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A member registered Mar 21, 2024

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I am playing the demo in the browser, so I can understand if the answer to this question I need to buy the full game. I have have drank a few cups of drinks myself, and nothing happens.

Can me drinking the cup myself cause something happen? Am just drinking the wrong cups, or is nothing happens always the outcome when I drink it?

And I just now noticed the character behind the counter is named after your screen or company name. So I could just looked the developer's name to spell her name correctly. 😅I will try to remember that in the future.


This is actually a cute game. Took me a bit of trial and error to figure out, but that is my experience with most games. Even with a will well written tutorial it takes a bit of trial and error to get the hang of a game, so this is not criticism of how you explained the game. I did have a question, wondering if I missed something.

So I first played a little bit of the game in browser. Thought I finished the tutorial, got called away from computer. When I came back I decided to just download the game. Thinking I already finished the tutorial part, I clicked on skipping the game tutorial. Then later I discovered I can click on women behind the deck in the lobby (sorry I don't trust myself to spell their names correctly). It brought up a menu labeled shifts, and I not sure to do with it. So did I unknowingly skip over the part were they explain this?

Side note: I did also encountered a bug which someone else explained in the post below this one. I replied to that post explaining I encounter the same bug with a different version then they were playing.

My version seems to be 1.1.1 version and I think I also encountered that Elven city bug in mission 3 as well. I was really confused. I did not know what happened, or what trigger it so I did not know how to write a report about. So thank you for your post, you wrote about the problem better then I would have. Thus allowing me to state I have also had this encounter in the 1.1.1 version, meaning you were not alone in encountering this.

That's the cork board? Wow. Okay. That explains why I could never find it. Because it did not look like anything like what I am use to corkboards looking like. Thanks for that, I feel a little better that I never found it.

I actually think "what's the story" can be a valid criticism. I have only played the demo of this game, and I recognise the game is currently early in development. At this stage I do not expect to know how the story is going to end. However I think it would be fair to know what is the story up to point of the level you are having me play.

The one random has a point with "Why are the robots horny motherfuckers?" I made a post were I made a list of things that confused and I thought might need to be explained better. (At the time of this, the older post in question is dated 11 days ago.) And one of the things I misunderstood is apparently the red bar the character icons, which I am now guessing is a horny meter.

I thought that was an energy stamina bar. I thought I needed to wait for them to fill up some before assigning them to a guest. Person on the phone told me how to close the doors if I needed to, but did not explain why I would need to. Need some story telling, some tutorial, some thing to explain this bar is a horny bar and if they get too horny they will break into your office and cause you to lose time.

I have learned that apparently this is inspired by or parody of the Five Nights Of Freddy games. I have heard of them, never played them. Just came back to add a comment, that if anything I mentioned above I was confused about were things based on Five Nights Of Freddy game then I will like to give a last suggestion.

Work on the assumption there is a chance that your player has not played the original game your game is inspired by or parodying. So do not assume that players will already know how to do something, because that is how it was in original game. Work on the assumption that you will have to explain everything.

I just wanted to let you know I saw comment someone else posted recently saying they announced a release date on X. The release date for the finished version is currently set for November 15th.

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Now we can move on the security room. On the first day the phone call is an info dump of a lot of information that not everyone is going to process well just from hear it once, like me. And some things need better explaining. 

“Fix the fuse box.”
What fuse box? Where? I actually thought the fuse box was suppose to be in my office somewhere. Eventually found it.

“I put the current code on your corkboard.”
What corkboard? Where? Seriously, I actually never found the corkboard.

“Check in on [name].”
Who? Is there a part of the game were introduce the characters that got cut out for the demo? The only reason I figure out who I am suppose to be checking on is the heart icon. But I am also unclear why to check on her. Does she just stop for a bit, or is there another reason?

“Turn the valve.”
What valve? I think it took me few days to actually notice the valve I could interact with.

Artit, the green wolf. The one character whose name I know because of the plank on the wall. It seem she some how open one of the doors, and I do not know how. One time actually caught her standing in the door frame, and could not figure out what to do. I tried push the door button, but she kept the door from closing. I could not figure out how to push back into the hallway.

