36 has a similar sort of feeling that older RPG Maker horror games have, especially with the way the player is pretty much thrown into the story head-first.
It had good humor (that is slightly out of place with the dark atmosphere, but it actually adds to the strangeness of the situation in a very good way), weird-yet-likeable characters, and monsters and puzzles that provide challenging obstacles into solving the overall mystery of what exactly happened to Noah.
Dealing with all of those things really made getting all of the endings a fun journey, and I quite liked just how different each of the endings were! (Of course the good ending was the nicest to get, but it was satisfying to get the other two, too!)
Besides the story and characters, the music and sound design really added to the atmosphere. I found myself saying multiple times how much I enjoyed the music.
If I'm guessing correctly, you're the one who made the soundtrack to this game? You did an excellent job of it!
Needless to say, I greatly enjoyed 36.
Keep up the good work!