I literally have no clue what this app is, or how to make apps work on the laptop. (Or how and where to get it.)
Never tried before.
Recent community posts
That's why I asked "Eventually", as in: Maybe it could be a DCL content route after the original game is finished?
Like an expansion pack thing maybe. Or sequel.
How about rebellious bad-boys? ^_^
(I don't mind a hot and wicked girl, but by and large I tend to prefer guys. But personality DO play a big part. And I like villains.)
Please make the characters shave? lol ^_^;
(That's just my preference tho. But I really dislike facial hair.)
I look forward to see the next update tho.
That's what bad endings are for darlin'~
It gives people a chance to make their own choices and feel in control, without actually stressing the creator.
You wanna defy a deity and stay dead? Fine.
Then the game ends there with a "Bad Ending: Permanent Death".
Or something like that.
If you keep refusing the LI's, the deity could become pissed off at you and trigger another bad ending, like "Bad End: You pissed off the wrong deity".
And so on.
It ends the game early, but that's what people have Save/Load slots for.
And when they return to them to redo it, they've gotten the need to rebel out of their system and can play along with the game without getting so freakin' pissed off at the lack of choices.
Because they DID choose to accept it --this time around.
And thanks to the bad ends, there WAS a choice.
That sucks. And is also weird.... I'm pretty sure I've seen explicit stuff there before...
I actually own games where a girl is raped by ogres and goblins on Steam.
Your game is mild in comparison. AND it has a story.
But maybe this is one of those 'people don't mind watching girls get tricked into sex and misery, but they hate to see a girl willingly being sexual and happy about it' shit again.
(I read Bjørnebo, one of the intro's to his book mentioned this is a typical idiot view people have.
I kinda thought humanity got over that since it's the 2000s, but maybe I was wrong.)
I love the restyled-version of Ronin in Killer Chat better, but this version.... not bad. Tho not as good as the Killer Chat version.
(His hair and hat DEFIANTLY improved tho. But his clothes are pretty cool.
Although I like the Killer Chat version better, but I may be biased on that.)
The writing and art isn't bad in general, but I can absolutely see how it is improved in Killer Chat. A lot.
Everyone needs a friend like Ronin. Or boyfriend. ^_^
(In my opinion. lol)
So when you start the game it says that the game depicts scenes of rape and whatnot, followed by "Confirm" and "Cancel".
....soooooooo..... What the heck does that mean?
Do you confirm that you want to see the scenes? or not see the scenes?
I 'cancel' to cancel the scenes? Or just ignore the warning? o_O
It's really strange to make choices for two people, instead of focusing on just one.
After the admiting the parent thing choice, you get the same choice as you got in the beginning.... and it keeps sending you into an eternity-loop. Wtf?
The CG I found was nice tho. ^_^
Ronin looked better in that by a lot too.
I like Ronin's look at the prom.
I think the red goes really well with his black outfit. ^_^
The second CG is not as good as the first, but it's still good.
Awwww-- It's such a sweet story. ❤️
And the Crown ending is really nice. ^_^
A very happy ending.
Will the path to run away with him eventually finish btw?
And will this game come on Steam someday?
I strongly disagree with the game on the definition of 'handsome'.
Is there a sorority for the alternative-fashion/rebels that hang out behind the school and smoke? lol
(I get why there is only one option, but I would LOVE to see a second path for this type sorority later someday.)
Kudos on the sleep-wear options. ^_^
I don't often see my option in games.
(Which is nothing. lol)
Nice NSFW content. ^_^
I DO wish you could choose your own Major tho.
Cuz journalism is just...ugh.
(But maybe you can change it later?)
The stat-sheet is partly invisible and kinda hidden.
I would have loved to see a more visible version of that --maybe as a button you can use to check it.
At least my roommate is a libertine. That's always good. ^_^
....while I understand wanting her to clean up if she makes a mess...why is using the couch so bad? o_O
I don't get the mc at all....
Why are all your romance choices idiots with beards and/or suits? >_>
(Fitness instructor. Ugh.)
And if you reject the ONE choice for a random hookup, somehow you reject the possibility for any.
It doesn't make sense.
....oh, and a dork.
I'm guessing the guy is supposed to be cute, but he's kinda really....not.
....and you can't even choose not to talk to him >_>
I'd rather be alone and friendless than hang out with people I don't like. *sigh*
The only hot guy so far is an asian guy who's already in a relationship. lol
.....clearly I have too high standards for the sorority to like me. lol
(Like, I have zero morals when it comes to sleeping with whomever, but there just isn't a single interesting OR good-looking guy in this game.
