Heya, thanks for the comment!
1. I tend to shy away from the term since people don't tend to agree on specifically what it means, but I can tell you that there will be female characters with penises, yes c:
2. No; this isn't that sort of game. It's not actually possible to betray Ishura, as the story will accomodate however Yshel chooses to act. The plot will have much more of a romance plot than a "get into everyone's pants" plot. As for the items, you don't strictly *need* any of them; they all open new opportunities at some point, but none of them are a requirement to continue. It's just about choosing what you think might benefit you the most.
3. Yes, it really is a puzzle :d the solution can be figured through the markings etched into the wood.
4. That's actually a bug, yes Dx it cropped up when I changed the way the minigame works. It's patched already for the next version I'll be posting (v0.2.2), but for this verson and the first chapter 2 patch it will remain broken. The good news is though it's all caught by the internal flags, so even though it's not in the inventory, your save should be safe if you move forward with it, so long as I remember to address it down the line :d
I appreciate the kind words! SD is in a bit of a shakey place right now just because life has been a bit unkind to me the past 6ish months, and development of the project has slowed down a lot. What I will say, though, is that you shouldn't expect some harem-style porn game. Content-wise there will be some VERY fetishistic encounters down the line (chapter 2 will be a particularly interesting one for Yshel), but those aren't the main focus of the experience since I'm gunning to make SD more of a story with very explicit adult scenes, and not so much just a 'get your rocks off' game c:
As much as I'd appreciate the financial support, I'd suggest maybe you hold off if you're having doubts! While development is slow, new builds will eventually release here for free, and you can maybe get a better taste of what to expect with those ^^ I wouldn't want anyone to feel short-changed by pledging support too early into the project.