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Arcane Dice Wars

RPG/VN Isekai Hero Collecting Amare Adventure · By coffeedripstudios

fan art >_<! and fan girling!

A topic by noodie created 59 days ago Views: 1,105 Replies: 49
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HI EVERYONE! oh wow, i'm a little embarrassed to share these here but i think it'd be nice to share it with more fans of ADW! ^q^/  but this game has ruined my life (good thing) and i enjoy it with every single update! ive always been quite fond of more indie titles of anything i like whether thats the romance genre or things like fantasy, ive always gravitated towards things that people put their heart and soul into. and im SO glad to have found arcane dice wars in the midst of it. oh my goodness, the amount of time ive spent gushing over certain dialogues or getting progressively upset (GOOD THING) about the damn hydra in the sewers, im so fond of it. ive even started recc'ing it to people i know HAHA which is funny considering that they dont really play these kinds of games on a regular, i still do it though because that means i care abt it!!! i care about arcane dice wars sm!!!!!!!! and its such a joy to read everyones community posts whenever i can... im a tad bit shy so i havent responded at all ahhhh but once i muster up the courage ill be sure to respond in my own way!!!!

oh and just to say it to say it, the woman in these drawings is my transient one! her name is lady yumi and she's an office worker with a hugeee heart! she normally only has gray eyes but ever since she's been transported her right eye occasionally turns glassy. like a mirror! it happens only for a split second and only with guild kalen but because it's so brief people think they're just hallucinating. oopsie!

anyway ive just compiled all of my fanart here that ive done, i hope you all enjoy! OH! AND! spoiler warning for ADW: A Villian's Heart  at the end, it doesnt reveal ANYTHING LMAO and its just in game text but yk... just in case! teehee!

and id love to ask a question if youre all willing to answer, what led you into finding arcane dice wars? for me, i actually found it through arcane dice wars: gacha date! HAHA i fell in love with everyone ESPECIALLY katnir and ashur and wanted to find out their stories. it was really good, SO good and couldn't stop myself from latching onto everyone else as well... sigh... forgive my easily attached self.



YAY <3<3<3<3! Welcome to posting on the forums, I'm so glad to see you share your wonderful and beautiful arts here~ I love them so much! <3 

That Lor being pathetic pic gets me so hard. Can only imagine the other guild members regretting their lives. Like crap- why am i trying so hard to be cool, perfect, strong, impressive, ect?! ASDJSJF! Never underestimate Water Mage haha.

Also thank you for sharing some information about your MC Transient One, I think the mirror eye is such an awesome touch! So when I was tackling the problem of making a self-insert protagonist, one of things I was mulling around with was the idea that "Why would the LIs fall in love with the self-insert protagonist if everything about them is basically undefined from my perspective as an author?" (I wanted to leave as much details as possible open for the player to "customize" their MC (I did exclude options of being flat out abusive to the LIs- that just seemed too messy and didn't make any sense for my to wrap my mind around)) Then I ended up coming up with the idea of the Transient One being "undefined" by definition in a world where everyone is more or less defined (even to perfect strangers) by their faction/element auras. because the TO has an undefined aura, the LIs unconciously project themselves, their own needs, wants and desires upon the TO (things that I can as the author , control.) So to make a long story short, Lady Yumi's "mirror" eye represents this concept level idea that I had in the back of my mind. I do think that in a more broad, philosophical sense, humans tend to do some level of this sort of "projecting" to people we like and want to relate to.

It's very interesting me that you found the ADW series through Gacha Date! as I wasn't sure if it would just be confusing to someone who wasn't already familair with the characters. (Who are these simps?? and why is their simping so extreme??? LOL) It's so funny that you liked Katnir and Ashur the most (my friend who hadn't played the other ADW games, played their first couple conversations in ADWGD and was like "nope! Too bad because I liked their designs until they opened their mouths. Katnir = rude/mean, Ashur = weird/dumb. (I mean, I can't totally refute that assessment...)" She ended up falling the most for that other rogue. Jeth = charming/not toxic (that I can argue with!)) Just curious but which game did you try after ADWGD? Did you finish all of GD before moving on? In your opinion, is there something extra charming about the rogue faction? 

Thank you again for posting- I'm so very happy you found, shared and enjoyed the ADW series TT ~!! 


ASHJUADSKGKJ i would love to see them all pathetic. AT LEAST ONCE! perhaps i will draw something regarding that but ejsakfsafdk lor is highly loved for his emotional behavior... i wonder how he'll feel about that if he was told that... i love a man who can show his emotions.

AND WOW! i love hearing concepts and ideas that you've thought of for the world!! that's so cool! i've always been quite curious what that 'aura' truly was but never really thought too hard on it cuz i just liked having everyone fawn over me.......... IN A HEALTHY MANNER I MEAN! if i may ask... do you have anything else to share? for example, id love to know if there was a design for ruwin's sister or if it never crossed your mind?

and im so glad that yumi's mirror eye can be apart of the lore!!! i love to mix some uniqueness with my inserted MCs that don't really add anything to the story but i'm happy to know that it CAN be something! oh wow!! i also recall you having trouble with fleshing out a self-insert protagonist and i can totally understand how challenging that may be especially when nowadays self inserters aren't as imaginative as they used to be (regarding factors like adding different options that can limit certain paths in story or just the fact that you cant include everything that people want) it's tough! and i appreciate the games that do try to be as inclusive as possible! like arcane dice wars!

i can sympathize with your friend, i too felt the same way when i was reading their dialogue ESPECIALLY when i had no clue what they were talking abt. like what did i do to katnir to make him so pissy? :( or why am i enemies to lovers with this ashur freak (LOVINGLY)? but instead of crushing on someone else, i kept digging for diamonds in the rough HAHAHAHA. what can i say, ekkoberry's art was tempting and then i gasped once i got the secret cgs AJKDFAHFUEIAWFDAKDFK <-- really enjoyed ashurs and ruwins. 

and to answer ur question, i finished all of ADWGD while jittering with curiosity. i had NO clue what they were talking abt!! and i wanted to know so bad! i then proceeded to play all of ADW and then went straight to ADWAVH after capturing ashur and then went back to ADWGD to read it all over again! i like replaying things once i learn something new, it's always interesting to me! i personally think there is something quite charming about the rogue faction, they're quite easy to like (IMO IMO IMO IMO) and i enjoy the multi-faceted personalities they display. but maybe this charm is extended only to me since i think theyre either super flirty (which i like teehee) or just SUPER funny to me JAKDNSJKAF. i like a person that can make me laugh....

AND OF COURSE OF COURSE!! i am terribly happy to even have the opportunity to even talk to the developer of a game i enjoy so much!!


Hi Noodie,

Since you mentioned Katnir, I will talk about his character more specifically XD;;. From what I've been told, Katnir's behavior is a bit confusing it seems to some people  because he starts out more flirty and fun, and gets more guarded and prickly with the TO, the more he falls in love with them.  This is his defense mechanism, the more he starts feeling attached, the more he tries to push them away and keep them at arms length for fear of losing them and being hurt. Even as his romance route matures and he starts to feel a bit more secure and accepting, he's still fearful of losing the TO while trying to mentally prepare for that reality. fun fact- Most of the characters will reject friendship if they have been flirted excessively with, as they feel "led on" with Katnir being one of the exceptions. Katnir's thinking being that he reasons that being friends is the more logical, pragmatic and safer relationship to have with the TO, regardless if he was falling in love. Samuel is another exception but he will accept any relationship the TO requests, as he's very charitable towards the TO's intentions (TO's foreigner status), and philosophically supports/promotes all forms of love. As I was orphan myself, I struggled with more subtle manifestations of attachment issues, Katnir's avoidant style makes perfect sense to me, but may not be as relatable to others. 

Speaking of which, here's other random thing probably related to my childhood. I'm a terrible sleeper my whole life, prone to chronic nightmares and probably only getting around 4-6 hours sleep a night. I go to bed early to "rest" but  often I have trouble falling or staying asleep. Because I used to be afraid of constantly having nightmares, I started telling myself stories when I can't sleep. It started out by "rewriting" the nightmares I had, because often times when I'd wake up from a nightmare, I'd fall back asleep into the same nightmare. so I got afraid of sleeping. To solve this issue, I started imagining the nightmare as having a good resolution and it calmed me down and I started having less nightmares. Eventually this began to change to imagining scenarios with favorite fictional characters to imagining scenarios with my own characters and stories. Lots of times when I'm laying in bed, I think of my characters getting ready for bed or waking up, or doing other mundane daily things that never get put into the actual stories/games.  The thoughts and routines they have... I think this probably helps "flesh" out my characters somehow and make them feel a bit more authentic.

So bringing that back to Katnir. What is his nightly/daily routine like to me? Though it's not mentioned overly in the story, Katnir does have a 'air' of refinement about him, even though he was essentially raised in the woods by animals LOL. It's implied through the games that he might have been abandoned by a noble family, that didn't want him to inherit in some kind of family feud. Though he dislikes the thought of this possible history for himself, (he's pretty salty about the nobles for many reasons, rejection, poaching, inequality, ect) He's also got a slight superiority complex in the dynamic of the the forest bandits, both for his "elite" aura, his intellect, talent and his good looks. I think he would rather die than admit it, but he puts a lot of deliberate effort into towing the line between fitting in with the other rough and tumble bandits and maintaining a clean and pretty appearance. He probably thinks he's blending right in, while the other bandits probably think he's being a 'princess' in comparison while never daring to say so.

Also I'm glad that you are happy to talk to me as the developer of this game, as I am also worried that people would be bored to hear me go on and on, as I don't expect the vast majority of people in this world to care anything about all the time I spend thinking about this world and story. To be frank, it's the most niche of niche obsession to have, so  am the one who is honored that you'd want to ask me about it!!

