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JoyPeddler Games

A member registered Feb 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you!!

Hi sorry! I meant to respond earlier! Yes all stats capped at 18. If you max a character out, I would retire them!

Double down is on defensive rolls yes.

For the counter, you have to roll 2d20 and add them, so let's say you rolled 10 and 10 for a 20. Well that is less than your Str and dex combined (27) so you would succeed. But if you rolled 2d20 at 15 and 16, for a 31, the counter would fail since it is above the sum of your str and dex stat (27).

So for the "lost (roll again)" result on travel, it is like it adds an entire extra day to travel. Let's say you know a forest is 3 days travel away, or you use the "how many" oracle and get 3, on one of those days you get a "lost" roll, well that adds an extra day of travel since you now have to roll again, since each Overland Travel roll is one per day. So on that extra day you might roll an enemy. The penalty is basically an extra roll where something else can happen. So I think we are saying the same thing!

No the last dice in the chain is a d4 so it cannot just continue indefinitely, sorry!

Interesting point. It is something to consider!

Just sent 😁

Yes indeed! It's not automated and usually occurs the next business day.

Hello! Thanks for the questions. 

  • Boss room is just a plus one room. So if you roll eight rooms, then play eight rooms normally, and add a ninth room as the boss room.
  • NPC 's can sell things if it makes sense narratively. As you noted, solo RPG'ing requires some self-initiated rulings that make it go smoothly.
  • NPC reactions are just there if you need them. If you've got a story going and don't need some inspiration then skip the oracle npc reaction roll.
  • Back tracking is a D6 minus three yes. Did this so that the rooms are almost always empty since you've been through them. But I didn't want people to just go free reign back tracking out of the dungeon to a town to restock items before fighting a boss without some level of risk.
  • Sounds like you got some bad luck on that one! Sometimes these rpg's will just get ya!
  • Exactly right, "rooms" should be interpreted lightly. Does not have to be a dungeon. Could be any setting.
  • Yes food is just a prompt. Nothing behind that really. But if the narrative fits, go with it! Maybe it's fake food and a trap!

Thank you for the questions!!

Hi if you want to email me at we can work on another method. I note Paypal doesn't work for you either, just based on past comments. But email me and we can try and figure something out!

Awesome!! Thank you so much. really glad to see this. It's now in three languages total!

You can post them here, I assume others might have the same questions too. Thanks for playing!!

Thank you! I am going to hopefully pump out some more content this year and then maybe do a big compilation or something.

yep sure will. 

Yes those are the same version. I made them consistent with this most recent digital update.

Hello! The clues at their most basic are just a mechanism to give players something to do in a room outside of encounters, NPC's, traps or if it's empty. Once you collect three clues, then  you can roll d20 on the boss weakness table to see what the weakness actually is. The table are just a table, so if your adventure makes more sense to have a specific weakness then go with that.

"Eye Damage" means hitting the boss in the eyes. 

"Fire/Ice/Poison" means one of those (player's choice or roll) is the weakness, not all three.

Once you know the weakness, then only by exploiting the weakness do you do 2x damage. So if the weakness is eye damage, you have to during the battle somehow hit the boss in the eyes.

NPC's cannot tell you the boss weakness outright, they can give you a clue though.

Yes! Please use a d8 when first rolling for spells. Typo 🤪

I am not ignoring this post! I am just trying to think through your comments.

You could go both ways. The plus one room boss encounter is there so you can do a whole Quest with just one area. But if you want to do two or more areas you can either have a boss for each area or just exit area one and move into area two. Or you could have a "mini boss" for area one by maybe fudging the boss stats down a bit. Totally up to you! 

Glad you're enjoying the game! I avoided races/classes mostly because I find the extra mechanics difficult to keep track of. If there is a game you really like the classes for, then I would look at those and morph them into HQ2 stats. If you use the six main stats you can translate to HQ2 stats.

Strength and Constitution = HQ2 Strength

Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma = HQ2 Wisdom

Dexterity = HQ2 Dexterity

So then you'll probably need to fudge your stat rolls to fit into those archetypes.

Class abilities like pick locks or immunities then can be applied in game. If your class can pick locks, then you can either just do that without rolling on the relevant stat, like dexterity, or roll with advantage (minus 3). 

I have not tested these ideas just brainstorming. Experiment and see what works!

Oh I see the issue, I accidently included that file on the devlog post. I removed it now. Thanks for pointing that out. 

That's weird. I hid that file since it's now contained within the core book itself. So if you downloaded the version 1.1 file you have the setting prompts. 

Oh yeah!!! This is amazing! Thank you for all your support 😁😁

What a great play through! How did it end up??

I am currently pricing them out again. Should be some coming soon! 

Hi there! Rank 6 is the right rank. Typo! Thanks for pointing that out. Hope you've managed to beat it!

Hi and thank you! Definitely seeing an uptick in folks playing which is great! 

1) There is not a mechanical difference in weapon types. I wrestled with distances early in the game's development but it made combat too wargame like and hard to track. So ultimately I stripped away those mechanics. 

