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The artwork isn't perfect in the traditional sense, but it's somehow still very nice, and I like that you can customize your character. ^_^

I am annoyed that you can't even try to reject the offer tho.
(Even if it lead to a bad end, I'd like to have the choice to rebel.)

I like Hypnos tho. ^_^
Normally dark skin is not an aestetic I like, but he makes it work.Is he romancable?

Speaking as a fan of Sandman.... Will Morpheus show up as a love interest at some point? ^_^ Hypnos' more serious brother or something? lol

How does the answer "How about never?!" turn into you having a date with Dio?
Both answers leads to the exact same scenario. Doesn't seem like a choice at all.

Dio is cute, but overly social...

Not a fan of apollo tho.

Hades is cute, I guess.
But not exactly what I'd expect from the lord of the underworld.

(Kinda sad you can't just date prometius. lol
I bet he'd be the kind of guy I like.
But I don't know if he's alive and in chains or whatever in this version... or leading the rebellion or chaos or something.)

The mc chooses pretty fast, and as far as I can tell; You also choose blindly.

Wouldn't it be better to have the choice of who to date AFTER you meet them instead of beforehand? oO

Hades is growing on me...AFTER the mc said she chose him.

I don't get why the mc is so touchy about hunting. *sigh*
I never liked bunnies to begin with.... Might as well have it in a stu.

I really love the concept of this game, but I don't like the mc.
....or the fact that few choices seem to actually matter, aside from that single choice that made you decide who you'd date before you even met them.

I'm naming the rabbit "Lunch". *glares at it*

....or is the whole choosing thing just for the kid thing? oO
...I'm getting more and more confused now. lol

Hades IS pretty cute tho.
With the plushier and all... lol
Although I think the flowers sounded nice...
He's a cute dumbass. lol

I like the ambiance in his home. ^_^

....doesn't absolutely everyone go to Hades?
It's not exactly Hell. Just a place everyone go to when they die.
(I know some go to Tartarus, which is more like Hell, but I'm pretty sure that's just the immortals that pisses the gods of something fierce.)
I'm not sure greek mythology has a concept of sin. It's more like... don't piss off the gods, and make them see how devoted you are and you'll be fine.
But everyone goes to Hades in the end.

Do correct me if I'm wrong tho. It's been a while since I studied greek mythology.

....guess Prometius quite what he was in the original myths. lol
Guessing the memories of the old gods didn't stick that well.

Words cannot describe how much I want to see Hypnos as a love interest.
The mere thought of him working so hard to set you up with Hades, only to end up with you falling for him instead.... 😂

Hrm... I wonder at which point of survival humans started to care about how pretty they looked... *ponders* I mean... survival doesn't leave much time to worry about that.
But on the other hand, many animals still care about it, so it's not impossible...

A new conundrum... How do you pay someone before currency is invented?

The gods are REALLY trying to fast-forward human evolution, huh? 😂
They haven't even gotten the hang of hunting and foraging before they're supposed to learn farming. Do they even have fire? Prometheus is busy doing...who knows what. Did he remember to give them that? lol

I think they worry too much about humans dying from hunger.
They'll probably die from wild animals, accident, illness, still-birth, eating poisonous plants, plain stupidity, and five million other things long before hunger can kill them. ^_^

(I'm honestly surprised they all survived a single day, to be fair.)

I'd say the one bright side is that they might not have invented war yet, but it WAS a pretty early invention... Even chimpanzees fight war...

I wonder if the humans will die (again) of fright when faced with the little 'welcome surprise' Hypno has planned. xD
Not something they've seen before. At least not the first few humans that die.

My head will literally crash into the laptop if I don't quit playing already and go to sleep, so I'mma gonna summarize my thoughts on the game briefly before that happens:

It was a bit annoying at the start, but the game really grows on you, and it's surprisingly hard to quit playing it once you get to the point where the romance part starts. (or so.)

It's also HILARIOUS! 😂
More and more as you go along.
(Loved the hydra creation! Do more like that! Please! xD )

Hades is cute. I wish he was a bit more dominant, but oh, well. I'll settle for cute.

Dio is cute, but I don't mesh with party-people. They're exhausting.
I'm sure lots of people like him tho. (extroverts, for one thing.)

Not a fan of the babysitter guy.

My favorite guy is still Hypno.
Too bad he's not romancable.

Overall tho, I really like this game. ^_^

(1 edit)

I am VERY happy that this game allows you the chance to refuse to cooperate with your kidnappers. ^_^

I like choices. Especially in forced situations. So kudos! 

That aside.... the artwork is nice, and I am already intrigued by a certain yellow-eyes man with zero patience for useless people. ^_^

I can't help but sigh at the inefficiency of their prison system.
I really hope I get to overhaul the damned thing someday.
Maybe a big, round pit with no corners to hide behind.
Or separate cells, and a daily fight in a Colosseum like stadium --take entrance fees from the free-folk for it too.
Earning money AND improving the skills of the fighters.
Maybe promise freedom on condition of military service to those who are best and can be proven loyal somehow.
(Maybe the Seer can see it or something.)

Cuz the shit they have now is very....needless.
Might as well kill them and be done with it.
It serves no purpose that I can see, and if it did, surely there are better ways to achieve it.

(But you were brought there to fix things, so I'm hoping that is intentional, and one of the things you're going to fix. ^_^ )

And they clearly haven't even heard of torture. >_>
Granted, it's not a reliable method to ensure the information you get is true....
Would be better to threaten someone they love...
But if we don't have that, torture is the second best option to find answers.
....unless one of the mages know mind-control or mind-reading....

While I do wish you had the choice to avoid the battles (and eternal walking), I DO like that there is tactics in the battles.

....I am really starting to wish this game came with a proper map, and not just an assistant marking where you have been.
I get that you can't predict exactly where the prisoners are, but it's really tedious to track them down, and I personally feel that drains some of the fun out of the gameplay.