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

Hi Noodie,

Sorry here is my part two reply because I realized I didn't answer your question about Ruwin's sister. TBH I didn't have a design for her in mind, it's sad and tragic for me to think about her too deeply other than it's a very tragic situation that I could relate to when I was a new sleep deprived mother to my son. I was reading late night obsessively about infants and young childrens  causes of death out of fear and paranoia and there's a lot of very sad tragic stories, shaking baby syndrome being one of them. Ruwin's story is a bit complicated in that he is not a perfect victim. Though he was a child and didn't know fully what he was doing, his strength and temperament made him a dangerous person from an early age. I hear him getting compared to a dog and I also think of the time I was taking care of a saint Bernard. The temperament was very docile, sweet and obedient (much calmer than any other puppy I've met) but their strength is honestly terrifying. As a adolescent dog, he would meekly sit in the house and follow slowly and calmly but once he got outside he would get a little burst of energy and jump around. He 'patted' my arm once playfully, pushed me over and tore the sleeve of my coat. He barked infrequently but when he did it was like this "BOOM"ing deep bark that reminds me of how a lions roar travels for miles.  So yeah I think of Ruwin as someone who was built like this saint Bernard, had an accidental and unforgivable incident and being in the punitive system sort of arrested his development and he never really grew from there as he was afraid to face his feelings of guilt, sadness and shame. It was easier for him to just turn his thoughts off and just play the role of a monster.  I've had some family members struggles with addiction/incarceration and have close relationship with someone who is naturally a strong burlier built man ( some reason just thought of Fezzik's line in the princess Bride " I don't even exercise" and reminds me of this strong person haha)  and it's interesting to me their insights how they had to navigate the world and how they are perceived helped form their self image.  As someone more smaller side and always felt weak, its fascinating for me to learn challenges of such expectations, alienation is can cause and try to emphasize with the otherwise of the fence. Being feared protected him when he was in vicious prison system but it made him very lonely so I think if Ruwin could choose, he wouldn't want to be so big and strong and wished he had more time to be a child be just held, reassured and guided. So yeah given this self image he cant really see himself as handsome and is embarrassed of his scars. He probably envies more normal sized people who can walk about without standing out and act more freely without causing as much of a ruckus. 


thank you so much for answering! and i'm sorry for the late reply, haha, i was busy working and i did read it prior but didn't know when i had the time to write out a reply but oh wow i love hearing about your personal experiences and how you incorporate it into the game!! it's nice to know that every one has a part of them in stories that they tell, it's sweet and makes my heart warm! i think it's apart of why i love indie games so much. but anywho i appreciate hearing about these kinds of things!

and ahhh... i love katnir so much... i quite enjoy characters like him!! he's not confusing at all, i think it's perfectly reasonable the way that he acts especially with since he's been through so much!! and he loses SOOO much in ADWAVH. i think i was suffering most of the time bc i just cldnt handle seeing him distressed TToTT  which i'll attach below! buttttttt i love katnir so dearly and i will understand him in every single universe. and wah... while he doesnt like having this little air of refinement, i think it's a cute contrast to his way of living. 

and to touch up on ruwin in ur second reply, it's very tragic! and ruwin's story is terribly heartbreaking but you made sure to flesh him out well!!! he was just a child when it happened and unfortunately under drastic circumstances, his physicality worked against him :( i enjoy hearing about your own experiences, once again, and i think it's interesting haha! ruwin being a saint bernard is so cool!! especially with the comparison, big brain big brain! but as always... ruwin, if no one cares about you then that means im dead. i am ur #1 fan... ur crimes r mine too


Hi Noodie,

Aww thanks for checking in with us and don't worry if you get busy with work and stuff, I totally understand! I'm glad you liked reading about all my random musing that I have around these characters. Ashur was a surprise to me in so many ways because he's such the antithesis my own personality and actually working with people like him in team settings used to drive me bananas. As I grew older and opened my mind more to appreciating others strengths and weaknesses, I start to appreciate people like Ashur more, even if I personally need to take them in small doses haha. He was late to join the cast of characters but I think his comedic presence really helps move the plot in a more fun way. I enjoyed writing him a lot more than I thought just because he sort of made me laugh too with all his absurd antics. I would write him with whatever came to mind first and have to change and fix the plot to fit it afterwards. In the midst of the chess players, he's messing with the board, moving like it's tic tac toe LOL. It was a bit freeing to write so recklessly.

Sorry for all that Katnir has to endure in ADWVH! It reminds me how my copy editor was saying that visiting Katnir in the prison was particularly painful for her because of what a kind of free spirit Katnir represented. Originally he was mentioned in the text as just kind of lying there (I think I was thinking they would've beaten him up a bunch by then due his disrespect/defiance, but it wasn't really specified) but I corrected it in the update to make him "hanging" chained up well because I figured he definitely would've tried everything to escaping even then seeing that rogues are pretty good at finding exploits, so I'm sure the Crown would take extra precautions. 

Thanks for sharing your screenshots. I'm sorry for all that you endured as well, but I also enjoying reading your reactions and seeing the memes (especially the pikmin one! Aaah I love pikmin thanks to my kiddo LOL) Ruwin as a saint bernard is so precious LOL and i'm suddenly remembering how much that dog drooled. I would've kept taking care of that dog despite the challenges but my poor cat at the time refused to come out from under the bed, even weeks after he left I had to coax her out with little pieces of her favorite chicken. His presence in the house alone just traumatized the crap out of her. Printing it out the doggo and adding it to my wall <3.

Wishes you the best!


I will have you know that I've been over the new things in AVH to check for typos, and I've just finished the prison scenes. Still breaking my heart, thank you very much. ...Katnir-! *SOB* </3

And to Noodle, I'm glad to see another rogue fan! The rogues in this series go through so much, it's a wonder that they haven't gone mad- *remembers Ashur* -er. Madder. I remember in the original ADW release that someone wrote in to mention that Katnir was difficult for them to understand but he was the easiest rogue for me to "get", so it's good to hear that others are coming to understand him well. But ,then again, Earth types are rather easy to figure out.


Oooh speaking of my copy editor!! <3 thanks for joining the discussion! Please forgive me for speaking on your behalf, I just enjoy your feedback as well. Also about Earth types being easy to read, yeah I resemble that remark ! Lol. Come to think of it, I really did put the rogues through some stuff didn't i? but that's what they get for having so much personal ambitions within a rigid system you know? They all have a lot of audacity to keep trying to fight it. 


No problem at all, use whatever of my thoughts as you wish, and thank you for being an unwitting buffer for me to barge in and say hello to people! I've wanted to do it for a while and couldn't for the life of me think up a way to do it without coming across as crazy. So when I saw you mention me, I thought "Ah, a natural entry point for me to come in a dip my toe".

Everyone really are very friendly and supportive here, aren't they? I think the guild is rubbing off on them.

(1 edit) (+4)


and to speak more about rogues, i think i'm interested in their more deeply cemented problems and trauma that has affected them entirely! all three seem to be shrouded with a kind of indescribable past that makes me want to gnaw on them  djkasfgnjdkggf,.. not saying that the others are uninteresting, i just think the rogues cater to a specific demographic- which is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! katnir was easily readable to me even though i have trouble responding to him. to me he's sentimental and emotional which is highly exploitable so he conceals it even with people he trusts. i'm not entirely sure if he's reacted like that his whole life to the point he can't 'turn' it off or if he's reacting like that to avoid his feelings hurt with every single person ever but ToT....... id like to believe it's both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u katnir!!!!!! i love you and i know you!

oh and this is an edit ; but please feel free to 'barge' into conversations! it is SO very welcome (to me personally! i cant speak for anyone else) and i think it's so so nice to talk to multiple people about things i enjoy! cheers!


Hey, sorry for the late reply! I was so busy at work and didn't have the energy to check the forums.

Most of the characters have trauma, but rogues are unique in that they all have something life changing happen in their lives. Granted, Ruwin's trauma and Mikaylis' is enough to make up for Beisel's cushy life, and Miyetta and Lor make up for Beileph's isolation,  even the priests don't all have it so bad.

Rogues are definitely punished as a whole faction. Granted, Ashur takes it on the chin, but he's, uh... unique. In many ways, and I say that with affection.

Katnir is absolutely sentimental but he's also fairly easy for me to know how to react to him in the scenes. He has his guard up, and the worst thing to do is to try to bring it down. Let him come to you. It's a trick that works on animals, and Katnir was raised by them, so why not? Joking aside, he's fixated on his familial loss and wants something concrete, despite his knowledge that nothing lasts forever. It's a contradictory wish that you have to allow him to ruminate on. Don't offer promises, only chances, because he's too cynical/wise and knows that promises will get broken which will lead to disappointment. Chances are just that, you've given him the choice to take the plunge. His rogue traits make him want to take chances, even is his earth trait is warning him of all the ways it could go wrong. He is a character of great depth that I rarely see in VNs, and he's my favourite rogue for it!


(I have to confess though, although rogues are my favourite faction on the whole, none of them are in my top 3 characters for the series...)


I have to apologise to Noodie, because I spelt your name wrong in my last message! I call Lor "Noodle", so that's what came out naturally, but I will remember that it's an "i" instead of an "l" in future!

(1 edit) (+3)

It's totally fine! I go by Noodle and Noodie, mostly Noodle because my friends tend to call me that haha! But call me anything you like!


Hellooo! thanks for the post. Oh ı was actually following your twitter posts so ı managed to catch many beautiful fanart from there hehe >w< they also belong to my ADW fanarts folder :3 All of your arts sooo cool!! also ı think your drawing style is really good 0w0 ıts smooth but also detailed? ı have zero knowledge in art x-x anyway ıt look wonderful! and ı find Ruwin fanart (the shoujo one lol) very accurate because ı was having similar thoughts!! XD ı guess Ruwin was one of the characters ı managed to see most change in ADW (everyone had craved their own way in this adventure but Ruwin's feels more open and different) plus ı love your transient one! mirror eyes are very interesting concept actually! but ı wonder why ıt has ıts specific showing up settings (ıf ım using the word right haha ^^;) perhaps ıts related to her emotions?