2) Yes in fact Heart of Light has a boss that has an alternate attack. But this was also included to allow for other games' enemies to be plugged in. Since many other games have enemies with more than one attack.

3) Gaining spells can occur through obtaining the Crimson Potion heirloom. I can definitely see adding a more direct route to getting a new spell though. On Page 7, where you upgrade your stats I will add a new spell for a cost. That's a really great point you bring up, thank you!

Woah how did I miss this comment! During a dungeons/areas potions are the only way to heal. Between areas and dungeons I will normally replenish the party's health. The rules only vaguely discuss this and so I will need to correct that. But the intent is to have your party back to full health after you finish a dungeon/area. So you can either travel or start the next dungeon fresh. 

First, thank you!!! So glad you're liking HQ2. You definitely can play this using HQ2 rules. The room sequence in HQ and thus Red Death is different so I would just use HQ2 room sequences, combat and exploration rules. Red Death is pretty much a series of little dungeons plus a town to explore all of which fits nicely into HQ2 rules. Enemies in Red Death might be a little too easy for HQ2 rules so if you're finding that, consider upping their stats. Enjoy!!

And uploaded!

For sure, that's forthcoming! Like sometime today or tomorrow : )

Nice!! Yea it's a tough game. I went back and forth tweaking the difficulty on this and eventually added the "solo" scale to bump it down a bit.  Just to get through the adventure, you could scale it down even more with 8+ being success. Or head back to Herot and keep gambling!! I wish you luck traveler.

1. Page 7 Money & Items: "Armor, shields, amulets, and whetstones can only be equipped by one character at a time". So RAW is if a character has an amulet, they are unable to use any of the other items unless they dispose of the amulet?

No, this rule is meant to prevent characters from stacking many of one particular item, like 3 whetstones. Characters can equip one of each of these buff items if they manage to get their hands on them.

2. Page 12 Avoiding a Fight: (minus 3 to attack rolls) This should be -3 to the AC stat and not the die roll? If to the die roll, that would improve the chances and not be disadvantage.

Yes, thank you. My intent is to make it harder, so you should be ADDING 3 to your initial roll when attacking, not subtracting. So when you're trying to roll your AC, you should be adding three to your roll, which is a disadvantage. 

3. Page 14 Traps: "If the trap is detected but cannot be disarmed for a narrative reason, then roll to avoid the trap at -3" Again RAW should this not be -3 to your DEX stat and not the die roll to make it more challenging?

This one is accurate as written. My logic is that if a party knows a trap is there, but it's not able to be disarmed due to some reason. Let's say, a pit. You can't really "disarm" a pit. But you know it's there, so I am rewarding the fact that you at least know the trap exists, which makes avoiding it a bit easier. Thus the MINUS three on avoidance roll. 

...And now that you mention it, I see another typo on that page.  New versions incoming!

Excellent! Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think!

Nice, thank you! Hope it goes well!

Hi there! Thanks! So the starvation mechanism is basically once you have zero rations, you get three more "ration adjustments" until you all starve. So let's say you have no rations left, then you roll a ration check and lose two rations, that is one ration adjustment. You roll again, do a ration check, you lose 1 ration, that is your second ration adjustment. A third ration check and you lose 1 ration, that is your THIRD and final ration adjustment. You are all dead.  If you had managed to get a ration during any of those turns, that "three ration adjustment" countdown would reset. If you need any more clarification just let me know! Lots of rules to fit on a business card so I had to be really terse.

Thank you! So glad you've found them useful. I think that could work with the numbers 1 - 6. The words themselves might need to become smaller to fit the numbers but should work. I assume you mean 1-No and, 2 no but, 3 no, 4 yes, 5 yes but, and 6 yes and?

Yes I think that one would work!

Yes of course! Creative Commons 4.0 seems most appropriate? Haven't had anyone ask before : )

Thank you! The model that delivers the token is not out of the game, they can come back. Rally can be any character. They bonus applies to anyone nearby. 

The move structure could conceivably allow for that. If that one character wants to make a dash for an objective. But objectives should be in relatively hard to reach places so even 10 moves could get them there and maybe pick it up. But they likely couldn't get all the way back. 

Thank you again!! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks for the details.  I agree it is quite random. My desire for the game was to be pretty low-effort on the player side. I came at this game from the perspective of a player that is short on time and just wants to roll some dice one night they have some free time (aka pretty much me at the time). That being said, I have learned alot from this community as a result and think that some of the other adventures scratch that story itch a little bit. Red Death is pretty free form until you get to different parts where you can choose to utilize the dungeon generation mechanics from HQ.  By no means are any of my games perfect and will always result from tweaks. One of my goals for 2022 is to issue a new version that refines from lessons learned that feedback. 

The persistent money/items is good idea and I was trying to use the heirlooms to accomplish that, but those only work if you fail, and so I see what you mean about that.

The encounter tracker is basically boxes to write in AC and HP for your enemy then as  HP goes down you write the next value below. Thanks again for your comments.