Nice video, pretty funny ending. Also thanks for the criticism, I've been wanting some more criticism other than "Cool game, good job"
I would also like to say congrats, you cracked the code on the RPG sprites (LOL)
I was not a great designer at the time (I'd say I'm not even all that good even now -_-) so I just took some sprite from the internet and enhanced the colours a bit As for Remilia, she's just a re-textured version of Reimu except without even knowing who the hell she was (<_<)
Why i thought "Hey, this looks good (Submit)" I will never know
The songs where just covers from midis i had on my computer at the time (That one you hear during the game is Virtual Riot - Energy Drink) in case you are wondering.
I'm surprised you didn't give up on level 3. Every time I come back to my to this game that level gives me nightmares. So good job.
And finally the English.
I think you can tell i'm not very good at it even though its my mother language (LOL)
So thanks for taking your time to actually play my game. Hopefully I don't sound like i'm too bitter about it, I actually fully agree with all your statements. So thanks again, I hope you have a nice day :3