I'M SORRY JETH .... i really don't know what to think about that guy. i bounce between "maybe i CAN match his freak !" <-------> "this is the worst thing anyone has ever said to me" several times in the span of one conversation with him LOL... at least he's funny (unintentionally)...????
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haha ı think many of us in similar situation with him X3 here is small spoilers: (pls dont read ıf you dont like them >-<) in Villains heart he was like first person who caught my eye actually and ı was like '' oh he looks level headed and clever perhaps he will be my favorite villain!'' XD thorough the game ı somehow didnt mind his antics one way or another even there were times when ı was shocked XD but the more ı played the game the more he showed his freak side so ı was like in between of loving or not loving him... until what happened at his route's ending and when he pulled that knife because ı rejected him while ı was playing Mikalis's route -_- ı still like his antics but ı think ım leaning more on ''yea.... ı guess he is one the worst of LIs lol'' XD