Really cool game! I find the puzzles really endearing although simple, its really well thought out! It definitely gives me that Aha moment everytime I finish a level! I wish there were more incentives on bringing the ducks into the finish because I could just carry one duck or no ducks to finish the level rather than every ducks. I like th interpretation of the theme as well, its really creative! The visual design is also really awesome! Its giving me gameboy retro game which I lovee. An indicator for winning would be great instead of just going back to the main menu! The audio design is really nice with perfectly fitting chiptune music and also the quack but I would love to see more sound effects implemented when the duck is moving (splashing sound effects maybe or something) and also when the duck moved the rocks. Overall, really cute and awesome game and would love to see it more in the future! Great job!
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Thank you so much for the detailed and constructive feedback! And I'm glad you enjoyed the game :3
We had most of the same points on our radar, we just didn't have the time to add them. Basic score UI and high score tracking, along with some sort of minimum duckling requirement (half?) was was one of the top priorities we didn't manage, along with simply adding more levels. We'd have liked a splashing sound effect for movement as well, and a bump sound when you try to move but can't. We hadn't suggested a pushing sound though, good idea! And the lack of victory screen is an omission for sure, returning to the main menu was the ultra quick solution that at least made the game presentable haha