---3 hours later---

...I will die in this dungeon before I find the last clue... >_>

I've searched every inch of the map, and there is no new areas to explore.... non I can find anyway.

---5 hours later---

I REALLY wish there was a map with X marks the spot.
Maybe some different levels of difficulties, where you have a map on easy and auto-set the battle-setup, and autoplay the battle.

It's fun to play the battles at first, but the repetitions gets REALLY tedious.
...especially when you can't find the clues.

Which is sad, because the story seems interesting. 

But I don't get to play the story cuz I'll die in a maze of a dungeon with blisters on my feet. 😭

---and unknown infinite time later---

*waves a sad white flag and lies down to die*

...I miss having a gamer bf who knows how to do this shit right about now...

The artwork is interesting, and the story premise as well.
And I DO like that there is choices, even if the ones I want are not always there. (I love that you -can- act hostile tho.)

The writing is pretty good and funny too.


Can I flip off g-d and jump off the clouds in a downwards direction instead? >_>

Wouldn't it be a paradox if you're allowed something in heaven that is strictly forbidden by the bible? 

g-d would have to go against their own laws and rules to let you have ANYTHING you desire. It would simply not be possible, unless he/she is a wishy-washy fool. (Admittedly, in this case...the shoe kinda fits...)

So if the thing you enjoy are things forbidden by the bible, then heaven is no better than hell, and may even be worse.

....if that happened to me, I'd run away screaming after touching that book. >_>

UGH! Why can't I tell her to show off! >_<
I really don't want to be there!

The mc is an idiot.
I wanna wack her over the head with a baseball bat, but I have a feeling the game is gonna do it for me. Stupidity comes home to roost.

(On the bright side at least she sounds like me with her morality in the red-zone, so I'm not complaining about her personality. Just her tendency to accept things she really should reject --in my opinion.)

I have to say you captured the spirit of g-d perfectly tho.
Especially with the whole "I love you but I'm gonna punish you if you don't obey me blindly" part.

I question the mc's taste in bedroom...
But I will concede it fits her character perfectly.

I like Inverse. ^_^

Not sure what to think about the maybe-hippie...
Depends if he is a hippie or a rock star guy I guess. lol
(I am very much -not- a peace and love kinda person.)

I will say this tho: The game really pulls you in and makes you want to keep playing.

So far it's a pretty good game.
Despite my complaints, I DO really like it.

If you publish this for sale, I recommend having the whole prologue for the demo.

It's not a game that grabs you from the first moment.
It grows on you. 
Like fungus.
...the hallucinogenic type. lol

But by the time the prologue ends, you get really into it and wanna know more.

I kinda hope to see this game on Steam now, so I can add it to my collection there.

....I can't for the life of me figure out how to make time pass. ^_^;
There may have been a briefing on it, but my memory is shait.

....and it only took me 10 minutes.... >_>

If this game wasn't so good I'd given up 8 minutes ago.
Might wanna make it easier to find.
Just a tip.
Some players (like me) are blind idiots. >_>;

I'm a little sad I can't say yes to being the singer for rainbowhair's band.
Especially if it's rock or metal. lol

The constant having to go look for people, and they only are there at set points of the day DO get tedious after a while.

Hopping over the map once or twice isn't so bad, and I suppose it wouldn't be horrible if that's how the game worked --much as I prefer a more typical storytelling myself...

It's the whole need to have to match the right -time- that's annoying.

I also dislike that the main chara meekly follow her orders.
(But that may be because I'm stubbornly rebellious, even when it's detrimental to be so. lol
And also because I really don't like heaven. I'd hightail out of there as fast as possible if I ever ended up in a situation like that.
....I'm not even kidding.)

Overall I like this game tho.

And the story is interesting and well-written.

I'm confused.... Why are you suddenly answering for someone who is -not- the main character? oO

The ociliation back and forth feels weird and confusing.

The story itself is good, and the artwork is not bad at all.

But the fluttering back and forth between perspectives is giving me a headache.

Very nice art. Good story-base as well.
The story telling style has a strangely nostalgic feel to it. Almost dream-like.

Although... if you are not supposed to notice he has fangs until it's too late, shouldn't he smile with his mouth closed until such a time? oO

Awww... He's so sweet after you confess~ ❤️

But such a tragic end. 😭

If you choose the other path, he goes a little overboard.
But I suspect he has a history with you causing him to worry too much, rather than simply invite you to stay.

Ending 5 is sweet tho. ^_^

But I DO wish to know if it worked to break the curse.
It didn't say anything about whether it did or didn't. I'm curious about what it DOES take. lol

I swear I've seen this game on Steam....

But only as a demo.
I remember being annoyed it wasn't out yet cuz I totally loved it. lol

Especially Enox. (And a little bit G#)

Where's the save and load buttons? oO

I really liked the first play-trough.
Beautiful story. Wonderful end. ^_^

The artwork is ethereal.

I do wish I understood what the knights motivation is tho.
What's going on in his pretty head?
Why does he do what he does?

This is one of those cunning games that changes with each play-trough.
Although I AM happy to see it has a reset game button.
Some adventures like this lacks them, and it's so annoying to not be able to reset the game, especially if it's a good game and you reach the end.

It feels like there's far too few choices tho.

Very good use of the Unreliable Narrator style.

I like William more and more. ^_^

The ending of the second walktrough sucked.
I wish I got a choice over her -actions-, and not just whether she asked questions or not. *sigh*

Is there only variants over two endings?

Or is there something I'm not seeing.

I can't figure out how the choices in any way connects to the endings.
Asking questions shouldn't change what happens, actions should.

And I still don't understand who ,-what-  the knight is or why he does what he does.

Non the less this is a very good game.

I like Xael.

