Wonderful, thank you for these! I might change it around a bit (I've been using DVD cases for DC homebrews, to fit the style late and after market releases went with) but this will definitely give me enough to work with! :)
I'll be working on another DC project soon, and maybe it's a good idea to make official box art for people who want to have something physical. Thanks for putting me onto it!
I don't know how many people are like me and like to make their own boxes for games that doesn't have any but I bet there's quite a few! :) Here's how mine turned out (I always go with the japanese orange because that's how all my after market shmups are designed and I like the consistency)!
Just thinking, this week I'm editing together a little making of video for this project, would you been okay with me including your box art in the video and maybe thumbnail? (With on-screen credit and links to anywhere you like in the video description obviously)
But of course! There's no need to link anything, my irl name (Starfighter Johansson) is enough! :) Are the ones I linked here enough or do you want larger pictures and/or scans?
Thank you! If you have higher res versions of the images that you posted here that would be great, but the ones here should be fine if you don't or its a pain to get them :)
These are the only ones I have currently saved, so if they're enough then go ahead and use them! If you need larger ones during your project, perhaps if the existing ones end up looking pixelated or blurry, then let me know and I'll take new photos and save them at a larger resolution.
The video went up a couple of hours ago, I showed your box art for a few seconds near the end and used it as the thumbnail. Thank you again so much for making it, it's really fantastic to see stuff like that being done for something I made <3