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need to get a patch for it

thats ok then, thank you

Incest? With whom? I mean I could possibly imagine, but then this Story would be a fixed event, and everything that will happen, already has. Assuming were talking about being the Twins Dad. Which even I'm starting to suspect, might be the case. Thing is, this Story seems to be in a first phase shift. So how were the Twins actually there, at the start then?

Better question, what are the chances that you end up being your own Dad? 'cause that to me (At the moment), is feeling just as likely.

Otherwise I was under the impression that the MC, was an orphaned only child, with no Blood relative's, so Incest?! like I mentioned not sure I'm seeing it. 


the twins, and maybe skylar and maybe the Krystal girl are all legit possibilities at this point...

*Slaps head* Durr forgot about them... But, are we also thinking that you're your own Father in this Game? Its starting to feel that way a bit. Probably doesn't help that you look like the Dad at his age. (in the flashback / dreams scenes).

Seems unlikely given the woman who is raising him isn't his mom if i recall right - i actually dont recall any reference to his mother in the past period... as for looking like his dad - i believe thats been oddly mentioned several times -- which does raise questions - but given the reaction of the present day version of the past girls - it seems safe to say that he likely isnt his own dad - or they wouldnt be saying that the kids dads left them suddenly and never returned - which indicates that something happens to MC that prevents him from returning to them ... given he seems torn between the past and present worlds - i would hope we get a choice at the end for which world he stays in - but im getting sidetracked. I suspect MC may get disfgured at some point - not sure why but thats my read on the situation so far. So far- the story is gripping - but we will have to see where things go and what direcion the Author takes things.... Something about Scarletts sister though has me all.... curious... i feel like the author has something big planned for her.... (Also, side note... i have theories about what happens to Jenny and the MC's dad and Scarletts sister..... but Id rather not say anything about it here just in case im right about the path Author is taking.... i dont want to spoil the surprise for the others...)
(2 edits) (+1)

MC is a father to himself? Alright, who impregnated mother of his father, was it his father? If yes, all fathers in that crazy chain of reincarnations without any beginning or end are MC. No, it's mind crackling.


(3 edits)

Hmm... I don't think so. Regardless of whether MC cum inside Scarlett and Khloe, girls Alice, Alyssa and Krystal exist in future. You can check. On the other hand, it's quite possible that MC is Skylar's father, but we can't figure it out by the end of Ep7, as MC has no intimate relationship with Luna (yet?).


Is Scarlett optional? hmmm... will have to test that.... also, author may have plans for separate line to explain their father in the event that mc doesn't cum in Scarlett or others....  but i thought Scarlett seemed like a non-optional in my last playthrough- but maybe that's because i like her so much... 

Anyways.... Scarlett seems very likely because it would appear that Scarlett never moved on from the MC ... no references to other guys or attempts at dating (to my memory) ... and shes still hung up on him if she kept the pictures of him all these years -- I just don't buy that she had a one-night stand with some stranger  so soon after her romance with Mc - specially when you factor in the ages of the twins with the current timeline (timelines are what... 20 years apart - and the twins are like 19? Adding in gestation time... and the timeline just seems too close to believe she went out with another guy so soon when she knew MC could be gone for long periods of time with no clue when he would be back...)

(4 edits)

Come on, who's not into the most beautiful and hottest Scarlett? She's the real woman! I don't have a save to check if her route is optional. By the way there is a reference to Scarlett's ex she's eager to break up due to his cheating on her. In the beginning of their first meeting in park, do you recall? MC and she take pictures while kissing. I also don't buy an idea that Scarlett could have some one-night stand between MC's visits, but she could be already pregnant from her ex. That might explain why twins still exist in future.

Scarlett still has a huge crush on MC and this is the reason why she keeps their pictures all the time. Either way, there are a lot of vague events that need to be explained in future episodes.

Well I meant future/present? scarlett makes no mention of anyone AFTER MC I will do a speed run tonight though - and see if Scarlett is optional - i cant shake the feeling that she ISNT...

*Will have to use great willpower to leave her alone*

Yes.. lots of things and questions i am looking forward too seeing answered....