Aww... He's so sweet. ^_^
He even included you in his future plans~ ❤️

I know the game probably isn't made to be longer, but I'd still love to see more of this game. And I hope the creator will keep working on it. ^_^

I mean... refusing to help him could lead to a short path, and then helping him could lead to a path where you help him achieve his vision. ^-^

(....and purely to throw the moralists a bone, I suppose an alternate ending could be an attempt to redeem him. *sigh* Such a waste, but some people seem to like it.)

Regardless, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more content. ^_^

Isseki doesn't look too bad... comparatively speaking.
Clearly not the best dresser, but he looks better than the other guys.

....I kinda like him. ^_^

Whoever the witch was she's a real bitch.
Pretending to be all high and mighty when she's cursing others for doing something she dislike.

I question the mc's tastes in men....
(But that may be because she clearly is very different from me.)

I wish I did have a choice whether it was a second date or not tho.
I like the guy. (He has a nice smile too. ^_^ )

I couldn't try the route of the one guy I liked, so it's hard to say if the game is good or bad.

The premise Not super-attractive to me, but I can see why it may appeal to some people.

The art and writing is pretty good, but it doesn't really draw you in the same way some other games by Anta does.

And the only good-looking guy has a route not available. lol

It's not bad, but it's not a game I think I'll want to play more of either.

Burn-scar boy is kinda cute.
(And it's totally not because his face reminds me of some of my favorite villains. Nope. Not at all. ^_^; )

I like how chill Kira is about everything.

The game seem to be missing a skip button. FYI.
(Not a big deal, but nice to have regardless.)

Kinda wanna wack the mc over the head for allowing someone else to see their book. You can't just trust people like that. Especially in their situation.

So far I have only seen a single choice in this game that isn't a "you have to pick all choices and then some" choice.
And it only decided whether one person lived or died. >_>
(And he's the only hot guy there, so you really can't let him die.)

The choice at the McD/KFC crossover place doesn't really make sense... Oo
How does he die in one version and not the other?
If he was standing in corner the whole time?

I am REALLY not a fan of detective games.
Or puzzles...

But the story of this game is intriguing enough to make it worth putting up with. (And Kira is cute. I have a thing for long hair on guys. lol)

...I still suspect the detective. >_>

Not a super-fan of the ending either.
Non of them are all that good.

Although I suppose it's nice to solve the mystery, but... Kinda not what I hoped it was I guess.

It's decent artwork and good writing tho.

Despite not being the kind of story I like, it draws you in.

I LOVE that you have the option to just up and leave. 😂
I'm a big supporter of free will, so I love when games give you the chance to use it. Even if that path is a quick end. (or bad end). lol

Round two...

The guy's a dork. /facepalm while laughing

There is a minor error in your coding I think.
At the attack scene, the timer starts -before- you get the options.
Despite being a pretty fast reader I could only read a single choice before the time ran out. Took me several runs just to figure out what my choices were at all. Never mind picking one.

This game is kinda hilarious. 😂
Not my favorite, but funny as hell.

Who needs enemies when you have friends like that? xD

Awwww-- The game has a happy ending!❤️

(By which I mean, you can join him. ^_^)

The game is far too short, but I love it.

It's the opposite premise of Seeds of Chaos (one of my favorite games) but in a similar category.

I would have loved to see a better developed version of this game.

(Like, maybe you were trained to be a hero from childhood and never thought about what you wanted, had to set out on a quest to fight the demon lord, and then ended up falling in love with him and had to choose if you wanted to be a hero and sacrifice your own feelings to save the world or choose to be selfish and join the demon lord instead. Or something.)

Either way, I like this game. ^_^

The pictures on this side doesn't paint the game in it's best light.
I'd normally pass straight over anything with what may be a hero love interest, but since I like the developer....

IS the love interest actually a hero?
Or something darker?

Does this game have ANY choices?
Because I found nothing.

The artwork is good, and the story is even better.
It captivates and pull you in. Very well-written.

But a lack of choices is a dealbreaker.
It doesn't matter how good a game is if it lacks choices.
If I wanted to read a book I'd use kindle.

It's just not worth playing.

But perhaps there will be choices added to it later on.
I should have run into at least one choice based on the length of the game as it is, but I realize the creators may have left it out of the prologue.
(However annoying that is.)

IF this game will have choices, and thus be a game instead of a novel, THEN it's a game well worth following, because the story is very interesting.

It's clearly under development tho, so I'm just going to have to wait and see.

"Whose route would you choose first? And why?"
I am a rebel by heart, so naturally my first instinct was to refuse the guy who tried to stronghand his way into an engagement.
(Although I DO admire him for his trick, I much prefer manipulation over force.)

That said, the Butler intrigued me right from the start.
And he kept getting better at every turn. (and bad end) ^_^

-"What's your favorite scene/event? "
Hrm... Nothing actually stands out in the Demo.
Other than the Bad Ends of course. lol

-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
I'd happily pay for this game if it was on Steam.
Doubly so if it was a really long game.
I'd probably buy any DCL content too.

Unless, of course, it turns out that the love interests have some sort of hidden do-gooder motive shit. I am SO sick and tired of thinking a character is amazing and evil only to find out he's doing it to help orphans or save someone or have a robin hood complex or some other anti-hero shait. >_>

-"Are the LIs villainous enough for you?"

So far they seem to be. Provided I don't discover the above-mentioned later on in the game.

If he takes over the kingdom, he should be a tyrant, not a benevolent ruler.

If he's a killer, he should kill for profit, not for some justice/just cause.
(If he is just loyal to his master and just plain enjoys killing, that's fine too.)

In short: A villain should never be able to truly justify their actions.
(They may try to, but everyone sees a villain for a villain.
Ask anyone, and they'll still say the Joker is a villain, regardless what the Joker justify his actions with.
Same goes for every true villain out there.)

I don't know what the goals of that organization is, or why they do it, but I will be VERY happy if it's a plot to gain power because they are power-hungry, or get rich or any other selfish and self-centered goals.

