There are countless different models, loras, settings and whatnot. It's just a matter of trying some of them out and finding a combination that works the best. There will always be people that are againts AI no matter what. Personaly, I don't mind it as long as the person using it bothers to do atleast some basic cleaning up. Seeing pictures with mangled fingers, text and other details makes me genuinely upset, because the person using the AI just generated three pictures, picked the best one and called it a day. People that do this can't be called artists or developers, since they did pretty much nothing and left all the work in the hands of the computer.
My workflow will be something like this: Make basic 3D model of the character and outfit, pose it. Run it through AI. Fix the issues like fingers and some clothing details and paint in some missing details. Adjust contrast, color balance, add subtle outline. That's already more work than what I did on the character sprites in the past.
As for clothing, mutations, weapons and so on, I did some testing and it shouldn't be a problem. Weapons are separate images displayed behind the character, so no issues there. Clothing will require some editing, but nothing major. Mutations will cause some minor issues, but nothing I couldn't handle.