...should just go back and change the gender choice to include whatever, since the roomate at least is interesting. lol)
I'd proboably have 3 of 4 items for that pledge in my dorm room. lol
Or at least 2, with alcohol being easy to get.
(And the only reason it's not 4 for 4 is because I'm too anti-social to know anyone who sells the last thing.)
The video-selection is pretty meek and mild tho.
Kinda surprised it's not at the very least BDSM in there.
(Bondage doesn't count.)
Ash isn't bad-looking.
In a kinda grunge-like way.
Blake is sorta cute.
(Although I admit that is 90% because he's an asian who likes books.)
As far as I can tell, choosing sexual preferance in this game does not change the gender of the various people in it (as often is the case) but only what you CAN do.
(Or rather; what you can't do.)
....a little bit pointless, in my opinion. But useful to know when you play the game.
If Ray would shave his face properly he would be pretty decent.
....is this hazing supposed to be bad? *blinks* *blinks*
I'll admit I've only read about it (and some examples from that study died) but still...
It seemed pretty mild to me.
Tch. I wish there was a third option in some places.
Like the Never Have I Ever game where I have, in fact, done all the options.
Or the place where I don't really have a problem with the Delta leader's views, but I also don't like the ugly guy --and that's all the options.
An option to say nothing, or look for some other guy would be better.
Byron is boooooring......
...and why can't you just let them watch that video of you? oO
I mean... what's the big deal?
If you already agreed you cannot POSSIBLY be stupid enough to not expect something like this.
And I don't really get what the big deal is anyway.
It's pretty flattering, when you think about it.
(Also, for some reason, the game have Gia act as if she's the one who did it.
Might wanna fix that a bit. )
Derrek is kinda fun.
Vaguely reminds me of Tyler Durden from Fight Club. ^_^
He doesn't look great, but his personality might just make up for it.
I litterally do not understand anything Max says when he's geeking out. oO
If he'd been speaking latin or ancient summerian, I'd probably understand more.
I also admit I was surprised at how much NSFW content was in this game.
That may scare some people off, but it's also a big attraction for others.
You may wanna advertise that a bit more on the page, considering just how big part of the game it really is.
Overall I really enjoyed this game. It's really good.
It's well-written, and actually works with the style that is browser-based game. (Even IF I wish there was more save-slots. The re-loading of downloaded savefiles often fail to work in my experience.)
But I DO wish there was more guys that I consider hot here.
(Tho I realize that is a matter of taste.)
I don't expect Ronin from Killer Chat (my measurement of hotness may be fucked up), but could it at LEAST be some guy in a leather jacket that smokes and have an attitude problem and a motorbike? Please?
(And no beard! I really hate bodyhair of any kind, especially in the face. >_>)
Or a generalized emo guy?
I just want a hot boyfriend that fits -my- standards. 😭
Regardless of that I DO look forward to see more content when it comes out.
I really did like this game. ^_^
Milo is cute. ^_^
I don't get how someone could possibly believe they confessed to someone if they never did it... but I admit that other people may do things like that with less obsessive emotions behind it than me.
(And, y'know... I probably never would to begin with. I hate stating what I feel, and prefer to show it.)
I DO appriciate the varied amount of Endings in this game.
And that you can, in fact, make proper choices that matters. ^_^
A bit sad you can't just ask him to release you but also go on a date like a normal person.
(I mean... I get why he'd need some time to trust you. But it really should have been his first attempt to get you; asking you out.
The guy's a bit on an idiot in that respect. lol)
I DO wish the game was longer tho.
So you could actually have a happy ending with him. ^_^
I mean... I don't think he'd keep you locked up forever.
No one who truly loves you want that.
You just need to fall in love with him and prove that you won't run away first.
And he IS kinda cute. And cunning. ^_^
The game have sadly few choices, but every single one of them seem to matter.
It's very short and sweet.
And have varied endings, not just a minor deviation of the same ending.
The writing isn't great or bad, but it'd good enough.
The artwork isn't amazing, but it's pretty decent.
Overall I'd say it's a game worth playing.
And I REALLY wish it was longer.
I want to bash the creator over the head for not adding save buttons at this point. >_>
The game thus far is actually pretty good (even if I wish Jack looked like the cute emo customer instead, cuz he's kinda....yuck.)
But the lack of an option to save the game, or even skip forward if you choose to redo it, annoys the living daylight out of me! >_<
Oh, and I found it on Steam.
