noticed a few things right from the beginning.
1) if im not in full screen mode i cant see the buttons. the letters are on the screen but in a vertical overlapping position and no buttons are visible.
2) once in full screen, the option menu has 2 symbols that are confusing. both could be used for either background music or sound effects.
3) i started the game and found a spelling error "Click to Contiinue".
4) the section that was explaining the game was done decently. would suggest to move the start the day button to a different location. usually a corner of the screen is the best placement (the one with the quit button maybe? or bottom right?).
5) noticed a glitch as well. if you drop a coin almost covering the treasure chest, you will not be able to put another coin in the chest some times resulting in multiple coins laying on top of the chest. i was able to completely cover the chest with just 3 coins and then couldnt add any more to the chest after that. had to remove them all then start putting them in the chest again.
6) putting all the coins away can be tedious. suggest to have a button that says place all remaining coins in one chest or the other to make the game go faster. i collected over 1,000 coins and it took forever to put them away.
7) only 1 day of game play with no button to go back to the title screen makes me dislike playing further. needs more to the game for sure. add more levels.
8) make a way to get back to the start so you can replay without having to refresh the browser . the quit button (assuming thats what the power icon is supposed to be) doesn't do anything for me.
9) didnt use the advanced buttons at all, not sure if this is a design for future but it was not necessary in the games i played at all.
This game feels like the mechanics are very retro. users interactions are simple point and click a button. drag the gold coins. nothing else to it really. the idea of following rules and trying to make as much extra coins as you can is a good game design but i didnt see any characters walk away from me after my many demands of coins. maybe i just didnt demand enough? (even though i collected 1,000 for personal stash). is this broken or will people just pay you forever? got some work to do but could be a fun game in time. highly suggest you make it so the extra coins you get can be spent the next day (or between days at a market). there was part of the end of day report that said something about thieves but i didnt see any of those in the 3 or 4 games i played. in its current status i dont desire to play again but if there was more to the game, i would give it another try. please add more.