Well..... my fav character is Lor! XD but ıf ı could try to pick for a second favorite one ı guess ı wouldnt be able choose between katnir, ashur and samuel ı love these 3 men in their own way alot that ı guess trying to create a list would impossible for me because ı would probably end up putting these trio in same rank XD 
basically ı love everything about Lor so he ends up with 1st place but ı love how calculating and caring katnir is, how silly and carefree ashur is (ı feel like he is type of guy you wouldnt have to worry about make any kind of mistake or joke (as long as ıts not rude) in front of him) and ı love how samuel can support and reassure you while always try to understand your view (he is very good at empathizing ı think). of course this is how ı see them perhaps ım wrong at some things ı think they have ^^;;

as for me finding the ADW: ı was kinda searching for some free games so ı could stop being overwhelmed by my university and have some little relaxing time. and then ı saw ADW game :3 ı thought art looked so cool and ı remember that ı was like ''oh art looks so niceee....wait.... THİS GAME HAS BATTLE SKİLL ANİMATİONS???''  and downloaded the game XD and yes ı got hooked by the story loved the characters way too much that ı got completely attached to game even to the point of feeling soo nervous with each quest because ı feared something bad could happen to them and didnt want to lose any fight thinking they will get hurt or worse.. die.. so yea ADW was a complete amazing rollercoaster of emotions and experiences for me >w< maybe my over panicking didnt allow me to relax much (but my main goal was escaping from reality and yes this game definitely helped me with that so ı dont mind) but I get soo much precious times that ı wouldnt trade for something!!! ı love this game but ofc ı also love other games like Soul union too!! (ı played them while waiting for new ADW update -w-) ı guess my overhype could bee seen as ı keep jumping on every new post  X3. again thanks for sharing super cool fanarts yay (oh and ıf you want me to delete the fan arts from my folder ı will since they are yours ı wouldnt want to disrespect :3)


HI HI HI !! OH WOW! i'm so happy you enjoyed my fanart to the point you follow me on twitter and have saved my art to a folder... wah..!! NO WORRIES ABT DELETING IT! i'm actually really flattered and happy! i love sharing with a community and i love seeing people like things ive drawn out of pure indulgence, it makes me super duper joyed! and thank you so much for the kind words! when i was drawing the bishounen ruwin it made me laugh a little because i'm not entirely sure if he'd understand it if he was real. does he know that he's super super handsome underneath his helmet? with long eyelashes and all? SOOO CUTE... you were built to be loved ruwin... i also liked seeing ruwin's journey!! i resonate with him in a way (not the killing part of course but things like thinking youre nothing more than what you were molded to be) and this comparison to myself in turn allowed ruwin to shoot cupids arrow into my heart JFKASFJK..

and yes! that was the idea, sort of! i thought it'd be nice if yumi's eye turned glassy if faced in a predicament (i didnt quite think of it in a romance way LOL) like facing down an enemy. i wanted the other person to be caught off guard at looking at the defiant look in her eyes because for a brief second, they saw themself! something cool like that i guess ajfgksadjk

lor, katnir, ashur, and samuel are really good choices! AND URE SO RIGHT ABT ALL OF THEM IN MY OPINION. my favorite pattern between all of them is the fact that theyre all soft in a way. like personality wise... so sweet! and i love the way you love them, it's so enjoyable seeing people explain why they like certain characters wahhh.. for me i think my tierlist would be katnir <- ashur/ruwin <- samuel/lor <- jeth/belieph <- deita <- beisel <- mikaylis . but this list changes everyday ajffskdfajksdgdsa i rotate everyone except katnir when i play ADW... i do like everyone though! they're so interesting and their stories make it so much easier to love them. wah..

I FELT THE SAME WAY! at first i was like "oh niceee battle system for a visual novel wow!" and then i saw the animation and immediately downloaded DJAKFJDSKG. it's a special kind of love for your game when you decide to add details like that!! its nice! it's awesome that you stumbled upon it! i got into ADW last year in july but i assume youve been here for longer than that? :O

(2 edits) (+2)

Helloooo! Aaa thank you for allowing to keep them X3 they are in safe hands haha

Hmmm ı checked my first post in this game which ı wrote after playing it until the last update and the date of the post is.... December 29 2023 sooooo ım here for like 2 years haha XD but ım sure there are people who have been here longer than me ım just the nosiest among all ı guess ×w×.  

Oohh tbh ı really liked the mirror thing ıt never ever crossed my mind and ı it feels super cool and unique! 

And ı really liked your list too yaayy ı guess the only characters ı wont be able to like is mikaylis and jeth because they kinda trigger my one personal fear in real life ;w; in my country sadly thousand of poor women getting hurt or even worse by horrible men ı also know terrible news coming from other countries too and ı am  sensitive about these topics so after getting all those terrible news that happened even inside of my father's side lotly my brain kinda developed a fear against this and sadly both jeth and mikaylis remind me of those men in different ways for example (spoiler alert for everyone abour villains heart)

Mikaylis: anger issues and locking up

Jeth: he literally cut me just because ı rejected, gets jealous and aggressive over everything plus he doesnt listen to me in good ending at all which is a huge red flag 

Ofc ı love them as a player because both of them's personalities are very interesting and ı would love to explore their inner mind so yea ı just hope ı will never meet people like them in real life XD they are not horrible but yea ı dont wanna be with person who reminds me of those people.

Perhaps this is why ı kinda loved Ruwin too at first ı was unsure about ıf ı  should like him or not but as ı watched him change his ways and try to be kinder ı immediately loved him because he did his best to improve ;w; tho ı prefer a man who is supportive and emotional -w-


Hi JustaOneGirl,

Since I was sharing some of my thoughts I had in mind when writing Katnir and Ruwin, I thought I would share with you some thoughts that inspired Lor! (I always hesitate to disclose too much because I don't want to spoil someone's interpretation of the character, just to say these types of details in my head are not necessarily 'canon' if they were not explicitely stated in the game.)

 He was started off over the top and supposed to be to a comical kind of nod to the butler and eunuch type characters in a lot of webnovels i was reading who are always kotowing to their masters. When i started flesh out his character more, (especially regarding his adoring love for the MC, I wanted it to feel possible, even if it seemed too idealized to be real.)

So I'm pretty jaded when it comes to romantic love, given my observations and personal experiences but for my grandparents on my adoptive mother's side of the family. They were from the silent generation, and my grandfather worked very hard since he was 10 years old, grew up very fast, lied about his age to enter the world war 2 before he was technically old enough and to impress my very proud grandmother who was 10 yrs older than him and would never dated him if she knew she was this much older lol. He was a very quiet man who liked to sit back and watch other people having fun. my grandmother was very outgoing, chatty, cared for her appearance and liked to host events. A socialite. At the time she was divorced and my grandfather was her second husband which was like super scandalous back then. Anyway he cherished her, and her kids and always made sure he did everything he could for her to make her happy without complaint, he worked two jobs, did all the food shopping, yard work and helped in the kitchen and cleaning. Even when she was suffering from dementia in her older years, he always missed her terribly when she passed away. When i think of a man who seemed like he truly loved his wife, i think no one i know compared at all to my grandfather. He never gushed over her or used any romantic language but you could always tell by how quietly attentive he was of her. There was a few instances when I went out of my way to talk to him, like when I was learning about history in school and asked him about the war. He just shed some silent tears and I told him he must've been hard and he nodded. So I was impressed that he was a man who carried a lot of deep feelings inside. And he was a handsome man who kept his hair all through his life and it was very full, fuffy and white for as long as i knew him haha. 

So the other aspect of Lor is very expressive of his emotions. I think about how it was for me growing up and seeing my son grow up as highly sensitive people and how uncomfortable our outward expressions of feelings can make other people and all the subtle and not subtle ways people in general try to get us to stop. Mostly based around shaming us for having such strong feelings to begin with.  So I think in both Lor's real world life and then fantasy world life, he felt there was something intrinsically wrong with him. That's why he's so self depricating, as he anticipates his expressions will be a burden on those around him but can't seem to stop himself. Unlike my grandpa, he's a social person, who loves being around others and talking (probably would talk nonstop if MC is the quiet type who encourages him to do so- would he make a good hairdresser? LOL) so being shunned into quieting his feelings really felt like having to deny himself, like someone being forced into closet. I imagine that in his real world life, he probably found some solace in online spaces where he could communicate freely with anonmity. When he became a Transient One, he finally felt accept by his companions and could express himself freely without shame and judgement. He was truly devastated when he failed in his mission and 'let everyone down'. He couldn't face his followers nor was he unwilling to depart from the people and world that he felt he could be more himself in and instead chose to be reborn. Unfortunately for him, this didn't solve his issues with self esteem and self acceptance though, as he was using all the praise he recieved as the TO as a crutch to prop up his fragile ego, instead of feeling truly confident. I seem to remember you asking about his experiences as a TO, so I hope this is interesting outline to fill in.

Best wishes~ <3<3<3

(4 edits) (+2)

OOOH yaay ı got to know more about Lor haha XD ı always like to know more about the characters ı like so ım happy :3

wow ı never thought he is a social guy haha ^^; perhaps because he was trying to be ''more normal'' while supress himself? he always looked like he wants to say something but struggle to find a way to tell it.  and then here ı was thinking that ''ı should introduce him some people he need friends'' hahaha XD

well as long ıts not some topic like ım super interested in ı would usually prefer to stay quiet so ı guess Lor would have so much chance to talk XD. ı also noticed that Lor is kind of being perfectionist when ıt comes to himself. even the reason of the accident that happened in mage tower was because of he couldn't admit what he was doing and was scared so instead he tried to fix things himself or at least bear with it as much as he can yet with already existing pressure his anxious emotions gave him even more stress and pressure so ı am not suprised he reached a point to not be able to handle it anymore as he was trying to be perfect while forcing himself to do certain things at this point ı also kind of think about the one video you shared about perfectionism and how getting burned out and returning to normal self would be seen as ''something that should be fixed'' ı guess Lor was too afraid to show his true self since he was kind of desperately searching for recognition and acceptance from the people he was around. and probably fell in love with Deita since she accepted him even with that accident he caused. 

Oh what an amazing grandpa! ım happy that your grandparents had a happy marriage (well since they seem to care each other ı hope they did) and your grandpa sounds like super caring and super strong person!  >w<  although open love is easiest to realize people who always support their love is very amazing people in general! (*gasp* fluffy hair!!)