May wanna make a note of that if you want people to play it while there's no download on this page.
I like the game, overall, but without a way to save and skip forward, I doubt I will ever play it a second time.
Overly positivism aside, Jack is pretty sweet under that sunshine and rainbow crap.
LOVE that there is NSFW content! ^_^
The story is good (even if the character design looks to be based on yucky jock bears), and Jack is interesting once you see past his sunny facade.
I honestly wish I could play the full game, cuz I want to see where this is going (and how dark it could get), but the game NEED to add a freakin' save/load button AND a skip button first!
Cuz there is no way in HELL I'm gonna button-mash my way up to the end of the demo just to continue playing. >_>
I notice you have no choice whether to meet with a random stranger who sent you a note or not. Just which stranger.
I'm starting to get impressed with how many times you refuse to hang out with Ike, only to end up hanging out with him anyway. >_>
And I don't mean HE keeps showing up. I mean the game overrules any decisions you make. >_>
...ah, and then she refuses to borrow the book that seemed most interesting too.
....I will concede he is interesting (once you truly get to know him) but so far I get the feeling there's no choices at all that actually are choices.
(To be fair, it's Eke I like best so far.)
I'm pretty sure I picked Vex at every point, yet somehow the mc keep going after Ike, no matter how much I reject him. >_>
Now, if it was IKE that kept seeking the mc out, I wouldn't mind it.
THAT makes sense, if he likes her.
I'm just really irritated that the MC/YOU keep going after him because of some dumbass guilt over not wanting to hang out with someone you don't even know at that point.
I REALLY wish you had REAL choices in this game. >_<
Is this a case of you choosing the set path after ONE interaction, and that interactions is agreeing to a cryptic message that there is no way in HELL to tell who sent you? >_>
I tested it with the boring detective (since it's obvious who he is) and that did seem to change who you met.
And again with the pun-using idiot.
I really, REALLY wish there was an actual name added to the route selection --or at least SOMETHING you could recognize them by.
Which note belongs to Vex?
Cuz I can't seem to figure it out.
(And my patience has run out with guessing.)
He really IS cute.
An idiot, but a cute one.
The only bad thing about this game is how tragically short it is.
I really wish there was more content --especially if you end up in the romance ending. It could be a VERY interesting relationship, if you think about it.
With all the fun and challenges of explaining how you met and ended up together to your friends (or worse; family). lol
And the less happy endings could have lead to an attempt to convince him to let you go, which is another set of interesting options.
Any chance it will be updated with more content? ^_^
I love Ronin so much I made a theme for Firefox with him. lol
Sadly I can't post pictures in this comment section (for some reason)
Consider it my way to say that your game is amazing. Especially Ronin. ^_^
Since there is no comment sections, I'll just comment here.
This game is actually really intriguing.
The writing is pretty good, the artwork very good --especially in the CG's.
And the LI's varied and colorful.
I adore Noel, he reminds me a bit of a Sith.
How could one not swoon at that? ^_^
The biggest drawback was that there was far too few save-slots.
For a game where decisions are so important, and each one may actually impact the outcome (in theory at least) there really need to be more space to save in.
(Personally I think that the perfect ratio of saveslots is the double of one slot per Choice, plus one. lol
In case you want a second run through the game. ^_^ )
I was disappointment that the game doesn't seem to be on Steam.
Will it come out on Steam eventually?
If it does, I will almost certainly buy it there.
I dislike buying games elsewhere.
(And, admittedly, not sure if I even can. My online payments are forever stuck in limbo.... >_> )
I will keep my fingers crossed it will come on Steam. ^_^
....if he is meant to look beautiful, why does he look fat?
...the guy needs a better fitted hoodie....
(And he doesn't look horrible or anything, but I wouldn't call him handsome either. He's kinda...bland.)
I don't really get why you're so upset over the life-choices of someone else. Doubly so since you don't seem like you're really friends.
The end of this game is interesting tho.
I wonder what happened. I mean, I can guess, but why?
And why do you suddenly say you care about her a lot when in the start of the game you weren't even sure she was a friend? oO
I look forward to see the next update at any rate.
It's such a cliff-hanger.
Looks like it's longer if you decide to study with the geek.
Is he or this Jeremy the stalker in the title? lol
Normally I am not a fan of avians in any form.... but I kinda like Nicolai. lol
Not a super-fan of his gossiping chit (so boring, and stupid) but otherwise...
He's entertaining to hang out with tho. He's got a wicked sense of humor. 😂
Also... Kelpie-boy makes me wish this game has NSFW scene, cuz...y'know... ^_^
Just curious!