(Or if the love interest leaders are exploiting everyone else in the organization, like the Joker does in the Clown War when he pretends he has some just cause but in reality he just want to burn Gotham down to lure batman back cuz he misses his beloved... Now THAT is a complicated love interest, and a posterboy for unhealthy relationships. ...not necessarily in a bad way, as long as it stays in a game. Which is something I don't say often. lol
But I got off topic. My apologies....)

It's fine if they love the main character and want to treat her nice (although I am fine with them being a bit cruel as well, but people have different tastes there), but they shouldn't care about homeless people or starving puppies and whatnot.

So as long as they are what they appear to be in the Demo, then they are villainous enough. ^_^

(If you ever plan to make a yandere game, please tell me.
You may actually manage to create a realistic love interest in it that is capable of both being nice and cruel based on if the mc accept or reject them. lol )


As a side-note tho, I will say this:

I don't actually mind that Brillheart try and strongarm you into the stuff he does.
I enjoy being able to rebel against it at every turn.
It may be a little irritating, but there is a dark sense of pleasure in being able to lash out at him and reject him when he tries.

(I may even try his route at a later point. My admiration for him rises at every cunning and manipulative trick he pulls. I'm just stubborn when it comes to people trying to force me. lol)

The fact that you CAN lash out and reject him --or try-- that is a VERY good thing. It makes the game feel a whole lot better to play.

Even if it had come with a bad end, being able to rebel against things, even impossible to change things, feels very good.

So you are clearly doing something right.

So kudos! ^_^

Oh, hey! You have the Trapped With Jester game!

Should have known you were able to create a true villain then. ^_^

I like that game. Kinda wish it was longer tho.

I suspect the question if the villain is villainous enough can be answered with a no. But that's based on experience from other games.

So the real answer is this: Does he kill people for his own gain and NOT because of some moralistic ideal, or anti-hero shit? (Revenge can go both ways and depends on the scale of destruction.)
Then he may -actually- qualify as a villain.

If he doesn't kill anyone, have a moral code, or in any way does not behave like a typical villain in, say, Marvel or Disney movies, he is not villainous enough.

The best villains will not care one whit if he kills just about every other person on the face of the planet.
But assuming he's human (and not a psychopath) he will still be able to fall in love, and have a soft-spot for the one he loves. He will even kill to protect that person.
But never change his wicked ways. That's what makes him a villain; he always puts himself first.
(With his love interest a very close second of course, as this -is- a romance game.
Think the Joker and Harley in Suicide Squad or Mad Love.)

(I have seen far to many anti-heroes passed off as 'villains' only to se the so-called 'villain' turn out to be a good guy or somehow misunderstood in the end. >_>)

But let's open the game before we judge it. lol


The game have a very unique artstyle.
Not as polished as most otome games have, but perhaps more atmospheric.

It's still very nice tho.

And well-written so far.

I look forward to see what makes such a big difference in the path of ditching someone that it requires an update.
I honestly expected it to loop back to the main story and only cause a bit more trouble for a certain whitehaired man....

I would have said I'm annoyed that you can't refuse him --not because I dislike him (he intrigues me thus far)-- but because I like having choices.

But as that is clearly meant to come in the future, I'd rather applaud you for HAVING a choice. ^_^
...even if I have to wait for it. lol

I DO like the butler tho. ^_^

Not that I mind playing with a skilled manipulator --that's always fun.
But the butler seems much darker for some reason...
(And a bit homicidal. ❤️ )

Ooooh~ I like the butler A LOT!!! ❤️
(Around the first bad ending.... Sadly for the same reason I ended up liking Mr. Gap in Homicipher.... Maybe I should talk to my AI theraphist about it. xD)

The best love interest are to die for~ ❤️

The timed answer was cunning tho.

I have to admit Brillheart is cute.
And very tricky to figure out.
Very unique character design. He does not fit any of the typical otome characters --I can spot those a mile away, and they're always the same.
But Brillheart is different. 

I recognize a predator when I see him, of course.
But it's very subtle.
Or rather; the shape of his darkness eludes me.
This does not happen often.
Color me intrigued. ^_^

I agree with the butler...his boss is too soft.


I feared I had used up all the good games here. I'm happy to see this game proving me wrong. ^_^

I am also happy that the villains do seem like TRUE villains... although until I understand their motivations, it's hard to be sure.

Is this game available on Steam?
Or will it be?

I only ever buy games there, but I really want this one. ^_^

Hope this is some sort of comment section.

Cuz I REALLY want to bash the MC over the head. Repeatedly.
What kind of moron sacrifice themselves?! >_<

I TRULY wish there was a REAL CHOICE!
Cuz the mc is clearly nothing at all like me, and I really hate playing do-gooders.
....clearly she deserves everything she gets. >_>

The idea for the game is very good.
I LOVE the villain.

And the buildup to the game hints of some amazing and fun game.
(Where you get to kill people. ^_^
....and I admit I held a teeny-tiny hope you could romance the villain. But I realize that may be too much to hope for.)

But the ending SUCKS!

And the entire game is boring, more boring, and even more boring, and wait! It ends!
(By which I mean: introductions and then you die. And no, you can't choose to say no to being an idiot.)

I have no clue if any interaction with other characters impact that choice, but even if they do, it's stupid.
You want to play nice with people so they don't kill you, obviously.
But that doesn't mean you care for them one whit. It's purely strategic.

I REALLY wish there was a choice! >_<

(2 edits)

Do I like the group or not?
I don't like the group...I do like Vix.... Why isn't there an option to pick that? /headesk

The game was really short, so I assume that means it's still a work in progress. (Also, it kinda says it is. lol)

The artwork is not great, but it's strangely captivating, so it's not actually bad.

I am curious about the story tho.
(And your potential love interests.)

I like Vix --although his fashion choice is a large part of why.

