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Interesting concept and pretty intuitive puzzle once you figure out what's going on. I liked the setup of the level where you're based in the corridor and always come back to it. I could only get 2 bullets in my gun. Was that intentional? 

Video of me playing all of your games if you're interested in that:

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for having played my game and rate it; I appreciate that you like the setup of the game this was my first intent. The fact that you get only 2 bullets is intentional; you have to kill 3 monsters for stage so i thought that having only 2 bullets was more challenging. The theme was "growing weaker"in my game I interpretate  the theme like recover yourself from a bad state like (depressione,fear....) a slowly recover;  and the final text "Welcome back Jhonny" was refered to the fact that you ocercome your emotional state. Maybe it wasn't so intuitive to understand it let me know