I am wondering about overland travel. I see on page 18 how to create other enemies you meet on the way to the "Dungeon" (play area); but do I use the Oracle line Travel (per day) for checking what happens in the overland journey? Assuming the answer is yes, the Lost (roll again) does not seem to be much of a penalty (you just reroll) - It seems like losing a day of travel would make more sense (since you are lost); then you would roll on the table on the next day, having been delayed by a day. Your thoughts?
So for the "lost (roll again)" result on travel, it is like it adds an entire extra day to travel. Let's say you know a forest is 3 days travel away, or you use the "how many" oracle and get 3, on one of those days you get a "lost" roll, well that adds an extra day of travel since you now have to roll again, since each Overland Travel roll is one per day. So on that extra day you might roll an enemy. The penalty is basically an extra roll where something else can happen. So I think we are saying the same thing!