I'm not sure if I like the guy at the back of the class or not.
He -could- be the kind of cool outsider kid (that probably smokes and drinks and break cars with a baseball bat for fun), which could be cool.... but he could also be a borderline jock and a bully, which is just...yuck. >_>

Either way I look forward to the next 'installation' of this game. ^_^

I also keep my fingers crossed it will be more of a Bonny & Clyde / Joker & Harley kinda thing, than a 'crazy people wanna kill you' thing.

So basically: I really like this game.
(I just tend to sound like a sullen teenager for some reason. lol)

Oh, I LOVE the demon already! xD

...uh... is the mc supposed to be of some sort? that a 5 o' clock shade beard on her very masculin face... >_>;

Maybe I'm just seeing things.
And I have never seen McGyver with that hairdo either. Nope.
She's defiantly female. *nods seriously*
...still needs to shave tho.

*chough* Aaaaaanyway....

The art could benefit from some improvement, but it's not the worst I've seen. And the story itself makes up for it.

So far it's been absolutely hilarious! ^_^
Especially watching the angel loose to a much smaller featherduster. xD

....and now the game makes me wonder if it would be better to consider the angel, if only to make him fall.... hrm.... *ponders*

I like the demon better tho, but still.....

Decisions. Decisions

The cow man is really creepy tho.
And not in a good way.

....but that may be the point. lol

Oooooh~ Hell has the perfect temperature. ^_^
Always knew it was a good choice!

.....kinda reminds me of the theme park I designed as a teen, what with the Hellivator and everything. xD
Good name. I shall remember it if I ever become rich enough to build a themepark. xD

I need sunglasses to watch heaven. >_>
Bright light! Bright light! GAH!!!! *covers my eyes screaming in pain*

I would have loved to see more choices tho.
The story is really good, but with a few more choices it'd be a much more satisfying story-to-choice ratio.
(Kinda like in a hamburger, and why you don't want a double-dekker. The ratio is just off.)

Not a fan of how much the mc seems to like the tragic little angel tho. >_>

Can I choose to be impressed instead of disgusted by an amazing show of ability from the demon? *sigh*

Why must you trust someone to love them....? oO

All this talk of Dante makes me miss Firenze. lol
(Flourence? Bit unsure what it's called in english.)

This should be a children's book.
It has all the requirement for it! ^_^
( the line of books for troubled children that will likely be read by adults. Like Roman Dirge's Leonore. lol)

I wish the mc wasn't an idiot tho.
Or that I got some choices to control his...her idiocy.

....what happens after you die tho?
Would kinda be interesting to know, especially if you're dating a demon. lol
Do you become a demon yourself? ^_^

VERY cute and funny story tho. 

Also: the ending was miserable.
My dear demon vanished without me. *sobs*

Didn't even get a choice to go away with him.... *sigh*

So far I like the game. The artwork is good, and the story interesting.

But the mc is an idiot.
How foolish must you be to believe the local police would assign a guard dressed up like...well... definatly not a policeman.
Personally I'd head straight to the police-station to check if it's true, and not trust him one whit.

She's also not telling her friends what's going on, which she really should have,
Mind you, I get why she doesn't. Humans are funny that way. So it makes sense that she decide not to.
But I really would have loved to have a choice to actually tell them.
Because that's what -I- would have done.
(Not because I care to tell them everything, but as an insurance policy should something happen to me. Better to be laughed at and either saved or avenged later, than to keep your dignity and end up dead with no one having a clue why.)

It feels incredibly frustrating to have so few choices. >_<
I feel like there's nothing I can do to impact the story at all after the prologue. And even when there are choices, there was very few that impacted the story at all, except choosing potential love interest.
I can't see any difference in the outcome of the story no matter which choice I pick most of the time.

How does going straight when you stare at a forest or house make you somehow end up in town? oO
Is that an intentional magic kinda of thing, ooooor.....? Oo
That is one bizzare run.... CLEARLY some kind of wacky magic is going on as the way you turn doesn't make any sense.

Pop quiz: DO choices matter? Am I just blind on that? I realize I may be mistaken about it, maybe I didn't watch the path long enough or something....

Or is the only choices that makes ANY difference in this game choices that define whether you live or die, and which love interest you want?

The demon is not very good at being a demon. *pouts*

But I admit that is very common in games like this.
For some strange reason people seem to like bad boys that aren't actually bad.
I don't think I will ever understand it.

Honestly tho....

This looks a whole lot like most other Otome games I've seen on Steam.
Including those published by larger companies.

The backdrop of the story may change, the love interest may change their appearance but usually contains the same basic cast in some form or other, and the basic story remain the same in every single one of them.

Whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your tastes.

But it's a good chance it will sell well.

This is an interesting concept.

While I realize that it is the whole premise of the game, is there a reason you don't leave the pc to live your life?
(I would have asked why you don't throw the pc away and buy a new one, but I've decided to assume you are too poor to do so. That would make sense.)

Personally I can't help but think it would have been nice to have the option of doing so tho, if only for it to hit an end.

(Or maybe your phone and new pc got blocked with the same program and you had to choose between giving in or living like a non-tech hermit for the rest of your life. lol

THAT would have been a funny 'bad end' tho. xD)

Huh. For some reason it just stopped doing anything at all.
No one is chatting in any chatroom in the game.
I clicked every single chat-room, every picture and everything that seemed vaugly clickable, and after that I clicked everywhere randomly..... still nothing.

Am I missing something, or is this how it ends the demo or something? oO

Any idea what happened?

I have this game (and lots of DCL) on Steam, but I just wanted to say thanks for creating such and amazing, AWESOME game!!! ^_^

I wish there was emo or goth clothes (and black hair, or dark blue/blueblack) but that's pretty much all I have to nitpick on, and I'm big on nitpicking.

