I have a theory related to the student plus mother characters, and mods, and mainly just want my theory to be confirmed as correct, or if I am wrong for someone to correct me.
Some of the students have assigned mothers.
Some of the students do not have assigned mothers.
I had noticed in past that student character can have a made up mother character made, represent by some photo realistic computer art drawing. (Unless that was removed, it has been awhile since I last played.)
I noticed if I click the i icon of the Admissions page, I can adjust a setting called "Chance to assign random mother."
My theory is as follow. If I have an equal amount of student characters and mother characters, and I set that chance to randomly assign mother to 100%, that each student character that does not have an assigned mother will randomly be paired with one of the mother characters that dose not have an assigned student. Thus no student will have a computer art mother, unless I have an uneven number of students and ran out of mother characters.
Is my theory correct or wrong? If download the mods would I have to go to the process of trying to figure out how to attach mother character to a student character?
Everything you said is correct.
Just be aware it tries to match mothers and daughters based on traits.
Mainly on race so you cannot have a white mother and an asian daughter for example. It also takes hair colour into account so it won't assign a mother with black hair to a girl with blonde or red hair.