I would also like to talk about why ı like him ı guess :3 ı dont mind sharing my thoughts and some little background relating to them but hopefully ıt wont end up becoming a venting since thats not my aim

I guess starting with how ı kind of feel similar to Lor brought my interest and focus on him would be good start :3

I am a single child of my family.  my mom usually tells me that she got married my father because her family wanted her to.. and she actually didnt want to marry.. perhps because ıt wasnt love marriage growing up the way ı saw them together reminded more of  roommates than lifelong partners since they always look distant from each other. Of course they are both good people.. but ı guess they just couldnt connect with each other much? ım not sure while growing up ı didnt really see them showing some form of love or even saying ''ı love you'' to each other and while ı was talking to them alone they would usually vent about some things their partner do and they dont like and ı would listen to them as their own child XD. Even now ım not so sure ıf they really love each other or they see each other like friends. but one thing is certain: they loved me yet unfortunately growing up in abusive families my parents didnt really knew how to show their love towards me so they usually  tried to support me in their way while they might accidentally hurt my emotions in the process ^^;;  ıf ı would give an example whenever my mom did see me crying she would say ''dont ruin your eyes over foolish things'' or whenever she did see me eating many junk food she would say ''you are getting fatter and uglier as you keep eating them''  on the inside she was trying to make me stop doing harmful things yet the way she tried stop me always hurt me emotionally since ı felt like she doesnt love me or is disappointed in me. 

My parents also had lots of expectation on me as ı was their only child they wanted me to succeed but the way they treated me whenever ı fail was also hurtful... to them me succeeding was ''whats supposed to be'' and me failing was completely my fault as '' ı wouldnt be failing ıf ı would try hard enough and ım just being lazy''. As time passed ı became more and more isolated since ı wasnt allowed to go outside (except school) without my parents being with me because they thought outside world is dangerous and ım too naive and stupid to protect myself (this is what my mom told me when ı asked why many times haha XD). 

Though now ı can see they were trying to protect me in their own way ı always thought ım just a idiot girl they were disappointed with or ı am never good enough since none of my achievements were seen as achievements. so deep down ı think ı can understand Lor because ı also always wanted to have at least someone who would accept me as ı am and wouldnt yell at me when ı would make mistakes.  perhaps thats why when ı saw Lor ı immediately wanted to make him happy because perhaps ı saw a part of me in him. but of course this was only how ı started to focus on him more rather than why ı love him haha XD

as for how ı started to love him ı guess ı can start with how seeing sweet and caring type of characters actually makes me feel so happy as they  are someone deep down ı wish to have by my side x3 

I am type of person who listens other's problems so thats how many of my friends told me about things they saw and experienced while dating with someone and.... general picture was always same... some dude showing no emotion at all (except jealousy/ anger) doesn't help with anything but loves doing random stuff they like, act more like a little kid than an adult (that is my opinion honestly.. but ı really felt like all my friends were being more like moms than a girlfriends in their relationships) and this profile never got better anywhere either. ı never saw a man who normally expresses themself (ı dont count yelling or slamming something as clear communication), who somehow shows their love in some way (except buying gifts as an apology after every big fight). and all female members of my family usually talks about how their partner emotionally tormented them and never even lifted a finger in their certain difficult times. needles to say no men in my family know much about chores or cooking either let alone being bit romantic haha ^^; .   

maybe thats why ı always find male characters who express their feelings strongly or male characters who does things for someone they love supernatural 0-0 yes even ıts a imaginary game haha even the idea feels foreign ;w;

yet ı fully embrace them too because deep down ı want to believe that ı dont have a doomed future of either never having someone ı can share love with or being with someone who will never show any love and will just exist next to me without caring about me at all. I also love people who are not afraid to show themselfs to others since doing such thing int his cruel world is super brave! and something not many can do haha including me so ı cant blame poor Lor on this. admitting fault or showing your weak sides can be very scary especially ıf you care the opinions of the people around you.

in the end ı feel like ıf someone like Lor would exist and be single ı would probably be the one who proposes to them to not lose them haha XD but in the other hand ı doubt ı deserve someone like him since ı also dont know how to express my love and saying ''ı love you'' still feels foreign to me. Although ı believe people love or hate you depending on your actions but ı also think that ıts not so simple? love might require reasons but that reasons doesnt only depend on me but depend on the person who loves me too. sometimes people can love someone due to some reason they have inside of their mind / heart 

Hopefully everyone can be able find someone (not only as partner but also as friend) who will accept themself as they are and will love them since otherwise life sounds too cruel for me :'3

anyway ı love Lor beause he first got my interest as ı kinda felt like ı have similarities with him yet then ı noticed how caring and sweet he is and immediately loved him haha XD and learning that he is so talkative that he would nice hairdresser makes me only love him more XD haha because ım rather quiet and boring person. I also think expressing emotions is beautiful thing! ı guess people can feel responsible about crying tho because they usually want people they care to be happy rather than sad? but ı still think letting emotions go free is better option x3 ıf they ever get bottled up they cause more trouble ı know this from myelf  haha XD ^^ ım also glad Lor is having his chances to be more open with transient one too as ı finished playing crown side of new update he was being sad over transient ones departure and he openly expressed himself. poor guy needs to accept himself and be more confident ;w; and not gonna lie ı also kinda feared ''letting others down'' even this was a game... attaching myself too much can be interesting sometimes 0-0

ım so happy for learning more about him thank you so much for sharing it with me aaa >w< ofc ı love all characters in the ADW game but Lor is special for me :3

I hope you will have a nice daay ^^


Hi JustaOneGirl,

Thank you for sharing your story with us and I also relate to a lot of what you said about your parents. I feel like my parent's generation style of parents was very rooted in shame and fear, that expressed rather harshly on impressionable children. I resented my mother for a long time because I felt like I could never be good enough in her eyes. I think she just was afraid of anything bad happening to me, but I interpreted it as her thinking that I was untrustworthy and inept. It didn't help that I had a very sensitive and low self esteem so every criticism I took very deeply. I still think there is harmful in that approach of our parents, even if they mean well. I think its very mature of you to give your parents grace but its also sad that you were hurt by the people who are supposed to love and protect you most. 

Even though I am also jaded to love, I think that all people at their core want love and acceptance so it's so ironic that it's so difficult to find. A lot of modern writing kind of has this post post modernism feeling of  not hopeful like modernism- we were all let down, not as cynical as post modernism- this just got too depressing, so it's this weird here's a jaded take with just a little bit pf realistic hope mixed in with a dash of ironic humor LOL. I just kind of thought, you know what? Forgot my jaded, cynicism. Someone has to take the first step and put themselves out there in a vulnerable way first so let it be this fictional characters. They are gonna throw themselves into it like YOLO XD! Maybe post post post modernism can ignite a bit more hope, because we can't build a better future without it. I hope everyone can find some genuine love, even if it's not perfect. And we can all at least start with ourselves. <3<3<3


 Thank you so much for seeing it from the point of my view hahaha ı am very shy to talk about my emotions because ıf the opposite side claims that ım wrong about feeling them that kinda feels like a thorny ivy squeezing my throat. I guess ıts because ı feel like ı shouldnt have feel it in the first place. Of course ı cant say ı survived all the pain from my old memories but ı am trying to make them feel less strong? like trying to understand other side or saying ''we are all humans in the end'' because negative emotions always harm me in the end while the people who caused them arent even aware that ı still think about those memories XD. But being heard out is always something feels like a getting warmth of sun while walking on outside with nice weather and fresh air >w<

ahaha yaay ı love fictional characters! maybe some people may find it weird ı like to think about like talking them or adding them on my daily routine (hmm ıts like ı imagine them doing something else while ım studying lol) they also help the strengthen my self love ı think ı felt that especially on ADW because having them on your side no matter which path you choose felt so liberating ıt was like ''ıts ok even ıf ı make a mistake'' and ı think ı managed to carry this feeling into my normal life time to time.. hopefully ı can continue to do that because ı am in my exam week now hahaha ;w; when will this eeeeennnddddd. 

I really hope things will take hopeful turn in this depressing sight we will somehow find new sparks of hope  but ı really hope ıt will be soon XD because destruction of depressing feelings are too OP for this moment in my opinion -_-

oh and about perfection ı actually heard a term of ''perfection of imperfection'' ı guess ıt was japanese tho ı didnt really searched it much ıt was about beauty of things that are incomplete or flawed. With not knowing much ı actually tried to think about the concept myself when ı think what really matters is not being flawless from the start but being able to complete each other with your own strengths and weaknesses like day and night and they create a full day together.. they seem so different and opposite but with their existence together we are living our normal Lifes. ı guess ı think relationships closer to this.. ıts like we will be different and have our own mistakes but whats important is being able to walk together and trying to find a way to improve the problems. which sounds very difficult actually haha x3 but ı hope everyone will find their happiness with or without flaws.


two years is a long time! being a huge supporter to a game like this is the best though and i'm happy to see you being loud and proud about it! it's wonderful in a way and never change! ^o^/

thank you! and i'm really sorry about that, i'm glad that you can find other characters to like though! the joy of having a lot of characters in a game is the idea that you can find one that's to your taste and i'm overjoyed to know that Lor (one of the sweetest guys ever) is for you <3

i also quite like them both in a "i shall study you in a microscope" way JSNDFNASJF, i find them funny (my humor is a little skewed forgive me) and reallyyyyyyyyyyyy interesting but alas. they cannot beat gentle and caring men for me. jeth is a weird case for me though because his character is reminiscent of a character ive created and while not to a T, i can understand the energy he puts forth in the world. i hope we can see more jeth scenarios where he's utterly terrifying and crazy in the head BUT JUST FOR ME!!!