Which is to say: This game is surprisingly good. ^_^

Why is there an option to buy a certain someone a snack if you never give it to him? oO

Nox is hot tho.
I like his black sweater, and his pink glasses. lol

The ending comes smashing out of nowhere tho.
Like the creator suddenly didn't feel like writing anymore and just wanted to wrap it up fast.

Which is sad, cuz it's a pretty good game.
I liked it.

I have to say his crew DO have a point...
Wouldn't make me any less pissed off in his situation, but still.
And Blackbeard's logic DO make sense.

I love how ocean-y and ship-y everything in this game is tho. ^_^
I don't mean just the artwork, but how everything else is designed.
(I love the ocean.)

I like the Siren. He's cunning. And possibly wicked. ^_^

The design is very nice, and a bit unusual. But his eyes are strange, and not in a good way. More like in a 80s video-game way.
The rest of the design is good tho.

I like the Siren more and more.... ❤️
I wouldn't trust him worth a damn, but I really like him. ^_^

So far I really like the game.

And I hope to see more of it in the future. ^_^

It could become an epic (and romantic) adventure, I have no doubt about it. ❤️

I REALLY want to help the Siren fulfill his dream. ^_^

This game sounds like an accurate analogy for life.
...kinda sad when you think about it.

School just don't pay these days.
Not like it would have 50 years ago.

The creature is cute tho.
...not look-wise, but non the less.

The tone of the game is pretty depressive.
As is the mc.
But I'm pretty sure that's the point.

It's a short but cute game.

With an ambiguous ending reminiscent of Kaori Yuki's 'Boys Next Door'.

FYI: So far I haven't seen any hints of a virus or anything, so it's probably safe to play. Probably.

Fuck it, I'll risk it.
I have a damned good anti-virus program anyway.
The game looks too damned interesting to just leave it be.

Az is cute. lol
SO cute!

The game really need to update the placeholder artwork tho.

Not a fan of Kel. Mostly cuz she's super-peppy.
And if you're in a bad mood, that's really not something you wanna deal with.

If you want any advice, I'd replace the 'cuddle' choice with 'lie on the bed and listen to music'.
(It could easily end up the same way anyway, especially if it's a smaller bed, but it's more realistic and have the potential for cute moments with it.)
Might also want to add a different option for the morning after if you choose that option, seeing as it's kinda logical that he stays all things considered. In THAT scenario.

Other than that this game is surprisingly well-written.
Especially when you consider the artwork.

I also feel like there's some info missing about the Kelly thing...
How did you have time to text and call her while sleeping?
And why would Az even know?
Had you (and Az) met her a few times, or at least talked longer the day before, sure. But you didn't. (In my choices.)
So it feels a little like it comes out of nowwhere.
Just something to think about when you return to work on the game.

Awww~ Az is soooo sweeeeet~ ❤️
I didn't like Kel anyway.

I'm sad the mc can't accept it tho.
But that's sadly normal in these games.

His gift is kinda cute too. lol
Store-bought might be better... but it's cute.

It's difficult to target the save-slot next page thing tho.
Might wanna check that out.

Breaking the 4th wall aside, the ending was cute. ^_^

I would have liked some small hints with the epilogue part tho, like... how you could never really make any friends because they all seemed to vanish as soon as you started talking to them, but it's okay cuz you got Az. Or something.

Regardless of that, I really love this game. ^_^

And I really, truly wish the game was longer.

I hope the creator of this game will come back and fix up the art, and write more on it so it becomes longer and more amazing. ^_^

I really like it. A lot.

Forcas.... yes... not a demon at all.... suuuuuuuuure.....
Especially with THAT name. xD

He's pretty funny tho. lol

I wish this game had a save button. That I could find.

....I can't help but wonder if he's a demon or not...
I like demons.... I don't like angels....
How can I choose what to do without being sure I'm helping the right side? *ponders*

I can't tell which side is which and it's driving me insane! *bashed head into the desk*

(Although that may be intentional, so kudos on that effect. lol)

I'm not a fan of puzzle games, but it's a good game if you like figuring out what the heck to do from small clues. A.i: Puzzles. In a less literal sense.
(Still not a fan, but that's just my preference, nothing against the game itself.)

Cunning.... VERY cunning.
Of the Fallen ones that is.

...should have stuck with the first ending tho.
KNEW I should never listen to that guy.

...I may not guarantee for the sanity of my actions. lol

Either way....

Pretty good story in this game.

Not a fan of the controls.
Went through the full alphabet before I realized you have to click 'space' to start it/move forward.

Mr. Meow is kinda cloying. I don't much care for him.
But I will concede that a lot of people probably love pointless and superficial flattery like that. (He's cute tho, I'll give him that.)
He's also kinda useless, sitting on his butt all the time. lol
But I guess that's normal in games. NPC's never help, they just tell you what to do. lol

Where's the save button?

I am pretty sure I'm stuck. I can't figure out how to get the flowers to grow.
Maybe if I sleep early they will...

Well... It moved forward.

Damn is he demanding.
(Again, not unusual for an NPC, so I can't tell if that's intentional or not, considering the premise of the game.)

Self-pity and apologies too. Ugh.
Not my favorite kind of person.
And I am presuming this is the "good" parts before he goes bad.

This game is somewhere between boring and annoying --but in an interesting way.

I suspect that's on purpose tho.

I don't have the energy to deal with Mr. Bossy more today, but with some luck the game autosaved, and maybe I'll try to get more than two days into it sometime later. lol

It's not a bad game btw.

Just not the kind of guy I like, at all.

I wish there was a simpler way to load the game than having to quit it.

And if you can't scroll back, then at least a history button in case you clicked to fast and missed something.

I like James. I think.
(Perhaps it's his eyes. And I don't mean the color.)
I like his reaction to the (possible) murder too. ^_^

Caleb is pretty hot. 
I like him even more after talking to him.
I like him lots more after the murder. ^_^

Theodore is different from what I expected.
Although it's always cute with a guy in a dress. ^_^
Oh, wait, it's not a dress. It just looks that way until you hide the text-box. lol
(His hair helps the impression I think. Those curls...)
He seems interesting tho. Probably. What people say anyway.

