for years now but the government continuously ignores them. Every year they strike at least twice but they either get threatened or paid off.

This year the trigger was a preplanned Assault on the Unions president by thugs but somehow it has been one of the shortest strikes in it's history.

My country became even more of a shit show than usual 8 years ago but this current presidential crook has decided to surpass the corrupt limits of the previous one.

In summary; currently president is a crook, spends the national budget like it's inheritance money and refuses to answer the sensible requests of the labour unions (Also labour union president got beat up by thugs but no one really cares about that.)