Yes, I've read your post on "medical issues", that's sad :(
Back to the game - pretty sure I've tried to eat all the flowers during the stream (this VOD that I gave a link on here). I did noticed the txt file with the playthrough a much later, when I already finished the video - all of these games I play blindly. By using Twitch as a cloudservice just to record my videos there - as no one really watching me there - I can crank up the bitrate as much as I want. Not to mention that I don't have enough of an HDD storage for all these video anyway.
Most of the time I try to get all the endings in "one go", but finding secrets and easter eggs that is something I cannot and probably never do because it consumes time. Some people are great with finding secrets fast and I am not that kind of a person, sorry. Not to mention you need to cut all of your nonsensical walking in a search of a specific spot from the video because no one wants o watch it. Well, technically I can do like a "walkthrough" videos, but this means I need to complete game first and THEN make a video on it - and this doesn't work because first I've already got a 1k rpg maker games that I need to complete, and second I've tried it this and it doesn't work for me at all, causing toooo much stress and can lead to a complete meltdown. Besides, I am losing all the interest while doing second playthrough - doing repetetive actions triggering me so hard, so I just cannot do it anymore. It is easier to play another 10 games in a row, then just replay something twice. I deeply apologize for that :(
But! When I get to some milestone, let's say I complete 500 or 1k games for example, I am planning to do a followup on some of these games. Maybe even with commentary, but I am not sure yet (it will be probably just another small video in addition to the main one in the playlist). Maybe I'll do just a one video essay on that topic, recommending some of the really unique and obscure ones from my entire collection. The bad thing - it will be probably done in my native language, because I am not feeling confident enough taling about all of this on english.