HI EVERYONE! oh wow, i'm a little embarrassed to share these here but i think it'd be nice to share it with more fans of ADW! ^q^/ but this game has ruined my life (good thing) and i enjoy it with every single update! ive always been quite fond of more indie titles of anything i like whether thats the romance genre or things like fantasy, ive always gravitated towards things that people put their heart and soul into. and im SO glad to have found arcane dice wars in the midst of it. oh my goodness, the amount of time ive spent gushing over certain dialogues or getting progressively upset (GOOD THING) about the damn hydra in the sewers, im so fond of it. ive even started recc'ing it to people i know HAHA which is funny considering that they dont really play these kinds of games on a regular, i still do it though because that means i care abt it!!! i care about arcane dice wars sm!!!!!!!! and its such a joy to read everyones community posts whenever i can... im a tad bit shy so i havent responded at all ahhhh but once i muster up the courage ill be sure to respond in my own way!!!!
oh and just to say it to say it, the woman in these drawings is my transient one! her name is lady yumi and she's an office worker with a hugeee heart! she normally only has gray eyes but ever since she's been transported her right eye occasionally turns glassy. like a mirror! it happens only for a split second and only with guild kalen but because it's so brief people think they're just hallucinating. oopsie!
anyway ive just compiled all of my fanart here that ive done, i hope you all enjoy! OH! AND! spoiler warning for ADW: A Villian's Heart at the end, it doesnt reveal ANYTHING LMAO and its just in game text but yk... just in case! teehee!
and id love to ask a question if youre all willing to answer, what led you into finding arcane dice wars? for me, i actually found it through arcane dice wars: gacha date! HAHA i fell in love with everyone ESPECIALLY katnir and ashur and wanted to find out their stories. it was really good, SO good and couldn't stop myself from latching onto everyone else as well... sigh... forgive my easily attached self.