Man I loved this. Absolutely frickin cool idea, and has such a vast potential, I'm kind of jealous I didn't think of it :D Seriously though, the core concept and mechanics are superb, and the world has the potential to be something really quite original and very very cool. Only cos I loved it so much, I'm gonna give some constructive criticism on the art, for me it was the thing that failed to meet the standards set by the other parts of the game. For me, pixel art is a matter of scaling, and really the kind of size portraits and detail needed for the cut scenes needs a lot of work, and is easily the hardest thing to do with pixel art. Like, it's worth it, but it will take a long time and a lot of work to get a pixel art cutscene looking as good as it needs to be to support the rest of the game. You could consider digitising some photos or pixellating some vector art using whatever pixel art software you use, or even getting AI to do it just for the cutscene portraits and then keep the backgrounds in the style you have. The main game sprites are cool but I think they could be made just amazingly awesome with a bit of work, if you basically get a OG pokemon ash type sprites and use a MSX, NES or GBC palette. Like, I'm not sure if it's your thing, if your learning pixel art then sweet, within a few iterations you'll be getting there anyway, if it's a drag for you then just get on Fiver or something and get some made up, or even just find assets on Unity Store or wherever, or I'd be more than happy to do some 16 x 16 sprites for you, just cos I love this idea so much, no charge obvs :D But tbh it's all subjective stuff and maybe you much prefer this style, and that's totally cool but I would think about the cutscenes.
Aaaanyway, back to the game - man I LOVE the cards, they totally rock. Awesome art and characters. So cool ;) Game loop is really cool and fun, I'd defo like to see day/night cycle, character has to go home, speak to mum, maybe have some interactables and stuff - bit kind of Persona ish :) Also I think each time you unlock a character in the shop they should appear on the map in day time and you can interact and maybe play them at the card game. This might happen, I've only played for 25 mins so far and failed badly at first haha, but it hadn't happened so far. Also, I think you need more interesting and varied idle animations, that'd be cool I think. If you did bring other characters on map, they could even be doing things, like on swings or kicking a ball or playing the card game.
So yeah, absolutely frickin cool idea, really well executed in the time, and basically a brilliant effort and a triumph of the boot camp method haha :D