Not a fan of the game-style, it's very messy.
Part comic, part text, part pictures stuck in which-ever-way... it's chaotic and hard to read.
The game menu does NOT help.
The (seemingly) pointless flashback moments seems, well, pointless.
But it's not impossible that they will have some sort of use later in the game, so I withhold my judgement on them for now.
The loading option does not load anything, it just restarts the game.
The rollback option does not work and, again, just restarts the game.
Correction: The rollback works to a -point-, after which it restarts the game.
(It may be a flaw only in the earlier parts of the game. I don't dare test it atm, as the loading option have no worked thus far, and I don't want to redo the whole damned game.)
If this game is longer than 5 minutes, that WILL be a BIG problem.
Even more so if it's long enough to require you to have it open overnight, as my laptop will almost certainly die. (It's old.)
Do choices actually matter in this game?
I see exactly no difference in what happens regardless of what I choose.
(Even if you say you don't want food, you still eat the damned food.
You say you don't want the room, you still end up there.)
Tip: It's rarely the sight of a corpse, however mangled, that makes people feel sick. It's the smell.
And writing feels more alive if you add in scent. (As well as the rest of the senses.)
That's not to say the writing isn't good mind you.
The writing may be the best part of this game.
(And the chaotic setup thankfully changed to normal visual novel setup after the intro. And that artwork is pretty good.)
I do wish you had more choices tho.
And I mean REAL choices.
Not just ten ways to accept the same shit you'll be forced to accept anyway.
(Or five ways to say you worry about a person you don't care about instead of worrying about being attacked.)
Also not a fan of being stuck on a set path with a single love-interest.
But this isn't all that uncommon, so I won't say it's -necessarily- a bad thing.
...why would I even care if some do-gooder I don't know is okay? oO
Or worse: volentair at ANYTHING.
(I swear if I ever see a starving kid in the streets, I'd step right over them and keep walking. I am NOT a volentair kind of person.
So it's bizarre to be roped into something like that in a game.)
Why mentioning that something can be vanquished by killing the killer if that is not an option for you to choose?
I am not convinced there is a SINGLE -real- option in this game... >_>
...which, I guess, makes this a novel, not a game.
But I DO like Vincenzo.
He has the best date ideas. ^_^
(The MC's methods are a bit crude, but I suppose the MC isn't the type to study these things, so that can't be helped. I'd personally drag it out longer.)
He's so sweet tho~ ❤️ IS good to know that you at least get to switch jobs down the line.
Not because I particularly mind the original job, mind you.
I just dislike being forced into things.
Is it intentional that the things Crux tells you about Black (and how they met) later in the game doesn't actually match with what he tells you in the beginning?
...who is the person you're dreaming about? oO
Is it someone you found? Someone you killed? The landlady?
I am not good at understanding guilt, at all, so help me out here.
...does guilt actually hurt THAT much? oO
I mean, I've read about it of course, but the fanboy's reaction seems a bit over-dramatic. (Then again, what do I know. I've never felt it myself.)
I'm a bit surprised the witch does not use bone casting.
But her lessons are more or less accurate, if a bit "you can find this on wiki" type. (It IS beginner lessons tho, so that's not a bad thing.)
(I'd argue over some tarot readings, but that is just nitpicking on my part.)
The game have a rocky start, but it grows on you.
(Okay, much of that is Vincenzo. I adore him. ^_^)
The artwork is decently good, and the writing gets better as it goes along.
I am not a fan of how little impact your choices have, but even that seem to improve, if only occasionally.
If this game ever gets out on Steam, I most defiantly will buy it.
(But only on Steam. I really don't like buying things other places. Plus, my paypal is stuck in limbo because the log-in is an email I'm pretty sure I deleted. Not that I remember what it was.)
And the demo is wonderfully long, tho it cruelty ends on a cliffhanger before my darling's big show. *Sighs sadly*
I will keep my finger's crossed it will hit Steam when it is finished.