AND RUWINNN <3333 im happy that you can recognize that he's improving and honestly that's such a huge thing to say coming from you whose been through so much! when you crack away his hardened disposition, you find something gentle to nurture... and perhaps its not sewing or knitting or anything too soft but it's innocent. something to care for!


waaa ı hope ı wont changee >w< meeting new people here is fun! 

haha ı love sweet guys since they feel like safe zone for me >w< 

hahaha ı think jeth is type of guy who is already crazy but hides behind of a mask of smile XD. ıdk his acts feels like as ıf he is trying to be different from certain people who forced him to do bad things when he was child ( sowwy little spoiler ;w;). like he is trying to be NOT LİKE them but instead of understand the concept of being ''good person'' or whatever is unlike those people are... he blindly tries to do opposite acts of ''what sound like them'' ofc he is very pragmatic guy for his own selfish desires so in the end as long as he would see something necessary in his mind he wouldnt mind to do it no matter how bad ıt sounds which actually make thing like he is acting exactly like those people. he only gets on his better version when he is not desiring something or finding some necessity in the situation. OFC ı still havent played the new update so these are my ''not updates'' thoughts lolol XD ıf you have spoilers about this fact ı wouldnt mnd to have them tho. 

awww Ruwin is a good boy hahaha XD when ı was talking with him in first times ı was like ''.... is this guy serious? -_-'' but then ı saw him really trying hard even tho he actually didnt want to due to pain he felt. and yes poor guy actually lived with his regrets with his entire life ;w; thats something not many would do. some people even brag about how they harmed someone and this guy was destroying himself over an bad accident he caused ( ı  call it accident because ı dont think he would have caused ıf he knew what would happen). and small spoi : he actually tried to sew asadadassd ;w; ıt happens in gacha game and he tries to do that because he notices plushie dolls TO has in their room X3 ı was really surprised he actually tried to do that lol. 


WHOAW YOUR ART STYLE IS SO GORGEOUS ....... the colors you pick are insanely pretty and the way you render ..!?#!!??? welcome back da vinci omfg... (ruwin gap moe is so real LOL)

lady yumi is so cute and i love the concept of the mirrored eye, she's very charming ! ! ! i understand why everyone in guild kalen loves her. i get it so much . i hope u don't mind but i drew some fan-art of her !

i found adw through the original game a little over a month ago...!? i was having a mental boom from college and wanted to play a short vn over winter break to allow myself a bit of fun before locking in again LOL;; little did i know how long the game was and how much fun i'd have playing it ... it made me feel less guilty about indulging in my hobbies again !!!

your favorite characters are the realest ever..... ashur's soggy/pathetic nature and katnir's uncool moments are so funny and endearing HAHA

if our MCs ever got to meet ... mine would be so concerned for yumi's eyesight LOL they would tweak out every time the 'mirror' disappeared like "wtf.... am i going crazy....." and then proceed to buy her several pairs of glasses hoping at least one prescription would suit her


THANK U THANK U ^w^!!!!!!!!!! AHHH thank you for liking lady yumi!! she's a sweetheart and way too kind for own liking...! AND THANK U OHHHHH MY GOODNESS, IM SO HAPPY TO SEE ART OF HER... I DIDNT EXPECT IT WAHHH O_O!! she loves u too!! and i love ur art style! it's so cute and i love how you draw your faces! did you know that the faces you draw are reminiscent to yours? i think about it everytime i admire someones facial structures in their art ToT I HOPE THAT DOESNT SOUND CREEPY??!@:!$r

i think video games do that for people, a little comfort goes a long way! i love going back to my own interests whenever i'm really down and it's always really helpful. no matter what, there's a kind of strength you obtain when you love again and it most definitely helps if you burn out or if youre just upset at the world or something like that... im happy you had adw

AND WAH... THANK YOU... i dont know how to articulate my thoughts about ashur without filling up the entire thread with nonsense but i loveeeeeeeee him so much. something about the way he's an absolute buffoon but is sooo extremely loyal to the people that care about him wah... and the fact that he's so unbelievable in everything he does. he might not be the best person morally but he's not the worst person ever so.... i can win a little! i also particularly liked him for his self deprecating behavior in ADW:GD where he fell in love more and more with the TO and started to progressively reflect on his actions (which he never seems to do LMAOO). 

i love fictional men who are pathetic and soggy and absolutely vulnerable and ashur has taken my heart.

i also LOVEEE katnir <- subjected to the horrors of liking fictional men that are cagey because theyre afraid of getting attached) AND I LOVEEEEEEEEE the fact that katnir DOES get attached and is mad at you in ADW:GD AUGHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU KATNIR *HOLDING MY HEAD IN MY HANDS*  and he does stop getting pissy with you because you didn't mean to hurt him but he's still hurt regardless.... but he's made a gamble on you FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK <- GETTING UPSET BC I LIKE HIM SOO MUCHH) he tries to act cool but he can't sometimes and he gets embarrassed !!!!!!!!! he's cute when he gets embarrassed but he isnt immune to flirting back!!!!!!!!! 

oh!! and i saw that you like beisel! and that you also enjoy pathetic people!! while i am not the biggest beisel fan, i am a big pathetic person fan and we get a healthy dose of it with ashur JASKDSAFJKDFFM... i was wondering what you liked about beisel? while i enjoy beisel, i found her a little too feminine for me (AND DISCLAIMER IT IS ABSOLUTELY FINE FOR HER TO BE FEMININE, IT'S IMPORTANT TO HER AND I RECOGNIZE THAT HEAVY, I STILL LOVE HER SM!!!! she's just not my first option orz) and i have a certain type of attraction for female characters who are more masculine in appearance and attitude ToT do you enjoy that she likes to bake? or maybe that she's so caring and motivated to fight like she was born to do so? there's a lot of things to like about her but i just wanted to know what you thought! :D


YIPPIE I'M GLAD U LIKE IT..!!!!! she is truly so cute like lor MOVE!!!! LET ME BE HER ASSISTANT INSTEAD ! ! ! ! and that is so nice of u to say thank u ㅠㅠ ... i didn't know that about drawing faces but that makes a lot of sense !! LOL IT DOESN'T SOUND CREEPY DON'T WORRY

yes for sure !! it's so interesting and nice to see how different people are when engaging in their passions vs when they aren't. you can really see the light return to their faces. i hope you always have something that makes you happy too, i appreciate your words ^_^ !!!

i completely agree with everything you said about ashur HAHA out of all the male characters he's my favorite (i am not immune to losers i fear) ... i think i especially love how good-natured he is about everything that happens to him. every time he gets 'bullied' by the old ones or members of the guild he just rolls with it without making it a particularly big deal (or he looks to the TO for sympathy... so soggy .  i died) , like even when jonas burned them alive to teleport away from the scattered forest he was obviously terrified and didn't want to do it again but was somehow still more 'chill' about it than i thought he would be ?!??!? or when he was in agonizing pain from the elemental poisoning in chapter 7 but tried to play it off as if it wasn't something that could have killed him ??? absolutely diabolical he is so strong for that . and yes he's so devoted to the people he cares about!!! it really pulled at my heart. he dedicated so many years of his life to finding eve again and was willing to sacrifice everything just to see her. and not because she was an old one or because of her elite aura or anything like that, just because she was eve !! she was his friend who he made a promise to when they were children!!!! so sweet ㅠ. while he isn't the most morally pure like you said, his intentions in his actions stood out to me a lot . for example during the kidnapping he didn't do it out of malice for the TO and was actually quite worried and aware of their safety/comfort (like when ashur and jeth realized the TO was really uncomfortable/unable to swallow properly because of the cloth in their mouth and the constant rocking from their walking so they tried to walk and hold them more steadily). i think that even though he comes off as someone who doesn't take anything seriously or a bit stupid he's actually an intelligent and introspective person, it's just that he's also VERY impulsive in his speech and behavior so on first impressions it doesn't necessarily seem that way LOL..

I ALSO LIKE KATNIR A LOT !!!! i haven't played gacha date yet so i'll have to take your word for everything u said about that but yes his avoidant/'prickly' behaviors as a defense mechanism when he feels like he's getting too close to someone is so devastating.... i completely understand his mindset and reasoning but it's still heart-breaking .... his heart is so big and he cares so deeply katnir they could never make me hate u. while i think he was meant to and tries to be a cool/suave type of character, unfortunately i remember him most vividly through his uncool moments LOLLL the way he tried to act strong and mysterious when leaving the guild to go help the scattered forest and then failing miserably ... him being pushed around by the forest bandits towards the TO after chapter 7 and being embarrassed about it ... jonas pulling on his ear and making him apologize for his words to ashur (that entire interaction still makes me laugh) ... its ok king . u did your best. i think out of everyone's 'companion quips' his were my favorite, though. they all felt very peaceful and domestic and were what endeared me most to his character !!

in tears at how one of your first impressions of me is pathetic person enjoyer LMFAOOO truly humiliating but i also cannot deny it. i definitely understand your perspective with beisel!! i also almost always gravitate towards more androgynous/gender-non-conforming love interests. masculine men personally give me the ick but i still think feminine women are very cute and like romancing them ! ! ! as for why i like beisel, looking at it from a gender-less and appearance-less(?) perspective, you have this knight who is incredibly dedicated to you and goes so far as to save their paychecks to buy you trinkets and other gifts they think you'd like on a regular basis. even though they're incredibly busy they take time out of their day to perfect their baking recipe so they can make you something, and they try to set up sneaky (read: not sneaky at all) 'coincidences' where they can see you at the tavern to share a meal with you and make sure you're eating properly. they're so excited to be able to assist you that they get a bit pouty at others doing the same and they're the first person to welcome you back after you've been away on a dangerous mission without them because they were so worried about you without them being there to protect you (literally sprinting towards u at top speeds after u return from the sea with ashur and the old ones LOL). they're quick to try to spoil you but get bashful when you do the same to them. it's.... it's so peak .... I LOVE BEISEL ! !  ! it's a bit counterintuitive because she's the one who wants to take care of the TO but because of that i want to take care of her too ... she deserves a nap and a home-cooked meal and also the entire earth and universe . also in my head she's korean too because she wears 저고리 (jeogori) in her bonding conversations LOL ... beisel my parents would approve of u please come home....

THAT SCREENSHOT IS KILLING ME yes guys please stop bullying ashur u don't know him like i do .... u could never understand the way his mind works . he's a genius ahead of his time i swear (lying)!!!!!!!!!

i am so sorry for the enormous walls of text omg. i hope this isn't too much ;; u simply brought up the biggest losers ever and i had to speak my truths....


HI OH WOW sorry for the late reply, busy with work and other things but please don’t apologize for a long wall of text! Reading is my FAVORITE past time and i like yapping and equally i love hearing people yap Especially when it’s about something i care immensely abt ♡! 

