I always loved the level in Rayman 2 where you saw through the eyes of a monster hunting Rayman. I'm surprised this kind of thing isn't done more in games. At first your game felt really intense because of this! I was rushing to gather ammo. I also laughed a bit more than I should have at the game over screen, which I won't spoil for anybody here.
The simple black and white aesthetic goes a long way to making things feel surreal as well, helped by the monster animations.
There needs to be more feedback. While I appreciate the collision physics, the player is too fast with no footstep sound effects either. The timer is slightly buggy, especially with how it renders a new minute or seconds that are single-digit. The feedback for shooting an enemy is non-existent. Colliding with objects makes no sound.
Also perhaps the music dissonance was intentional, but I feel like you could make this a horror game by adding monster roaring sound effects and a more intense soundtrack that takes longer to loop.