Gameplay-Everyone is empty, Music is nostalgic, nice. Graphic still needs some Overhaul I think.
The redesigned Map flows better in my Opinion.
I like the Cooking, but you need to be really carefull with the Ingredient Buffs, not loosing XP seemed incredibly Powerfull. Would also be nice to expand a bit, so you don't always eat it raw, but actually prepare something out of ti.
It still reminds me of older 2D Zeldas which is nice, Combat seems in a bit of weird spot balance wise, some Fights are incredibly easy, some are really hard. Crossbow trivializes a lot, Watergun seems broken, didn't do anything. Bossfight was easier then Helebard Guys.
Is the Demo supposed to be only in the one Square of the Island, or is your Map broken with showing me which Square I'm on?
The Darkness in Caves should fade out not so harshly, and having an Item to clear it like a Torch would be nice. Otherwise it seems to not serve a Purpose yet, just like the Day/Night Cycle.
I don't know if I like the Crafting all that much, it works, there's nothing wrong with it, but is it really needed? It makes more Sense then finding the Armor and Stuff just lying around like previously, but why not find Hawaiian appropriate Gear on Corpses, in Shrines, or get some from NPCs if you ever plan on adding any? Crossbow could be a Pirates Handgun, and Tribalwear instead of Crusader Armor obviously. Lean fully into the Hawaiian and sunken Cruiseship Ideas, not mix more into it.
I still like the Enemies with their black Monster Tentacles and Spikes and Things, they communicate clearly what they're doing and have a lot of Flair(?), so I'd say keep the clear Color variation, when/if you ever do a Graphical Overhaul.
If you block Water Access between Maps with Rocks, keep it consistent. At the Watergun Area and some other Places you can swim against invisible Walls, there should also be Rocks there. Maybe strong Currents like in your Rivers pushing you back in for a more natural Feel rather than big Walls of Rock? Some variation in Wall-depth would also be nice I think, currently a lot of Areas have very long straight Walls.
Grass is nice, Attack Animation for clearing it felt a bit too slow, the overall Progression of having to upgrade Gear, or get appropriate Items to be able to clear a natural Blockade instead of just being able to walk everywhere like previously feels nice and rather non-intrusive. I wasn't guessing why I couldn't go anywhere at any Point really.
When you walk behind a Tree, the whole Lines of Trees can disappear, which looks really buggy. Easily doable right near the Path to/from the first Camp somewhere.
Music is nice, but I fear it might get a bit overburdening if you have it constantly playing during long Playsessions or big Areas, depending on how big the World gets. Fade in/out between Tracks could be better, Camp to Overworld Track felt a bit harsh as it only happened after the Screenchange, not during.
If you lock yourself with a Spike-dash Enemy just right you can push them into the next Room over, even tho they stop manually beforehand, I guess that is a Bug and Enemies are supposed to stay in their Cells?
No Idea what the Wax-Eye does.
UI needs as much an Overhaul as your other Graphics, if not more.
The Intro is nice and short, but it could have a little extra. Something showing you washing up to shore, or escaping the Ship. Just as an Idea, you could even potentially move the Tutorial onto the Ship prior to being sunk, to have a nice Seperation between Tutorial Area and Game Area, while also offering an easy Safe-space to try Stuff out there.
You really need to get the Player started with Food first Thing, not so far into, if you die a few Times before getting the first Thing to eat, you have an incredibly rough Time getting to that Point.