BUT WAH youve summarized why i like Ashur so much!! He is so genuine! so entirely silly! and obviously even if he is so so silly, i also believe he’s quite smart (street wise) albeit clumsy and quite frankly idiotic while doing so. also he’s so UNBELIEVABLY cute when he’s worried about small things like deceiving people (mainly only the TO sorry guys) and his image being tainted. he’s a ‘villain’ not a monster LMAOOOO… i get that impulsiveness is something that most people seem to find the ick for but i find it really endearing coming from ashur. he easily adapts to his surroundings, immediately heads into dangerous things headfirst, and even easily forgives if it’s someone he knows. what a guy… im kind of envious with how easy he takes it and i can’t help but want to pull him by the collar and kiss him on his stupid dumb lips!!!!

AND YEAH URE RIGHT ABT KATNIR. gosh… You are So Right…. i don’t think i have anything to add but brotherrrrrrrr, this guy is the love of my life and he doesn’t even know it. and he doesn’t even know that i wld love him no matter how cringe he is and no matter how much angst bubbles up inside of him, i stick by him…

AND THATS SO SWEET TO HEAR WAH. <— STARTS BAWLING MY EYES OUT ) i love hearing the passionate things people talk about with characters they like!!! beisel is the sweetest ever, she is my best friend that i (OR MORE LIKE WEE) kiss on the lips sometimes and i love the headcanon that beisel is korean!!! yesss!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR U

and here’s a little doodle of hajin that i scribbled as thanks for the little yumi ^_^ hope u like!!! 


DON'T WORRY ABOUT REPLYING LATE ^_^ ! i only work part time but even that exhausts me/leaves me without much free time so i get it.. i get u....... i hope everything has been going well at work and i'm glad the wall of text didn't scare you away LMAO

yes genuine is a perfect descriptor of ashur!!!! whether he's being silly, insightful, or dense/dumb (saying this with peace and love) , everything he does is because it's what he wants or believes he needs to do. i think he's a very straightforward person and i appreciate how his interactions reflect that . if he likes you he's going to put in effort to get along with you even if you disagree at times ! ! ! u are so real i want to press a kiss on his forehead LOL

LMFOAOAOOAO CRINGELORD KATNIR ... he would truly appreciate you by his side through his darkest moments and the forest bandits would cheer you on so hard ik it



as a thank yo ui had to lock tf in when drawing yumi.THANK YOU AGAIN


Saved this, printed it out, and bit half of it off with my bare teeth. Love it 


ooohh new arts haha so cool! oh wow fully locking yourself to study is amazing 0-0 ıf there something ı will never be able to is probably lock myself to study lol. even now ı have exams one day later and guess what am ı doing lol XD ıts amazing that you have strong dicipline but please take care of yoursellf aaaaa >-< most important thing is health!! ıf you dont have health you can progress good anyway! and happiness is good for health -w- 


ahh ty ty !!! being focused on academics is both a blessing and a curse LOL the typical life of a korean family's child i guess ... omg good luck on your exam!?! i hope everything goes well !! i'm sure you'll get an amazing grade ^_^ i tend to procrastinate a bit before exams as well so i completely understand. what helps me stay focused is moving to a different environment to study, like a library or coffee shop where there are other students doing the same thing. it helps keep me accountable ! and if you're unable to leave the house then even just moving to a different room or area of the room helps. if you're in close proximity to hobbies/leisures that you'd much rather do then it's a bit difficult to focus, but if there's more distance you're more inclined to hone in on what you have in front of you instead. and thank you for the reminder to take care of myself, i'll do my best ! ! ! i hope you do the same ^^


Oooh Sparkqi, Your TO looks so cool too! I love the ear cuff and chain. Do you want to tell us abit about them?


omg . this is so humiliating but they're literally just me .... LMFAO their(/my LOL) name is hanji and before becoming the TO they were in a radiography program (they end up feeling bad they hadn't gone into something like nursing instead because that would have been more practical and applicable to life in solwel/brookhaven/etc.. it's not like they can just whip out an mri scanner or an x-ray from their pocket, and that probably wouldn't be very helpful even if they could ...). umm they're a bit taciturn and tend to zone out, and their sleep quality is quite poor so they nap a lot. they get a bit more lively once they're more comfortable with the guild though ! they also practiced 태권도 (taekwondo) for a large portion of their life and work out regularly so they're comfortable with entering battles themself (often results in them getting injured. turns out martial arts doesn't matter much when they have weapons/armor and u can literally be burnt alive but they keep trying anyway). BEATING RUWIN'S WEAK ALLEGATIONS ONE STEP AT A TIME ! ! ! !

ermrmmm when they're first transported to castle solwel they're so distracted and enamored by how pretty deita is that they unintentionally ignore everything else which probably upsets miyetta oopsie !! ignoring the queen is not a good first impression ... also i couldn't help but nerd out a bit so realistically they would not last a day after being thrown in the dungeons LOL.. strangulation is extremely dangerous and i imagine mikaylis probably broke their hyoid bone in the process. i think also because of the differences in natural bacteria/flora they would contract at least one or two horrible diseases, especially because of the lack of hygiene in the dungeons (everyone in the guild would also get sick from them and there's no vaccines so now everybody's sad) . so even if they didn't die they would be suffering a lot... hopefully lor knows a healing spell or something!!!! speaking of lor i hope he wasn't attached to his cloak because after he gives it to them in the dungeons he's never getting it back sorry king. he tries asking for it once like 'surely my lord would prefer clothing more befitting of their status' but hanji looks at him like he just asked them to do a backflip off a cliff and murdered their family at the same time and he feels so bad (and flattered they like it that much ??) he never asks again

i will draw more of them interacting with the guild at a later time .... my sillies ...

(3 edits) (+3)

oh sorry for squeezing myself in again haha ı couldnt helpbut notice how whole game story processes sounds when there is someone who has knowledge about certain stuff X3 so cool! ı have heard that being medicine student is super difficult so ı salute to you for that o7 

martials arts mentioneed wooo ı feel like your TO (ı mean you) would be good martials arts manhwa main character XD combination of health knowledge and martial art skills could create effective and good combos in my opinion! dont give upp ım sure as long as you dodge you will be fine! hmmm or at least having an armor would be better? 

ooohh what a disastrous scenario in the dungeons 0-0 but! with my not so trusted knowledge ı heard somewhere wouldnt Transient One be able to immune to some of the sickness already? or maybe not haha our immune system is more used to fighting modern sickness so ı guess poor TO and guild members would accidentally trade possible sicknesses :') ı never once thought about that haha XD ı guess my TO would be dead before even reaching brookhaven due to my TO's weak immune system ( my TO is actually exactly me but lets say that she is my alternative world version since ı feel embarrassed to think myself in this whole situation XD)

haha seems like Lor has to find another cloak  XD 

OOO more drawings will come yay x3
(and sadly ı really do debate this to say it since ı kinda failed to say it and left it like that before but ı thought maybe we could be friends and chat so ı was sying maybe we could share safe contant? (ı say safe because well some people see some of their social media accounts more private than others) but then hearing you are a medic student ı wouldnt want to be distraction since ı can be noisy about this game (and other posible things) time to time XD ı mean again here is fine but then starting conversation is harder here in my opinion sorry ıf ım pushing my limits too much (btw this offer is open for anyone in this community actually ıdk how many people actually read my epic long writings but yea.. XD)


please don't apologize for replying !! i'm happy to talk to you ^_^ LOL yes i had to do a bit of suspension of disbelief to get past chapter 1. and thank you !! it is quite tiring and difficult but many things that are worth it in life are! and everyone's strengths are different, i definitely wouldn't do well as a teacher like you do. so i'm saluting you right back ! ! !

AWWW that's so flattering thank you HAHA i doubt they'd be able to take down any knights because of their armor but i think they'd have a chance at winning against any of the other classes . maybe the water mage cloak would throw enemies off since mages don't seem to be very adept at hand-to-hand ?!

ahh you're right, maybe because of their aura the TO would be able to withstand some sicknesses...? my very nerdy thought process was that the world they've been transported into looks much less modern than our world, like 200 years in the past at the very least, gauging by what inventions (electricity, cars, etc.) don't exist. if someone today were to time travel that far into the past they'd undoubtedly get sick because their immune system isn't used to those older bacteria/pathogens.... but even if the TO were immune somehow, the poor hygiene (decayed bodies, blood, feces, etc.) in the solwel dungeons would still allow for a lot of bacteria to be harbored. regardless of 'time travel' shenanigans it's still extremely likely they would contract a dangerous disease from that, since that's a very real risk in the modern day too ... NOOO YOUR POOR TO ! ! ! PLOT ARMOR SAVE HER PLEASE!!!!

LOL sorry lor ...

(sure !! if you have one, i actually made a bluesky account a day ago to post some more silly drawings i made of adw because i didn't want to clog the forums haha. i can't promise i'll be super active since the semester has started again but we can definitely chat there !!

