This game was really impressive and in terms of psychological horror, its top tier. Everything had a purpose and every item in this game was beautifully designed, completely interactable and had great purpose to the entire setting and story. I really can't wait for the full game cause I can tell it was made meticulously. I love the raindrop effect on the lens!!!
there were a couple of bugs that I experienced that I wanted to share:
I got stuck and was unable to move on the basement pallet after placing down the groceries and had to start the game over. I also experienced a bug when I did something out of order and the journal would not let me progress. I talk about this in detail as well as other suggestions in my video below.
If you want, you can also vote on my channels page for your game to win best indie horror game of january, if it wins in this round it will move forward to the next and I'm rendering and 3D printing a scene or monster from the winners game.