Sweet. So now the only other major roadblock I've hit (that hasn't cleared up with some troubleshooting) is how to add an extra .gd file of my own, because I couldn't make that work at all. I presume that has to do with something outside the basic scripts folder?
Yeah, if I were thinking to make a mod for more than just my own private use, I'd probably try to work out a nice integrated restriction like those you mentioned. Or if it turns out that I wind up using it too much, I guess, but I doubt that'll be an issue.
For the traits, I'm definitely putting a lot of work into expanding the dialogue based on various traits and trait combinations. First step is just working on the basic Talk Mode thing -- just trying to make sure I grasp the flow enough to make things work without breaking things (the first major step! spent way too long troubleshooting just to realize I'd forgotten a colon and a quote somewhere). I've been having way too much fun making up randomized dialogue options for Foul Mouth (and I don't usually like things with swearing! but it feels weird to have slave characters with such a pronounced trait who talk just the same as everyone else even when being outraged at their captor).
Next step will be to change the character descriptions again (I did this in a previous attempt, but I want to start from scratch), making them more condensed and flowy and less gamified. Bits I've thought of include, let's see... logic for when the sizes for two things are equal, nearly equal, or very unequal, then making the sentence combine them ("small X and Y"), use a basic "and" ("small X and average Y"), or contrast ("small X but huge Y" or "huge X but small Y"). Combining longer hair with description of chest ("her long hair flows down and around her large breasts", "his long hair contrasts his muscular chest"), depending on hairstyle. Describing the clothing they're wearing, once I figure out how to reference items/gear (butler suit, geisha outfit, but also handcuffs or slave collar, etc.).
My first attempt was mostly to get rid of the genital description because I'm not the kind of "master" who wants to see penises every time I enter a room (I initially changed them to how far apart they spread their legs). And even the way they stand or the way they look at me could be switched up based on traits and/or stats.
Later on I'll be trying to revamp the sex scenes a bit, see what I can do without breaking everything. I definitely want the Dominant/Submissive stuff to work more like Omegaverse, and the non-human cocks to actually matter. And the thing that actually got me into modding was being halfway through a scene when the term "rectum" was used, and then "shit hole", and I'm like "......well, someone doesn't have a firm grasp on reasonable sex-scene terminology" (or possibly just English registers -- the idea that certain terminology works in doctor's offices and not in the bedroom) and then I went "hmm, wonder how hard it would be to change this stuff..." and down the rabbit hole I went.