(1 edit) (+3)

yaay thank youu XD ım still lacking at adjusting my level but ı will manage to do it one day!

ooh yea ı guess suprise attack could give great chance to blow a few hits XD ı guess carrying some light and easy weapon could help too! like some long sturdy stick to bonk the enemy from distance :3 

oh actually aura protecting TO is super creative way to put plot armor in the story lol XD ı do remember gods once said ''we gave you the aura so you wouldnt be at disadvantage in this world'' ım sure ıts was more about how our aura draws people to us BUT!!! IT CAN HEAL TOO!!!  little spoiler here but ıts confirmed that TO's aura can  can heal ''elemental poisoning'' so why not ıt cant simply be able heal everything like illnesses or poisoning ıts around (which is obviously us lol since we are at the center of it) so ıts not only something that makes us get along with everyone easily since aura attracts them but ıt also has ability to heal the whoever close to it (that would make sense that Ashur was whining about how his pain was crawling back as he got away from us thanks to Beileph XD) and thats how TO will survive yaaay >w< 

(ım on my waaay ım the one with flower profile lol  ı wrote ''Here for games and internet surfing ^^'' on my bio :3 )


Hi Sparkqi,

I just wanted to say that I think Hanji is a pretty name! I mentioned before in another post about the Transient One, that I used to be adverse to the idea of self-insert ( there seems to be a stigma that it's too self indulgent? too silly?) I notice that a lot of people seem to apologize for their passion for fandoms or "imaginary" stuff/escapism in general, but I think as a creator, it's such a honor to have someone connect to my art and stories and if you felt willing to 'place' yourself in my works. then correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel you must've connected with it in a meaningful way. I guess some people might think immersing yourself in a piece of fiction is a waste of time, but sometimes i think with how guarded, jaded, and broken a lot of people are these days trying to keep up in these unnatural societal norms imposed on us, it's easier to connect with our shared humanity through the freedom that fiction and fantasy allows. Anyways, I wanted to thank you again for sharing <3 I did have the thought that "what if the player character is a strong, fit person? And justified it in a similair way you did, that lacking elemental power still made them seem vulnerable/defenseless to the rest of the cast."


oh thank you!! i think your name is very pretty too ^_^ and you are so wise.... as long as it isn't hurting anyone , we should all embrace the cringe(?) and live freely LOL. it's an honor for me as well ! ! ! i'm very grateful to have the opportunity to talk with you about the story you've created and look forward to your insights !

(1 edit) (+3)

Hi!Noodie!!!I've seen your art in twitter(and also like them all^ω^)They are so beautiful and full of imaginative!!My favorite are the one Lor lying on Yumi's lap in tears,it soft my heart awwww.And that one  Ashur with only one shirt on,It is so sexy, and I also like his puppy dog eyes and the way he plays spoiled with yumi,that's toooooooo cuuuuute🥺🥺🥺

I like all of your work!!!but it seems a little too much nonsense to explain why I like it so I think I will answer your question directly  :33333

I used to be attracted by the exquisite painting style of ADW, but unfortunately I had no contact with this type of vn, so I didn't really play it. But the second time when I got off work, I wanted to find some games to divert my attention, so ADW appeared in my sight again. After I read a lot of posts and watch some fan works, I began to become interested in the characters. So I made a decision that I will never regret in my life ------started playing ADW!!

The high quality drawings and delicate writing and interesting plot quickly got me hooked on ADW, and the lovely characters talking to them really healed my day, not to mention the lovely little quip, and to my surprise, even the characters that weren't drawn, also can had conversations with them. And talk about the characters at first I was interested in Lor who accompanied me from the dungeon, but soon I was taken away by the cunning clever forest rogue Katnir, and then I met our silly Ashur(btw i like silly boys), it was hard not to like him><, and when I didn't finish playing ADW, I couldn't help but play ADWVH, so it was not unexpected that I fell in love with the charming villain Jeth(≖‿≖)✧I really agree with you that there is  some charming things about rogue faction!!!Rogue is the best!!!adfsdgdgg(just in my opinion,ofc other faction is also the best<33333)

The last thing is actually your drawing of Ashur was the first step that got me interested in him lol

Have a nice day!!


Hi ZaCk:3333! Welcome to the forums!! And thanks for sharing how you found ADW~ It's interesting to hear that you played ADW first and then ADWVH and ended up liking Jeth, as I wondered how the order of playing the games would color one's opinion of him and the Crown in general. Hmm, the more I think about it writing the rogues stories, I think their point of appeal for me (as a rather timid person) is they have a lot of guts and are a bit cheeky and fun loving. Also, I wonder if you also wouldn't mind telling us a bit about your MC? And thank you for the artwork of Jeth you posted on blusky <3

(5 edits) (+2)

Hi,Jen sorry for reply late!I want to say that how I feel about the crown, I think it's reasonable from both the Queen's point of view and Brookhaven's point of view (although I do prefer brookhaven's side) when I'm completely guided by God and working with the Queen all the time, (a bit spoiler) I did feel sorry for the poor scholar as we kept pushing Beileph(I felt my breath stop while everyone in the palace stared at him in silence waiting for him to go through the papers π_π,so much pressure, how did he hold up??) and beat Lor who finally stood up and chose to defend his hometown 😭😭, anyway, it was a good idea to be able to choose different sides in the game!! I'm glad you gave us a choice 😉

I think the cheeky about Rogue is definitely part of their charm(≖‿≖)✧, and their boldness and cheeky do sometimes get them something, I mean (a bit spoiler), when Ashur was get elemental poisoning how did he keep trying get a cure to feel better from To? And how Katnir,after the secret weapon was snatched,sitting on the pier fishing,played hard to get To stay and give him a massage lol. How did Jeth manage to make out with To in front of Beileph without any shame in VH?????! ahem(cough*),I mean I love these and can't help but shock and laugh all day long,all in all that was my impression of Rogue's cheeky(*^ω^*)

In fact sometimes im self-insert sometimes i fantasizing about a character.Then regarding my mc,her name is Nora, I assumed that she was a dark redhead (she dyed her hair to make herself feel more confident) who was a little bit cold around strangers but actually she was just a little bit embarrassed and shy, and once she connected with her partner she became more and more open, bold and confident, She once had some emotional problems due To her family, but after treatment, she has become better and better, especially surrounded by so many friendly and lovely people (≖‿≖)✧, so I think she and Ruwin can understand each other better, although she can't do the best, since she has become a TO. She will try her best to do well (even when she is nervous and afraid in a scary situation, she will try to pretend to be calm, trying to comfort the other members). She'll love to joke around with her guild members, and she'll also love to tease cute, blushing people (maybe someone who with short white hair and blue eyes water mage XD)

Wow, I seem to have said too much, the last thing I want to say is, thank you for liking my work! I'm still ready to create more haha<33333


Hi Zack:3333, thanks for sharing about your TO! Gosh I had a time in my life when I was in college and kind of coming into my own adulthood and I ALSO dyed my hair dark red to feel more confident LOL. It was mess, because I was poor student so I try to do it all myself and it looked like a murder scene in my shower haha. I try to clean it up but I think I was staining pillow with dye until it completely washed out TT which it didn't seem to last very long either for all that efforts! Anyway with support I hope Nora gain confidence! 

Something I'm sure you notice, is that even when guild member disagrees with the T.O and is unhappy, they are willing to work through differences. I never want the player to feel like they have to answer all questions to solely make the LI happy. Some people might think there's not enough consequences but I'd rather the player can answer without looking up strategy guide, and answer what they feel they want without anxiety. I'm a min/max style player myself so I get anxiety to give optimal answers and ruin the immersion for myself in lots of games to the point when sometimes I can't play it anymore because it's makes me too anxious lol but that is my personal philosophy to these relationships/story choice  games. 


LMAO😂to hear your story let I grinned, sometimes make some changes on our appearance really let ourselves become more confident (just to make yourself happy)I really will choose the option that LI likes in order to get their favor, and I do notice the game there is no "right" or "wrong" option, I am happy to see that the guild member always respect and understand me no matter what I say or do. It makes me feel comfortable(❁´ω`❁)


HI ZACK:3333!!! FIRST OF ALL, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! it is such a delight to be able to share my work and make others happy! im also quite happy to know that the ashur artwork got you to like him JAHSJSHFNRBF he is my second favorite for a reason, silly kind of stupid but still pretty intelligent and intuitive men for the win!!!!!!!! 

that sequence of events seems about right for finding games haha! i think im pretty turned off of games that i cant figure out how to play and it’s mainly my fault, not the games!! Y_Y but im happy that you seem to do ur research and to find fan works to motivate you into playing!! that’s so interesting! i think a well rounded community allows for newer players to feel more welcome or to get more people interested, let’s do our best together!! 

AND HEHEHE i get it! i was extremely enamored by the writing because a lot of vns seem to be poorly written these days in order to focus more on the romance aspect. while that’s all good and everything, i think id like a story that has a lot more plot + romance engrained in interesting ways and ADW was wonderful for something that fit the somehow rare middle ground. i also found myself drawn to the writing because of how simple the dialogue was! i remember gushing about how you don’t need any text that’s eloquent or long winded to truly be something ‘great’! sometimes katnir saying something like ; “Can I be happy about this yet?” is enough to give insight into a relationship with the TO and his character without going into excruciating detail about it. 

I LOVE THE ROGUES TOO! while i am naturally drawn to their charming behavior, i think it’s soo lovely to hear that you like all three HAHA. they are… interesting! 

and to celebrate more ashur fans! i doodled a little ashur, enjoy! ☆ 


Your fanart has really given me a lot of ideas and motivation ^ω^ They are absolutely definitely very very amazing!!!!!!!!!I very much agree with what you said about ADW being in the middle ground, because usually, The romance aspect is probably more appealing to me than the main story, but in ADW, I can't help but look forward to the next development of the plot.The balance between the romance and the main story works well.I think the more the plot progresses, the more I can feel the charm of the characters, and the deeper the connection with my partners along with the main plot. More and more like them, ADW dialogue is very simple, but can depict a lot, it is very interesting!! Finally, thank you for your doodle ,That's too cuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I SURVIVED in the Don't Fall in Love with rogue challenge for 0.01 seconds,let's  try??LOL


Hi Noodie, I realize that I talked about inspiration for the other rogues but avoid talking too much about Jeth's mentality because I do not in any way, want to condone or justify his harmful behaviors (IRL, I wouldn't be in the same room with him LOL) but since this is fiction I think it's interesting to explore these personalities, I will explain a bit of my thinking when creating and writing Jeth. For those who might be disturbed by Jeth behaviors, that is a totally natural and valid reaction and you don't have an obligation to explore his character. But for those who are curious and love to dive into the rogues of this series-

WARNING- JETH IS A HOT MESS*****************************************************

Jeth is my take on a "yandere" type character. Admittedly, I'm not normally a "fan" of this archtype, but I often like to explore things that are not usually my thing as to better understand and appreciate it. Most of this behaviors are "theoretical" in my mind, but sadly his more sociopathic behaviors are based on real toxic dynamics that I have personally experienced and witnessed many of the people in my life endure. The part that is most fictional, is his actual love and devotion for the TO....

