The artwork isn't perfect in the traditional sense, but it's somehow still very nice, and I like that you can customize your character. ^_^
I am annoyed that you can't even try to reject the offer tho.
(Even if it lead to a bad end, I'd like to have the choice to rebel.)
I like Hypnos tho. ^_^
Normally dark skin is not an aestetic I like, but he makes it work.Is he romancable?
Speaking as a fan of Sandman.... Will Morpheus show up as a love interest at some point? ^_^ Hypnos' more serious brother or something? lol
How does the answer "How about never?!" turn into you having a date with Dio?
Both answers leads to the exact same scenario. Doesn't seem like a choice at all.
Dio is cute, but overly social...
Not a fan of apollo tho.
Hades is cute, I guess.
But not exactly what I'd expect from the lord of the underworld.
(Kinda sad you can't just date prometius. lol
I bet he'd be the kind of guy I like.
But I don't know if he's alive and in chains or whatever in this version... or leading the rebellion or chaos or something.)
The mc chooses pretty fast, and as far as I can tell; You also choose blindly.
Wouldn't it be better to have the choice of who to date AFTER you meet them instead of beforehand? oO
Hades is growing on me...AFTER the mc said she chose him.
I don't get why the mc is so touchy about hunting. *sigh*
I never liked bunnies to begin with.... Might as well have it in a stu.
I really love the concept of this game, but I don't like the mc.
....or the fact that few choices seem to actually matter, aside from that single choice that made you decide who you'd date before you even met them.
I'm naming the rabbit "Lunch". *glares at it*
....or is the whole choosing thing just for the kid thing? oO
...I'm getting more and more confused now. lol
Hades IS pretty cute tho.
With the plushier and all... lol
Although I think the flowers sounded nice...
He's a cute dumbass. lol
I like the ambiance in his home. ^_^
....doesn't absolutely everyone go to Hades?
It's not exactly Hell. Just a place everyone go to when they die.
(I know some go to Tartarus, which is more like Hell, but I'm pretty sure that's just the immortals that pisses the gods of something fierce.)
I'm not sure greek mythology has a concept of sin. It's more like... don't piss off the gods, and make them see how devoted you are and you'll be fine.
But everyone goes to Hades in the end.
Do correct me if I'm wrong tho. It's been a while since I studied greek mythology.
....guess Prometius quite what he was in the original myths. lol
Guessing the memories of the old gods didn't stick that well.
Words cannot describe how much I want to see Hypnos as a love interest.
The mere thought of him working so hard to set you up with Hades, only to end up with you falling for him instead.... 😂
Hrm... I wonder at which point of survival humans started to care about how pretty they looked... *ponders* I mean... survival doesn't leave much time to worry about that.
But on the other hand, many animals still care about it, so it's not impossible...
A new conundrum... How do you pay someone before currency is invented?
The gods are REALLY trying to fast-forward human evolution, huh? 😂
They haven't even gotten the hang of hunting and foraging before they're supposed to learn farming. Do they even have fire? Prometheus is busy doing...who knows what. Did he remember to give them that? lol
I think they worry too much about humans dying from hunger.
They'll probably die from wild animals, accident, illness, still-birth, eating poisonous plants, plain stupidity, and five million other things long before hunger can kill them. ^_^
(I'm honestly surprised they all survived a single day, to be fair.)
I'd say the one bright side is that they might not have invented war yet, but it WAS a pretty early invention... Even chimpanzees fight war...
I wonder if the humans will die (again) of fright when faced with the little 'welcome surprise' Hypno has planned. xD
Not something they've seen before. At least not the first few humans that die.
My head will literally crash into the laptop if I don't quit playing already and go to sleep, so I'mma gonna summarize my thoughts on the game briefly before that happens:
It was a bit annoying at the start, but the game really grows on you, and it's surprisingly hard to quit playing it once you get to the point where the romance part starts. (or so.)
It's also HILARIOUS! 😂
More and more as you go along.
(Loved the hydra creation! Do more like that! Please! xD )
Hades is cute. I wish he was a bit more dominant, but oh, well. I'll settle for cute.
Dio is cute, but I don't mesh with party-people. They're exhausting.
I'm sure lots of people like him tho. (extroverts, for one thing.)
Not a fan of the babysitter guy.
My favorite guy is still Hypno.
Too bad he's not romancable.
Overall tho, I really like this game. ^_^