I’ve come across the same issue with videos. It’s a LOT of work for not much payoff. Long videos are so much work. Short ones are like “why bother”?
What I am doing with my game is faking the short videos for now. By putting a few frames the each show slight movement with a dissolve tag between them and then using the same ones a few times over and over. Looks close enough for now.
Then I just move on with my other stuff. In the meantime, I do spend a little bit of time each week trying to teach myself how to make better videos. My plan is to go back and replace the fake videos with real ones when I get done the main story.
This way, the people that need video to be happy will eventually get it. The ones that are content with the short little fakes like I did can enjoy it now, and I’m not wasting any extra time on it.