....kinda like his speech tho. lol

Brandon is pretty cool. He makes a great first impression.
....less fan after talking to him tho.
Why would Dr. Frankenstein have scars?
Or did he mean to say "Frankenstein's Monster/Creation"?
(Who may or may not have been named or named himself Adam. It's been awhile since I read the book tho, so I am iffy about that part.)

I like Felix.
I like him more and more. In a funny kinda way. lol
(Is it bad I find arrogance and delusions sexy? xD)

I don't like Aiden. He's boring.
I like him less and less and the game goes on.

The choices are a bit limited sometimes...
I can't know if someone brought a knife or didn't use a knife... all I -can- know is that it wasn't one from this kitchen. And that's only presuming everything was from a set with no extras. (Plausible, but not guaranteed)

....I'd make a lousy detective, cuz 90% of my answers would "Impossible to know without further evidence." xD

(My main suspect is also the victim himself, but hey!
...that grows stronger as the game goes on.
Maybe it's a programming flaw, but if it is intentional the blue color is really suspicious. Sounds intentional. He wasn't chocked to death or drowned. Of course, giving it a few hours would easily solve that mystery, courtesy of internal gasses and whatnot. Hrm... Suddenly I feel like digging up that book on corpses again. lol
Could be a third party not on the guest-list too. It's not exactly a secure house.)

Nice twist revealing the obvious about the original cause of murder btw!
NOW it's a -real- mystery! ^_^

My bet is on poison this time.
The symptoms fit, considering what Brandon said. Tho I'd be hard-pressed to say which poison.
(Drowning on dry land is extremely hard to achieve, especially in a way that doesn't make the body wet.)

Nice touch explaining why they don't go to the cops like normal people tho.
I love the dash of realism in this game.

I -would- say that a slow and methodical search while staying together would be the obviously logical choice.... but since when was humans logical? Especially when panicking?
I've studies psychology for far to long to expect rational actions from human beings --especially under duress.

Which again adds to the realism, so... Kudos. ^_^

The creator is an evil and cunning person to make the last chapter the one you need to purchase. After you've gotten really into the game, so it'll drive you nuts if you don't do it. lol

Very cunning.

I'm not sure if I should be impressed or annoyed. lol

The game doesn't work on my web browser.

Is there a download somewhere?

I was kinda hoping there would be a story with each memory you take home.
Like, you could view a mini-story in the game. (maybe with choices as if you were living it? not sure what would be best for memories...)

Is that a planned feature, or is this short bit all there is to the game?

It's a cool idea tho. I think it could make a really good game if the idea was expanded upon.

Some spoilers in this review.




I think Yuzhan is trained to put himself far too much.
I have heard of men with his condition that have become great hunters by learning to relay on their other senses.
He'd make an excellent lookout guard, for one thing, because of his hearing.

His language skills will be useful in diplomacy, and with a well-trained horse, he could learn to ride alone in time --especially with the colorful clothes people wear. He'd make an excellent spy as well, because he'd be underestimated, and his hearing is again an asset here.

Gathering information would be easy for him, even if he cannot sneak around on his own.

Everyday life may pose some challenges, but he could become a valuable asset to any leader if he was trained right, and not pampered and treated as an invalid.

(I know someone who had equally as bad vision. And it was barely better with glasses on, although they could play WoW surprisingly well for someone who only saw colorful blobs on the screen. lol)

Humans excel in adaptation, if given half a chance.

My speculations on his future aside....

The game is surprisingly good!

I love the idea of a game that treats an arranged marriage in a REALISTIC way! (And not the romance-or-refuse-it stuff I see far too often. It is always an option, but never a guarantee --which you seem to understand.)

And so far everything in the game is very nice and realistic, and your new husband is adorably cute. (And very pretty indeed. ^_^ )

I honestly would have LOVED to see him learn and thrive by your side, and become a worthy ruler in his own right.

Men have overcome far worse handicaps than he has.
I have no doubt he simply need to learn what his strengths are and lean into them, and let you help him with his weaknesses.

The scene where he cries is so heartbreakingly sad it's hard not to cry at it. That's how you know it's a good scene. When you can feel what the characters feel. ^_^

I AM surprised at the potential to refuse sexual acts, considering most arranged marriages are very heavy on having children. (Many cultures also places high enough value on virginity to need proof of it being lost on the wedding night.) Your people would almost certainly expect it of you.

But I must admit I know very little about the Mongols and their habits (and most of what I know is war strategies and conquest stories. lol)
And, of course, the fact that you are a war leader might make pregnancy cause problems.... One can see why the role traditionally fell to the non-childbearing gender. At least when it came to war.

(But I do know that the Mongols have help from the whole tribe with child rearing, so once the child is born the burden would be far less. Not to mention your husband is unlikely to be a warrior --although I HAVE heard of Samurai's who did not need sight at all to fight battles. Some used a blindfold to challenge themselves, and many writings tell of how to rely on intuition and hearing over sight, if my memory serves me correctly that is.
Some of this is even mentioned in the book Warrior's Meditation.
Of course Mongol's fight from horseback, and he'd be beyond useless as an archer.)

I look forward to see more content from this game.

I would LOVE to see him grow and thrive, and how the two of you work together to create a great...not sure Kingdom is the right word... But still.

Genghis Khan did not rule purely by brute force, he relied on diplomacy as well, and the unification of all the Mongol tribes.

You have the strength, he has the mind.
You'd make for a very great Powercouple.

Even if you have no ambition to rule both of you might see the value in this. 
Doubly so if your husband discover some plot by his father to maybe go against you once you let your guards down or something. (Giving you a timeline to unify the other Mongol tribes --the only thing that can truly defeat the chinese army, if my memory serves me.
I fear I haven't studied military strategy in years.)

