Alright, this one is a little rough to review, honestly. I immediately love the oldschool nes-style graphics, and was actually looking forward to getting into this one for some fun, simple combat, but I mechanically cannot figure out how to play this game. The amount of controls is overwhelming for what looks (amazing presentation, for the record) like it's going to be a straightforward old Gameboy game. My brain was not prepared for the complexity at all.
It does pain me to write that, for the record, because it's also apparent that a TON of work went into this, and there's a ton of stuff just on the edge of being epic. A game jam just isn't the right venue, usually, for this type of game. In the context, folks here have about 30 games to choose from in just a few days. Give me a game, make it simple to interface with, and teach me how to do so within the game as much as you can. If I have time to sit back down with this before the jam ends I definitely will, it has a promising look but too much overhead to get into. In the end, you finished with something I'd like to revisit, and that's a point of pride I hope. Thanks for giving me a game to play!