►Ideas for game mechanics:
Changing how your able to interact with the enemies; as I find it quite easy to just avoid enemies all together by just running past them, even set to very strong difficulty, the only one that really gives me any lick of trouble would be the pink slime, even then; once it lunges at you just roll toward it and you're free to leave.
Perhaps having a mechanic where you either have to sneak past them, have a stagger mechanic like a (backstab/headbonk or item specific*), or having to outright fight them in order to bypass them without grabbing/incapacitating you. Slimes feel really great when you land on/in them, but they do nothing unless you sit inside them for 10 seconds.
(The way it'd work is - You are either body blocked or have a high % change of being pushed down or grabbed if you tried running past any other way.)
strength or nimbleness could effect the chances of bypassing them successfully, if you don't want to use items to counter them. (I'm guessing you're going to add leveling later on, so would make the early game 'harder', as you level up you can bypass things more easily 'having encountered them so many times'.)
*(Item specifics: blinding powder for goatmen - made from a few things that you have to craft - three per stack only, large clothing bundle(?), occupies a slimes for a while they 'digest' them, raw fish meat bundle/kebab for the wolf boys
►Clothing suggestion:
maid dresses, pleeeeeeease! - hoodies - padded /metal crafted clothing (expensive - but protects against attacks with decent durability, reduced knock down effect, slowed effect from bulkiness)
► Buffs / Debuffs:
More Buffs / Debuffs relating to areas or monsters would be neat, like levels of slime, could slow you down considerably/slowly eat away at your durability/ raise heat depending on said slime, being covered in slime could also help get away from other monsters grabs, but not slimes themselves.
musk and/or cum covered from goat men: entering rooms where horny goat men jizz all over the place, place would be slick and musky, makes it harder to fight off goatmen who grab you when under it's effect, possible addiction, where you would have to come back to collect their cum.
Pheromones from plants/bugs: possible after being grabbed or sprayed by later plants/bugs, making the player character slowly walk toward them in a dazed state, either flipping the controls or having the player character fight off the urge quite like a grab attack does, lingering effects - will increase heat substantially from further grab attacks until effects wear off.
►Enemy traps:
Would be honestly really cool seeing monsters lay traps out, Like imagine wolfs dropping small stacks Infront of the brush they jump out of, goatmen barricading a door behind you forcing you to fight inside a room, slimes adding more slime making it tough to deal with them, different slimes add different effects to the slime puddles
Booby trapped food or clothing: pill infused, slime/cum covered clothing,
Slime / cum puddles: Different effects from (green slow; yellow durability damage; pink/cum heat increase), cum in deeper rooms could make you slide around more making dealing with them an issue.
► Food suggestion: I haven't played on lowered resource settings, I'd suggest normal setting be tweaked, a full run of the town is enough to fully feed yourself and stock pile food for your home, you have way to many POIs with food that spawns, either tweak the spawn rate or have drugged/tapered food added, making poi food risky to take, would make foraging or fishing near a lake/pond the main source of food instead of running into a store, grabbing 10 things and leaving before anything manages to notice you
►Enemy ideas:
town/shopping district: Mimic items/containers (wearing more then two or more clothing mimics would set a timer, after a while they'll attempt to grab you, or jump off and reform into some sort of monster or an og mimic - the more mimic items the stronger it'll be. Or the OG mimic where the container just pulls you inside, if you interact with it inside a shop
Infected survivors: random/pre generated characters [from the character select], they are huddled in some shops, or are wondering the streets, but they will try and attack you, could either be 'zombie/feral' or raider like enemy,
'Zombie/fearl' like: would chase you down and swipe/lunge at you
Raider like: would/could have weapons they could use making them dangerous, they block attacks and try to counter much like goat men do
They could attempt to drag you into a near poi or a set poi where theres more inside if you were to 'black out' against them, holding you captive
Some sort of hanging/flying enemy, another possible plant? Possible hanging tendrils/vines that'll pull you up, or even a spider/bird?
Wolves don't have enough time to stalk you, as you can just run and hop through the forest, making them a non issue, being forced to crawl under something would work in tandem with wolves stalking mechanics, and possibly even the pit plant too if they team up!
Hope I don't seem too harsh or critical in my post... You're doing a wonderful job! Thanks for the game n all, can't wait to see what the final release could bring, hopefully we get to see you passion project come to life~ ='nwn'=