And if Yuzhan loved to read, odds are that he is schooled in both chinese military tactics (he may even have read Sun Tzu's Art of War --depending on the timeline of this story), as well as poetry. Both very common topics at that time period for the children of an Emperor.
And if he wished to excel to please his father (as most children do) then he would likely have studied their strategies in preparation for when he was old enough to lead an army. (An aristocrat son would never be a common soldier, in just about any culture I have studied. With only some very few exceptions, and they are usually tribal people.)

Knowing the strategy of the enemy would be a great boon.
Having the knowledge by Sun Tzu would be an even greater boon.
(Or perhaps as great. Both are important.)

Of course... I am merely speculating and throwing out ideas here. lol

Feel free to use what you wish, if you so wish.

I am just looking forward to reading more of what promise to be a fantastic story! ^_^

I love how you have so many choices to try and escape.
And and I especially low how he is willing to give you the choice to go.
Even if you'll end up dead. It's nice to be able to make choices, even if they're bad one.

Overall I like this game, however short it is.
Considering it's very short even for a demo, I can only assume it's still being developed. It's far too short to truly get a grasp on if it's good or bad, but it looks promising.

So I look forward to see more of the game in the future. ^_^

I wonder what's in that joint that smell bad.
Those things usually have a really sweet and nice smell. Far nicer than regular cigarettes.
So it must be something else in it for it to smell bad. oO
(Or maybe she just have a very different taste in smells than me and those I've known. lol)

Wow... 16 and having a chaperone / not being allowed to date...
Her parents are assholes. >_>
Like, really bitchy ones....

Although I guess some parents are...

This game is pretty good at capturing high school I think.
(Can't be too sure, -I- was the weird kid that scared people off in high school. lol
But it looks like it should be normal school life. From what I've heard anyway. So good job on that. ^_^)

I really like Tylor tho.
I keep hoping the mc will be pulled into his world and chill out more. She clearly needs it.

...I don't like Reese tho.
Bit high-strung about things. Sounds like his sister's father instead of her brother. (Not that I'm an expert on sibling relationships.)

Two finger salute the british way, oooooorrr.....? xD

If he likes White Fang, she should have suggest he reads Call of the Wild. lol
He might like it better, seeing as the mirror story have the dog become free as a wolf in the end, instead of lazy and captive.
(Not that she looks like the kind of girl who'd even know what it is. The mc I mean.)

I see why the mc thinks Tyler is nice tho.
If my brother was stuck outside, even if it was a snowstorm I'd not lift a finger to help. (thieving little brat.) Tho I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

Tyler is really sweet. As far as I can tell he's the typical 'bad boy with a heart of gold'.
I guess that's something most girls love.
He's well written for that role too.
Nice, but without fully loosing his edge.

I'm a little sad it's more of a reform the bad guy story than a tempt the saint to sin kinda story. Or at least meeting in the middle, bit of sin, bit improved grades, that kinda shit.

'drunken viceral rants' lol Does he listen to Sex Pistols? :p
(Nothing against them, but they -litterally- have a song called 'too drunk to fuck'. xD )

I like the mc less and less... VERY stuck-up girl.

But I will concede that the two lovers being polar opposites adds to the conflict that drives all good stories.

What I miss seeing is character growth.

(Although this may be one of the rare few stories that are good enough that it is character growth lacking that's the issue. Even some of the more popular published-for-real type games lack that sometimes.

But it IS something to consider. It helps improve a story when the characters grow and change over the course of the story.)

An absolutly beautiful story!

The ending was wonderful --but it cut off a little abruptly.
(Is whiplash ending a thing? lol)
If you can code it to fade out slowly, it would lessen the shock.
And maybe add some 'the end' shit to it or something.

The artwork is good, and the writing is very good.
The story might have benefited from a few calm moments here and there (because of the overall aggressive tone of it) but regardless it's an amazing story. ^_^

(And don't get me wrong: this type of story fits the aggressive undertone, nothing wrong with that. But having softer moments here and there will help contrast it and give the readers some breathing-room.
You have some that are a little bit soft, but it could benefit from a bit more.
Just a few tips. Use them or not as you please.)

Do you plan to post this on Steam at some point?

I need to know if I should look for it so I can add it to my wishlist there. ^_^

The download seem to lack an exe file to actually play the game. oO

The guy makes me wanna smack him over the head and call him 'dumbass' while shaking my head laughing. lol

It's too short to be a proper demo, so I assume it's still under construction.
I like it. Maybe not exactly the kind of guy I'd go for (especially lookwise), but he's kinda cute in a weird way I suppose.

I hope to see more of this game tho, and I look forward to the next update. ^_^

I like Arson. ❤️
(I also like how good he looks.)

It's incredibly short, even for a demo, so I'm assuming it's still a work in progress.

I hope that it will become longer over time, so I can play more of it. ^_^

The language is a little bit strange, like a russian trying to speak english without fully grasping the language yet still speaking it well strange, but it's mostly just for Arson, so.... is that intentionally?
(It's not bad. Merely a curiosity.)

I like how you have several choices on what to say and do.
(I love choices in general --even stupid choices that gets you killed are better than not having those choices.)
And this game seems to have a good amount of choices.

I really hope the full game will have both good and bad and neutral endings in it.
(And I use the word 'good' loosely here, considering the darker premise, and possibly (hopefully) yandere love interest. I'm not a fan of being trapped forever myself but I know some people love it, while I personally prefer the more manipulative kind of guy, and I don't much care if he's the type to kill anyone who looks at you wrong --or too long. No, I lie, I care in the sense that I like it. lol)

I really like this game tho, and I'm curious about the story behind everything.

I'd love to see this game on Steam someday so I can buy it and add it to my collection there.

If the rest of the game is as interesting as the premise and mini-demo hints at, then it's likely to be a good game. ^_^