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A member registered May 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you so much <3 I'm always humbled to hear positive experiences with the game :3

Yes, the outfits system will be enabled from the start of chapter 2, and the collected outfit will be accessible then! You'll be able to change in and out of them at-will, and each one will alter encounters and interactions accordingly ^^

I've adopted some of the habits I write into my characters xd

Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you've enjoyed SD so far <3

Hey, thank you so much for your kind words! ;-; It means a lot to read comments like this <3 

Don't worry about supporting if you can't afford it, for now at least, all new updates will only be timed-exclusive for supporters c: as a means of generating a little income for myself, since this is basically my full-time job aha

And yes! If by futa you mean feminine characters with male equipment xd there are several characters like that lined up for the story

I have absolutely no experience in developing for mobile platforms, so an android version is not a very likely possibility :v sorry! Maybe if the game ever gets off the ground and I can progress past a one-person dev team, it can be a future prospect.

Thank you so much <3 I'm happy to see people enjoying it!

Thank you so much! Substar is only preferable because Patreon is becoming less and less welcoming to NSFW creators :d your support on either platform is extremely appreciated tho <3

The post office is inside Fae'lyen Trideu, the general store c: you have to hand the slip off to Eloise

Fae'lyen Trideu doubles as a shop and post office!

I can't post spoilers on the main game page, so maybe the best idea is to join the discord community and ask there ^^ there's been a few questions about the lockbox combination before

The lockbox has a clue to hint you towards the correct combination. See if you can work it out from that!