Sanity, fuse box, and valve. What do these effect?
I maintain all these things because I was told to do so, but I do not know why? What does the fuse box effect? Why should I fix it? What does the valve effect, why should I fix it when it starts leaking? What dose sanity impact? I had sanity drop to zero more then once and it was not game over. So you might want to explain to the player why managing any of these is important.

If this game is not my thing, I wish you best of luck of on your game development. Hope my constructive criticisms were helpful.

I looked at this and was unsure this would be my kind of game. But I noticed a demo. I figure trying the demo will not cost me anything and I could figure out if this would interest me or not. I have determined this is not my kind game. I am aware the game is still in progress, I think even finished this will not be my kind of game. I accept this, and do not fault the game for this.

However, still recognizing this is not my kind of game I have some constructive criticism of things I think you could improve since the game is still development. A lot of them are things were I do not know what I am doing so maybe you need to explain things better to the players. I will break it up between Night Club and Security Room.

Starting with the Night Club. Is remember which symbols are for which suppose to be part challenge? If this is suppose to be part of the challenge, then you can probably ignore this part. When I am looking at the camera map and see a room needs to be clean, I have tendency of trouble remember which room is which. So more then once I had to use the robot to look at the room door to which symbol they were. Simple suggestion I could make is include a symbol on camera map marking the rooms as Diamond Room, Spade Room, Club Room, Heart Room.

Playing with a gamepad I could not figure out how to answer the phone. Sincerely I tried use the game pad to get the phone before it hangs up, and I just kept pressing the button to open and close the right door. The only way could answer the phone was use my computer mouse.

I think it is Day 1 someone calls you to tell use the big red buttons to close the door to block one of the girls if the need should arise. What need? Why would I need to block the women? They explained how I can close the doors the doors, but failed to explain when or why I would need to do this. This was something I eventually figured out on my own, and it was linked to something else I misunderstood.

The red bars that are filling up by character icons, I misunderstood those. I assume those were energy or stamina. My thinking being that putting an employee with low energy to work would be negative outcome for the customer and/or the employee. Maybe the costumer will get more enjoyment if the employee has more energy less enjoyment if she has low energy. That was my thought process, which I eventually learn was wrong when a couple of bars got full and I was confused that I was unable to assigned these characters to a room anyway. So you might want to explain what those bars mean.

“Look out for anything suspicious.” Vague, but okay. Camera goes out in one rooms, and I figure maybe that’s just it. Maybe the camera is the suspicious thing I am suppose to look out for. But you do not tell us what to do when that happens. I tried cleaning the room. I tried using the room’s fuse box. I then took the robot inside the room with the broken camera trying to find something to interactive. I waste so much time try to figure out how to fix this room that I lose track of everything else. If there is an object in the room I am suppose to find and interact with, maybe that is on me for not finding it. Otherwise you might need to explain to players what they are suppose to do when they find “something suspicious” or when a camera breaks. Because I never could figure out how to fix the camera.

Took me moment for me to realize you were calling me sire because of my screen name, and that made me laugh when I my brain finally peice that together.

Just wanted to report a bug I found. When I am visiting someone at home and having sex, looking at the perform interaction menu, if I click on the option to cum on their boobs, I get error message. Tried this few different characters and same thing happens. Yet if I am close to orgasming and click fuck their boobs, have that interaction and asked where to cum, I can click cum on boobs and it works fine from there.

I will admit that the notice for updates does seem to work. I already downloaded one hot fix earlier without a problem.

I only found out this week, or maybe last week that Itch had an app. Currently still trying to figure out how best use to buy and download games myself.

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I just took a quick glance at their Pateron page. They last made a post on their Pateron page in February of this year. They could be more activate on X or Discord, I do not have a X account so I cannot see it. And I limited my Discord to just people I know. My point being, I do not know if they are active elsewhere.

I have seen games go long periods of time between updates. There last post being a some months ago this, we are on the long end of the spectrum. Yet did see one game it took a person about a year to finished an update. So currently not the longest gap I have seen between info updates.

It is possible something came up, and had been busy dealing with that. Maybe check again every months, or sometime next year if there if any news. Based on what I have seen with other game development, it could still go either way at this point.

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I tried downloading this through Itch's app, that seems to be running into problems. It fails to download. When I go to my download history it says, "An error occurred during installation No manager for installer unknow."

Not sure what that means. And there is a button for view details and I can get "data for nerds," that is really what they call it. The data for nerds is about paragraph of if, I can copy and paste if you request me to do so.

I can however go to Itch's website in my browser to download your game. That works for some reason. But I imagine downloading through the app would make it easier to get updates and bug fixes.

Would I be playing a hero or villain in this game? Or is the game I can be a hero or villain depending on my choices?

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I found a bug with one of your cards. The card is titled, "What Are You Doing Stepson?"

The card says it takes 4 hearts to buy it, but I have only been able to buy it with 6 hearts.

On a sidenote, I recently discovered Itch has an app. For some reason I cannot download this game through the Itch app. I can download it through a web browser no problem. But when I try downloading through the app I for some reason get this message, "No compatible downloads were found."

I seem to have found two bugs while playing the game online. Playing as Akili, the character of the wisdom token, I try using their special ability Bring Me Joy. I did when I am looking at the map before decide where I am going, and this seems to confuse the game. I can click on thinks, but nothing seems to make the game move forward.

Also I have incidents were I placed a token. Change my mind so I so I took the token out, then change my mind again and try place the token back. I cannot seem to be able to place same token back once I have taken it out of a slot choice. I can use a different token of the same type no problem. But I can use a token that I place on a choice, put back in pool, and try placing back on the same choice slot.

I am sorry about the war in Ukraine. I am glad you and your family are in a safer place now.

I do wish you the best of luck. I never played Brothel City. And I only came across this page recently, and I am not going to pay for an incomplete game that will never be finished. But looking at the pictures, and reading about it, the game could have been interesting. City building and adult only games are not two genres I would think to be mixed together, if successful it definitely would have stood out I think. And I probably would have given it a try.

I do think AltairPL makes all valid points. Given the lack of activity here, you probably would need a large amount of luck for a someone with game developing skills to randomly come across this post. However I do not want to discourage you from trying. Take in account all the feedback AltairPL already stated, realize you will have to put in some work to find and recruited some programmers/developers and other things. You said you have been working with a game developer company these past few years, so that probably has given some more insight, knowledge. skills, and/or connections you did not originally have when you tried making this game. You probably would still need other people's help to make the make game, but those added experience might help you during this second attempt.

In your original post you mentioned something troubles with marketing. I am not expert in marketing, but I think I understand lacking a gaming news site or magazine dedicated to adult only game it probably is an uphill battle to market such games. I did come across something that might help. "Might" being the keyword, as I am not an expert and do not how these things work. There are few YouTube accounts that review adult games. They cannot show the sex or nudity parts of the game, but they will show clips of parts of the game, and talk about game. Currently I have two that personally think is good, maybe found one think is better. But I will provide links to the ones I found so can at least see what I am talking about.

Sex Positive Gaming.

Adult Game Reviews

When you reach the point of having a product, maybe you can reach out them (or someone else you like better) and see if they will review your game. Maybe they will say yes. Maybe they will say no. Maybe they personally have a policy to not review games from companies/developers that reach out to them. I have no idea how these kinds of things work, it would be something you have to research and figure out yourself. But I wanted to share the knowledge that these kinds of YouTube accounts exist. Research and use that information as you see fit.

Whatever you decided to do, regardless if decided to make another attempt at this game or not, I wish you the best of luck.

I just started the game. Escape from the dudgeon, was trying to find the town Yotual mentioned.  So after Yotual left I went one screen left, and then one screen up.  Entered Misty Eben, and I did not get really far in that area.

Question not related to the bug: Is Rustmoor the town Yotual mentioned? Or is the town somewhere else in the woods. I originally thought Rustmoor was the town, but I found no NPCs or anything to do. Is there an entrance to below Rustmoor I missed, or do I need to look elsewhere in the woods to find this town?

Yesterday I was playing the in online demo , and  when I went to Misty Eben  I found myself being by the wolves through the walls. I assume this was a bug, and discovered you bug report form being locked so I could not post a bug there. I am guessing that was mistake.

I just had a thought. If this bug existed in the main game, it is possible the bug might also be the demo as well. You might want to check your demo version just in case.

Ah. I see. The issue is indeed, I am apparently that bad at these questions. 😅 Thank for addressing the bug in such a quick matter.

I look forward to you fix this bug. I have also discovered a new. I am now seeming to be getting the same two questions over and over again. I can understanding the chances of questions repeating. In theory I could be so bad that I have somehow gone through all the questions in the category. However for the last three in a row questions with Mark I am getting the same Sex question. "Sexually speaking, what does the acronym FWB stand for?"

And the last three questions in a row with Noah the same History question. "What city was the first capital of the United States?"

I save the game at this point. I doubt there is a way I can send you the file of the save game through Itch, but because I am wrong and incase it could help, letting you know I have that. I think I am going to stop playing for now.

And first time encountering a version of this bug with a History question. "In what year did the Titanic sink?" All the wrong answers say the correct answer is "Supporters of the exiled King. James of England."

Again is important, Noah got this question.

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And now similar bug with the question, "Who actually drew the real sketch of Rose in the film, Titanic?" All the wrong answers are saying Bette Davis, which is not among the listed choices.

Edit note: And now the same thing with the question, "Who played Wendy Torrance in The Shining?" All the wrong answers are saying Bette Davis.

So far this stuff with wrong answers has only been happening with the questions of Classic Movies category. I am going to restart my game and pick a different category. If it matters, Noah is the one getting the Classic Movie questions.

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I discovered a bug with one of the questions. Classic movies category.

"Who portrays the deranged motel owner in Pyscho?"

My choices were Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Perkins, and Anthony Quayle. I made a choice and was told the correct answer was Errol Flynn, which was none of my choices. I looked online the correct answer, and then used the back button to check all the answers. The correct answer works. I picked a wrong answer, and for some reason all the wrong answers for that question says Errol Flynn is the correct answer. Even thought the correct answer is working properly, I thought I should report this bug.

Edit note: I just encountered that again with the question: "Who was the male star in Deep Throat?" Again all the wrong answers say the correct answer is Errol Flynn.

Wait. Are you saying there was a setting to turn off the things I mentioned in the original version? .... I honestly do not remember that. If that is the case there is a chance I somehow failed to find that setting in the original game. Which knowing me is actually a totally possible thing.

I think they mean the game is for people of 18 years or older.

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For me was scenarios of sex without consent. I remember there your times were could fight people, and if you and they were female, you have your characters to force sex on the defeated person. Or they could force sex on your female characters if they defeated you and female characters in your party.

Also salves...... I do not know why slaves a was thing in the original game.  I tried to avoid the whole slave and dungeon thing, but somehow I still ended up with slave prisoner, I cannot remember details. It involved something with that thing that searched other dimensions for stuff. Maybe I chose poorly with a character without understanding the outcome of my choices. Regardless, I am not necessarily against the idea of taking prisoners if a game maker wanted to include such a function, but I would not want to rape or abuse them.

The following is just explain were my lines would. I understand they might sound like suggestions, making suggestions is not my goal. I just do not know how to better explain what my lines are in any other matter. I would rather options of trying to charm and winning them over to join my side of things, or release them if that fails and seems unlikely to happen. Or giving them to law enforcement for a bounty reward, assuming they have criminal record and have outstand warrant. Or lacking a criminal record, maybe ransom, maybe. I understand the ramson idea or charming a prisoner to join me would be a grey area, but they would have been a grey areas I would have been comfortable with then what was in the original game.

Those were things that bothered me in the original game. If those are things you actually want to keep in this version, then I will move on and accept this will not be my kind of game.

Reading your description I saw your explanation as towards why you are using different art for this version. I respect for respecting the original artists wishes.

Art aside, are there anything you think you might do differently in this version then original version? I ask this, because I played with the original SimBro some years ago. There were some things, yet other things I dislike. And the things I dislike were enough that I probably would not have pursed trying to finished the game, if they ever did finished it. So I am wanting to know if there is a chance you might do some things different, to see is it worth me to try following your development or not. If the answer is no, that's fine. I will accept this will not be my type of game then.

Hello. This is the first I have looked at game on Itch that comes with Steam key, and I mostly just wanted to ask question. Yes, I am aware this is DLC. But for some reason I could not post a comment on the main game.

Anyway, is there a difference between the game here vs buying the game on Steam? Is steam the only way to play the game and you simple selling Steam keys here to help people find your game? Or can I download and play the from both Steam and Itch, giving me the option to do both depending on my preference? Or am I wrong about everything and nothing I have said is anywhere close?