Firstly, he is a professional assassin and the only character that despite the normalization of violence and killing in this world, is truly remorseless. My mind can't place myself in the shoes of a sadist individual that derives pleasure from inflicting harm so rather than explain his behavior as sadistic, I had to have him cope with his violence through detachment.  He's simply numbed himself from his humanity to do his job that he was always trained for, by developing a jaded and bitter disdain for the world as a whole. A true nihilist. He sees the world as a dog eat dog, play for power, where those who are the cruelist and most ruthless will always exploit those who are more selfless. Since he feels that ironically those who grasp power will also be "ruled" by it in the end, a hopeless struggle to hold an illusion that humans in a world created by gods, can't truly possess. he prefers to situate himself adjacent to power, tip the scales here and there and watch to see if his world view can be challenged. In an odd way, Jeth and Ruwin could probably relate in their disillusioned views of their world and structures of power, but their approaches to tackling this problem in their minds are irreconcilably different. Ruwin's more naive and simple way of thinking makes it easier for him to be persuaded in the possibility of more hopeful, brighter future, filled with personal redemption and fulfilling human connections.

 Jeth is originally interested in the power and potential the TO presents and will kill them very early on in the game if he feels the TO is more trouble than it would be worth. But it's not long before he falls hard for the TO, as they spark a hope in him of a world and people outside his jaded existence. Maybe he could've been capable of love outside the TO, but the TO being from another world was the catalyst that opened his heart to his humanity. Perhaps he always saw himself aloofly looking at the world from the outside, and the TO as a true outsider, he felt he could connect with them. This is what he's referring to when he says the TO is untainted/pure, he means in the sense of not dirtied by the senseless crap of their world. When the TO rejects him, he's devastated and is surprised by his own desperate emotions. He marks the TO with a scar if the TO keeps seeing him, even after he told them to stay away if they weren't interested in a relationship. as a warning to stay as far away from him as possible. This is also probably to be taken with a grain of salt, but I researched where Jeth (an expert killer) would probably cut someone in as a warning but with as little actual harm as possible. Don't look at my search history U___U;;; And yes, at that point in the sequence of rejections, he's prepared to be rejected again and regardless of how carefully he did it, it's still an absolutely unacceptable way of setting a boundary, Jeth go to jail for assault, ok?)) It's bad of him, but he'd rather be hated and shunned by the TO than dragged along in some amicable way, and keeping his (now painful) emotions and hope alive. As eluded to in his aftermath conversations if you bond 5 him but not bond 6, he will be very mad at himself and bitterly admit that he still can't stop himself from wanting to throw himself pathetically at the TO (aka is unable to kill the hope of love and connection). 

This is attitude towards his own world vs TO's other world is also why he is much calmer and more willing to listen and cooperate when he's in the TO's world in Gacha Date. He wants to believe in a better world, life and relationship for himself and the TO. When in an official relationship with the TO, he won't harm them and will not force himself on them (tho he sulks a bit if refused), though he's still couldn't care less about destroying anything and anyone from his world, if he felt if the benefits would outweigh the costs. Like on some level, he knows the TO will be upset with killing everyone in his return ending, but he feels he must take the iniative to do the dirty work to fulfill the TO's wish, when the TO is to selfless to do so. A bit too twisted to say it's well meaning... one probably avoid dating assassins. 

I try to give the player a bit of power over Jeth, so if the player doesn't like him, they can enjoy seeing his mask slip, and know he's made to feel powerless in his frustrations (the TO  living rent free in his mind and haunting him for the rest of his life XD;;;)

How much of this I was able to protray, I don't know since he's not exactly one to just explain himself plainly, nor do I think he's fully aware of his own coping mechanisms. Originally, he was a bit too controlled and calculating, that I thought his true personality would never be unveiled enough, so maybe that's another reason why he flip flops from charming to an unhinged freak LOL. 

(8 edits) (+2)

Oh wow! Jeth lore! Jeth is a character ım highly interested in psychology topic so ı also would love to say few of my thoughts about him X3 sorry for stepping in!

haha  ım suprised ı got few right assumptions about him XD especially with the power one! when ı was playing the game the way he spoke felt like there is curiosity and small hope yet ıt didnt felt like in general but rather about personal intentions. To be honest seing his cruel sides ı didnt really wanted to be involved with him again X3 because ıt felt like as ıf ı was at his mercy and ı wouldnt do anything ıf he wanted to do worse. ofc every character in the game is alot stronger than me but the fact that Jeth doesnt hesitate to use it for selfish desires gives so much red flag in my eyes.

Though in the whole villain's heart game he was the character ı specially tried to understand and look in deeper ways.
Only then ı noticed that he is rather alot ''guarded'' from eyes of the outside than ı thought? since ı could feel there is something wrong with him yet couldnt put my finger on it.  he is quiet good at keep his mask though he is not perfect either since everyone is keeping their eyes on him everyone knows he is quiet dangerous regardless of how much he keeps acting ''nice'' XD

ı still admire how he can at least look so calm and collected as long as he doesnt get swayed by his own emotions. yet ı feel like he is bit arrogant one too thinking himself more highly than other as ıf he solved all the world's mystery by himself ^^; or at least he thinks he knows good enough? though ıts undeniable that ıf ıt wasnt for him current situation in crown would never have happened. perhaps then ı could say he is kind of aware of his power and potential yet strangely instead of trying to improve he sees no reason to do so and gets stuck in his own negative reasoning? X3 (ah well human psychology is never an easy topic for me.)

In the end ı see jeth as more like wasted potential as he keeps getting swayed by his own emotions twisting even his logic. But ı wonder ıf he ever tries to look into things differently? or he thinks that would be waste of time. to be honest instead of trying to connect with ''familiar person'' he could simply try to connect with himself? XD like Ruwin haha. I guess he sees no reason to do so unaware that he literally sets his own cage where he suffers.

as for how he acts in gacha date.... so this is why he felt so different lol XD he was actually feeling hopeful and trying to show real effort 0-0 ı do remember seeing him being so calm and ı was like ''.... did Eve and Jonas did something to him or am ı overreacting????''

Personally he is a big no no for me but ıts very fun to obverse him for ''science'' XD


Hi JustaOneGirl, 

I'm glad for when you jump in and share your thoughts! I think that is one of the fun aspects of having an open forum and hopefully others feel the same.

I think your thoughts regarding Jeth are pretty insightful. Often times it's hard to try to understand characters/people when we disapprove of their actions. I have a strange fascination for understanding bad behavior, even if I don't believe in justifying the behavior, I do find it interesting to explain for several reasons but primarily for self preservation. Explaining from a psychological point of view, often makes it more obvious that is not me/the victim to blame. Some very manipulative behaviors need this kind of clarification for me, since I tend to hold myself easily accountable.

Somehow this habit turned into reading about all kinds of serial killers and criminal offenders. I used to be addicted to true crime type shows lol.

(5 edits) (+2)

hi and thank you! it's very nice to see developers understanding that it's totally fine to make and delve into characters that are evil while holding these characters accountable for their actions. thank you so much for even addressing the fact that people can be disturbed by his behavior, it's a very observant and kind thing for you to do! i'm also sorry that you have experienced people like him in your life, it must've been really tough but on the bright side you at least have some kind of experience for writing them, haha

i personally find myself drawn to characters like jeth in a psychological manner, he is charming in a DNA way and i am fond of the way he reacts to things that are new to him- by being morbidly curious. you wrote him really well and i found myself interested in the way that he acted and wondered what his story really was. and when i did, i came to find out that he was groomed for his behavior which doesn't excuse it but what i really took from it was the budding curiosity that he had from the very beginning. i think it's fascinating that he's curious about the TO and i think it's fascinating that he's curious about the world that they're from. this is no shade to any creators and obviously people deserve to create what they love but villain characters that are humanized will always have me drawn to their behavior.

and so i found myself fluttering in circles around the villains, flip flopping between feeling extremely connected with them and getting upset about the things they do. i think i am very easy to manipulate if you can put ur mind to it LOL. you put so much care into jeth's character and i, PERSONALLY, could see him being confused and curious at the same time even if he doesn't truly express it since he's... well, you know, jeth. AND OMG! RUWIN AND JETH COMPARISON FTW!! i always thought they were similar in some kind of aspect but couldnt put a finger on it teehee.

oh man... i hope it's not me misinterpreting his character but i am joyful that his overwhelming yearning is on par for his lust for violence and power. and i'm glad that you wrote him to be that way! aka having a longing so deeply struck into him to the point of making him irrational and completely off his game! so cute! i dont think i'll ever romance jeth in a way that matters to him because i enjoy the prospect of torturing him with the painful HURTFUL HORRIBLE feeling of never being able to get something you TRULY want . (DISCLAIMER; i just really like unrequited love. it's delicious and jeth is a perfect victim for it) i also get a kick off of a bad man having to come to terms with his emotions in the most hurtful way possible ^q^ yessssss please go ahead and figure out ur yearning and heart break at the same time while KNOWING that the TO forgave you for almost killing them.

Lady Yumi is a forgiving woman, unforgivably so, Jeth thinks.

and i think my canon routes will always be with the 'heroes' of ADW or........... ashur...  i guess (rolling my eyes) LOL. and personally i liked the way you portrayed him and the way he switches between two faces helped me like him even more fdakjgfdjkg, there are two wolves inside of you. a sick and twisted assassin with the desire to watch the world from the sidelines     and a failguy who cannot for the life of him get the TO to like him because he cannot help but go freak mode every time he is shown a semblance of a smile from them.

and ive been drawing a lot lately for the forums haha, it's all doodles but i hope it isn't too much! and as always thank you for responding!


Hi Noodie, 

Oooh I'm always happy to see more doodles  ^o^

And yes, Jeth and Ruwin comparison! So it's unfortunate that Ruwin and Jeth didn't face off at the battle of Brookhaven like in the original draft (replaced him with Mikaylis so that Jeth could lead the whole forest kidnapping) because Ruwin was REALLY looking forward to smashing Jeth in the face and pretty much went on a big tirade how much he thinks Jeth is a worm, spineless ect blah blah but yeah. I always thought Ruwin especially hated on Jeth to that extent because he probably could sense something in common with him that he did not like in himself. *prints out more art for my wall* P: