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ñ̴̥o̴t̶͎h̵ï̸̘n̷̩ģ̸̥ ̵̳ẗó̶̡ ̴̫͔ś̷̗e̶ė

A member registered May 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Oh ok, that's explains everything!

yt playthrough:

A masterpiece!

playthrough on yt:

What I have to do after I get onboard? Swimmed in every corner - nothing.

Did I miss anything?

Was Annie was m*lest3d by PDF's or she was kidnapped by a cult?

yt playthrough:

heh thanks :)


wow, ESC button doesn't exit to main menu anymore - that's a big progress 🙃

To all seriuosness, game is visually looking cool and unique... too bad it's only a demo for now. I hope you will not lose your motivation for making the second part\full version of it.

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yt "playthrough":

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I am planning to make a follow up on some of these games I've downloaded and played, maybe replaying on stream. This is why I tend to skip games that have a word "demo" somewere in the title, desciption or file name - I am recording them, completing and moving on to the next one so I want the version I playing be the final experience. Right now I still have my goal of completing 1k games. Most of them are short not being demos anyway, so it's not hard as it sounds. I think I am at mark of 250 or something like that

So yeah, there probably will be a second list of games for replay :) Games like "Doomspiral" or "Lost cause" for example - the first was really raw and second was completed blindly so I miss a lot of content in it. Also I consider "obscurity" criteria - no point in playing something that already was played and recorded by literally everyone on yt (like YumeNikki clones, for example).

About your game specifically - there is also a guy on yt by nickname "CreepiCatfish", who also in a search of something rare and weird, so maybe he gonna be the first one who will play the newer and final version before me :D This how I found your profile in the first place btw - he completed "You Me and Yourself" and "Blage" before me and then I decided to record them with an upscaler myself.

Also a playthrough of "You Me and Yourself":

Вот, собственно, видео с неполным прохождением:

A yt playthrough:

yt playthrough:

Just like in one of Black mirror episodes... But not as dark, I guess.

Full playthrough:

(6 edits)

Немного не ожидал, что игра примёт серьёзный оборот. Думал что это целиком будет про жизнь школьниц, даже без намёка на какую-либо прблематику.

Единственное что очень не понравилось - отсутствие сохранений во второй половине игры, и это уже ТРЕТЬЯ игра что мне попадалась которая делает так. В данноv случае не то что сохраниться, меню открыть нельзя. Сохранения жизненно необходимы, поскольку эти игры  никто как следует не тестирует - шаг влево, шаг вправо и вылет - не говоря о глючности самих РПГ мейкеров.

Не важно что игра короткая - сохранения нужны, чтобы не пришлось перепроходить один и тот же момент по n раз. Что особоенно критично для стримов или записи видео.

И вот ещё. Настоящее разрешение окна игры что-то вроде 910x733. Изначально игра запускается в меньшем разрешении, что делает картинку дёрганной и "рваной" из-за того что эти движки даунскейлят скорее всего  по "nearest neighbor" - особенно страдают градиенты и гладкие края линий, как будто картинку сложили пополам и потом развернули обратно. Чтобы с точностью до пикселя изменить разрешение окна я использовал Sizer 4.0.

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Full playthrough in 2 parts:

mcp=865 then

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Yeah, that's a common problem with archives, and I've made an article about this:

TLDR: you need the right "codepage" to unpack files with such symbols correctly. I assume the creator of this game is in some scandinavian country, but from which exactly?

(2 edits)

Really emotional game, but I feel like I've missed something. Here's a full playthrough:

John refuses to go to the right side of his bedroom, and the game has ended on chapter 2 for me. Also the screenshot of the bedroom on the preview differs from what I have. Moreover, I have found a bug: game hangs when you try to go to the attic - after entering password on the notebook.

There was a lot of bugs, and some of them were game breaking. I don't know, if I even managed to complete it - the screen fades to black after "shoting that bitch dead" scene on the balcony.

hello, game looks cool, can you please upload it as an archive?

Я прошёл только "alpha 0" версию, загадки естественно пока не разгадал. В версии 0.5 не понравилось отсутствие бега и не понятно куда идти на последней (пятой) карте.

Не смог отгадать загадку со сферами. Я так понимаю, порядок в ктором включать иллюстрирует эта картинка с сайта:

Но, видимо, игра заглючила и теперь ничего не работает :(

Ну и отсутствие сохранений тож какое-то очень странное решение.

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Сорри что старался сделать игру потише - она ведь задумывалась как "визитная карточка" музыканта. Боялся, что Твич замьютит\ютуб страйканёт :)

Ну и боёвку тоже старался скипать, ну думал что она вообще здесь будет. Обычно я играю только в "симуляторы ходьбы".

Game looks cool, can you upload it please as a file? I will play it on my stream then.

(1 edit)

Full playthrough on YT:

Did I miss anything?

1) The bird creature says something about champagne - is it real to find?

2) A train below the school desk - can it be openned or is it just a decoration?

Also I found a bug where you stuck in "egyptian" room and only reloading a save helps.

Ok, it's fine :)

I can understand you. Sorry for rubbing salt into the old wound.

(3 edits)

I've managed not only to found the 15-th card but also a bug on the "Thank's, Pal!" location: after completing a race I cannot exit it.

So, I think I've answered my own question about the ending, but at same time doesn't :) I mean collectiong all the bacon doesn't change the ending in any way, but I cannot check if having all cards does. Still missing 8-th card.

(6 edits)

Hello! Do I need to collect all bacon strips to get a good ending? Because I cannot find the last three anywhere... And the last card as well. Also the game still have some bugs, that you can see on a video.

YT playthrough:

Is there obly one ending?

Pretty sure I've missed something again :)

Ok, I mean right now the game is only playable in browser on game's page itself, but you can also attach files to page. Example on other pages: - there is a "downoad" button for the archive (or installer or whatever).

This is how you do it on you own project's page:

And I actually thought, that make a playable game in browser is much harder, than just upload a file :)

(2 edits)

hello, can you please upload this and your other games as a zip archives? If this is possible, off course.

(4 edits)

The 4-th wall breaking moment was cool, doesn't see many rpg maker games doing this (besides reeealy obscure and weird ones). YT playthrough:

I've found a bug with the code.txt file in game folder: sometimes when you open the file and try to enter it in the game, Ethan says that the code is incorrect then game generates a new one which doesn't work as well, and so on...

It might be realtaed to loading a save file somehow, I am not really sure how it works. I'll try to not delete this portion in video yet, so you can still see this - it's the last portion of the video, after the ending.

Бедный Стёпа  :(

Привет, я застрял на моменте где нужно проводить гг до дома:

Куда бы я не приходил получаю "Нао упала и разбилась". Уверен, что перепробовал всё что можно было и что это - баг.
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Любобытная игра, десерт бас от мира рпг мейкера:

Но её невозможно пройти из-за бага: однажды попав в пещеру и взяв конверт от скелета, игра считает что теперь у тебя конверт есть всегда - даже при следующих попытках. Точно так же и с другими ветвями прохождений, игра запоминает твой стейт и ты ходишь по кругу.

Т.е. концовки здесь не рандомны. Возможно так игра и задумывалась, но что-то уж ооочень сложно выходит, это нужно чтобы идеально всё срослось при первом прохождении (чтобы первая концовка была удачной - "доставить всё в срок"), дальше ты надеешься что тебя застрелят пограничники и только в самом конце разбираешься с конвертом. Далее проходишь с ним, а потом уже в самом конце вскрываешь - как-то так.

yt playthrough:

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Yep, I didn't mentioned it because this is the only one that worked. It is in the video. Why do the first door exists anyway? Did I miss something, like a secret? Because I am sure the game is pretty linear, you cannot give the carrot back to the "main villain", nor you cannot decline his invitation for a tea. You cannot chose to not follow the first bunny either. Same with the library, for example - it feels like it was placed there for something other than just one quote.

Pretty game, don't get me wrong here, and I really like the visuals but it feels raw. It feels like it started somewhat ambitios and was planned to be bigger, but unfortunately get limited by a Jam's deadline and never finished after.

I've seen a lot games like this, take for example "Golden Path" - very interesting premise, it even has a voiceacting. But there is no real "ending" to the story - the game just throws "to be continued" at you when you done with all of the tasks. There was a clear foreshadowing on the next part or a "full" version, but there is no mentioning of the word "demo" in title nor description.