the game looks so cool and i now this is a old demo but here are just some things i noticed
the knife is kinda confusing with the timing espically cause if u swing it before the cutscene plays u insta die so u can never actual start a melee incounter u have to just react to it which is kinda weird espically cause u can still swing the knife before the cutscene so it feels kinda useless and a bit misleading (not sure if thats the right word tho)
also the bullet deflecting is good and satisfying but i wish u could see the bullet its kinda hard to tell whats happening (it also feels like you kinda have to wait for the bullet to come towards u like it kinda halts the gameplay slightly instead of being sort of a insistent reaction thing it feels more like a timing thing but instead of it having to block immediately u have to wait a bit but that in the middle of fast gameplay is a bit weird i did get used to it tho so idk)
also i think the green guys are shooting big white balls at me but idk if they do damage its kinda hard to tell what they are
other than that tho the game is so cool love the post void type gameplay and the aesthetic is fire (sorry bout the grammer)