So, I got the first loop rolling! And did a first build.
Currently levels are proceduraly generated with increasing dificulty.
Some double jump power up (Golden ball) and power down (Black ball) are randomly spawned, player can have up to 10 an they keep persitant through levels.
As of today there is no feeback on how many Pup you have.
Current bug: if you have only one Doublejump stored it doesn't trigger and you loose it. i've postponed the fix for later. Work around is to wait to have two of them before using it.
The goal is to jump on the right side of the level and proceed to next.
- Move: Keyb A & D, Gamepad left stick
- Jump: SpaceBar, Gamepad A button
It's till rough, but if you wanna try it out:AllInHoles(Aprox 80Mb)
Source is here: AiH Source