+ The art is technically gorgeous and is super well done. Almost all assets are in cohesion and everything is pretty to look at.
+ Lots of polish, and tons of juice
+ Really cool enemy designs and mechanics.
+ Three weapons with so many unique upgrades for each. There's a ton of replay value here.
+ Movement is normalized (A lot of people forget that so it really proves the attention to detail)
+ Reminds me of games like "Learn to Fly" with a more action focued core (Definitely a good thing)
- Contrast isn't the greatest. This game would GREATLY improve with the addition of shadows.
- The red icon indicating what can be scanned is basically invisible. Once you've played the game it's pretty easy to inherently tell what can be scanned, but for newbies this icon is super hard to spot.
- This game is super hard. Enemies gain health way too quickly and it feels really punishing to not get enough scrap in a day. Once you fall behind a day, there's not a lot of hope of coming back from that ad the enemies quickly outpace you.
- The AI for the enemies, while mechanically impressive and cool, are too over tuned imo. While cool, it's not objectively fun for enemies to dodge out of the way of your bullets (Especially when said bullets cost a limited resource). This combined with the high enemy health pools can make combat a slog.
- There's no reset save button! I like trying different combos, but I don't like having to get to the final day to do so.
- Sound design could use more atmosphere and sfx
This game is super polished with a ton of potential going forward. It's definitely one of my favorites from this jam. There is already so much done here which is crazy for a jam game. I feel that a few more days spent tweaking and adding could really flesh this whole project out and make it something even more outstanding.
I named him Scrappy btw :)