hi and thank you! it's very nice to see developers understanding that it's totally fine to make and delve into characters that are evil while holding these characters accountable for their actions. thank you so much for even addressing the fact that people can be disturbed by his behavior, it's a very observant and kind thing for you to do! i'm also sorry that you have experienced people like him in your life, it must've been really tough but on the bright side you at least have some kind of experience for writing them, haha
i personally find myself drawn to characters like jeth in a psychological manner, he is charming in a DNA way and i am fond of the way he reacts to things that are new to him- by being morbidly curious. you wrote him really well and i found myself interested in the way that he acted and wondered what his story really was. and when i did, i came to find out that he was groomed for his behavior which doesn't excuse it but what i really took from it was the budding curiosity that he had from the very beginning. i think it's fascinating that he's curious about the TO and i think it's fascinating that he's curious about the world that they're from. this is no shade to any creators and obviously people deserve to create what they love but villain characters that are humanized will always have me drawn to their behavior.
and so i found myself fluttering in circles around the villains, flip flopping between feeling extremely connected with them and getting upset about the things they do. i think i am very easy to manipulate if you can put ur mind to it LOL. you put so much care into jeth's character and i, PERSONALLY, could see him being confused and curious at the same time even if he doesn't truly express it since he's... well, you know, jeth. AND OMG! RUWIN AND JETH COMPARISON FTW!! i always thought they were similar in some kind of aspect but couldnt put a finger on it teehee.
oh man... i hope it's not me misinterpreting his character but i am joyful that his overwhelming yearning is on par for his lust for violence and power. and i'm glad that you wrote him to be that way! aka having a longing so deeply struck into him to the point of making him irrational and completely off his game! so cute! i dont think i'll ever romance jeth in a way that matters to him because i enjoy the prospect of torturing him with the painful HURTFUL HORRIBLE feeling of never being able to get something you TRULY want . (DISCLAIMER; i just really like unrequited love. it's delicious and jeth is a perfect victim for it) i also get a kick off of a bad man having to come to terms with his emotions in the most hurtful way possible ^q^ yessssss please go ahead and figure out ur yearning and heart break at the same time while KNOWING that the TO forgave you for almost killing them.

and i think my canon routes will always be with the 'heroes' of ADW or........... ashur... i guess (rolling my eyes) LOL. and personally i liked the way you portrayed him and the way he switches between two faces helped me like him even more fdakjgfdjkg, there are two wolves inside of you. a sick and twisted assassin with the desire to watch the world from the sidelines and a failguy who cannot for the life of him get the TO to like him because he cannot help but go freak mode every time he is shown a semblance of a smile from them.
and ive been drawing a lot lately for the forums haha, it's all doodles but i hope it isn't too much! and as always thank you for responding!