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Did not run.


The problem is yours, it works perfectly for everyone


I had to use a different computer but I managed to get it working. It was a fun little game that I really enjoyed playing. It would be nice if holding down two directions keys at the same time caused diagonal movement instead of being locked into left right up and down. Your choice of art and music were great. The difficulty ramp was a bit extreme but I felt like that was probably intentional. I did not see that fires actually effected my cold bar and you really don't have time to sit around the fire and wait anyhow. Perhaps if you could stand by a fire and not get attacked by the snow balls but your level timer stopped counting that would make fires feel more useful. I would have liked to have some sort of goal other then just run away. Maybe levels could end based on some triggers like collecting objects or reaching a destination. Something like that could give the game a little more depth. You could also play around with having things scattered around the map that effect the snowballs in different ways like maybe slowing them down or throwing them in a random direction or what ever you might dream up. These could serve to give the player more to do while they are trying to get to the end of the level.

Thank you really friend, next time I will apply all those interesting things you tell me, and thanks for telling me that it is a good game. And as my first game that I have created and my first jam that I have participated in, I want to thank you a lot because thanks to this, I discovered my passion.

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