Nicolai is what Draco Malfoy WISH he could be, but somehow always fails at.
....suddenly I'm curious about who the necromancer is, and if you can date them. ^_^
(And kinda hoping it's a guy. But I suppose I can be flexible for a villain.)
It SAYS 5 cute monsters to date, but the picture only shows 4....
IS there a chance to date the potential villain? ^_^
This game was pretty short, but interesting thus far.
The writing and artwork isn't bad, and the characters are....varied.
I'm a bit sad that everything seems to depend on a single choice for whether you even talk to them, much less choose them for the romantic interest.
It's always better if you can flirt with everyone you want to, until you come to a point you have to pick one to commit too --like in real life.
(Or until one of the ones you flirt with beat up or kill/threatens to beat up or kill everyone else your flirt with. lol
Guess that's one way to know if you're in a relationship. ^_^ )
Perhaps I'll add it to my list. lol
I'm more into Summerian and Ancient Egyptian culture atm.
And curious about the Comanche's. Which apparently has a pretty fearsome reputation. ^_^
(The kind that makes your villain looks like a fluffy kitten by comparison. Based on things they actually did do.)
But I understand your artistic vision.
And while I am studying various cultures for one of my stories, I mainly focus on whatever is the closest to an evil overlord in them, because I have an idea for a reincarnation story where Harry Potter is the reincarnation of someone who's first life (that he remembers) was that someone who rose up to rule the city of Ur (or Uruk, haven't decided) with an iron fist... and he gets progressively more wicked over time. With his most recent incarnation before Harry Potter being the infamous Nightstalker. ^_^
(Which fits his satanic leanings. Although the entity he worships is much older than any biblical Satan of course.
It's time-taking research.)
I think that if I get around to write a fanfic of your story, it'll be the nicest version of Harry Potter in ANY of my works. lol
(Partly because he's raised by a villain in all but one of my other works, and in that work he's dating Jeff the Killer. lol)
And I like staying as true to the original works as possible, changing only minor details and using Chaos Theory to calculate (or estimate) the effect of those minor changes.
My browser is possessed by the spirit of an evil fire fox.
That.... and I totally suck at all kinds of techie-tech stuff.
It plays some games, not other games....duknow why.
No, it can't be fixed. At least not by me.
I've heard a million advice that doesn't work.
(And usually me trying just fucked up my whole laptop cuz I suck at it.
It's like my attempt to take care of a plant all over again; I kill even the hardiest plants. >_>; )
But for some reason it works if I download the game first, even if it still opens in a browser.
Don't ask me why. o_O
Not a fan of the questionnaire thing.
They never actually get the LI I want, and usually pair me up with someone I could not care less about, and generally dislike.
I have to make an educated guess on the 'right' answer to get an LI I actually like.... which renders the whole thing as a pointless obstacle.
Why would you call a merman 'mermaid'?
The flowers for everything is really cute....but it makes it difficult to read the text (or numbers) under them.
Maybe make the text written in bold?
.....why is it so difficult for the mc to talk about something as common as sex? o_O
Is she from a weirdly religious family or something?
This may be the first game I've seen where the CG art is WORSE than the normal artwork. o_O
Mind you, the normal artwork is good.
It's just....lol
The merman is kinda cute tho.
Not what I expected from the picture posted on this page....but kinda cute.
....I wonder how gills on his face works.
Biologically speaking it'd make more sense if they were on his neck.
So I'm curious about why the game creator chose his face for them.
Awwww~ He's so sweet~ ^_^
It'd be sad to kill him for trying to do what he tries to do after he finds that lil' tag of yours at the end.... But I seriously would.
And then kill everyone in the MCIP. >_>
So that said... IS there an ending where you can date on a more equal footing?
(Sheezh. Trying to ask questions without giving spoilers is difficult.)
I DO wish you HAD a choice to come willingly tho.
Sure, he went about it the wrong way.
But I'm sure you could talk some sense into him, given time.
I've always wanted to live smack on the beach anyway. ^_^
And the least you could do was to say you'd be happy to date him, but he'd have to give you equal power in return.
Then you could get a nice house at the beach or at the very least improve the cave to a more human standards.
The story itself is interesting tho.
And the artwork, while not professional quality, is still nice.
(CG's aside....)
The writing is also pretty decent. And the merman cute.
And the bad ending I got is only bad because you didn't get a choice to talk some sense into him.
He likes you enough that I'm sure he'd listen to sense.
Especially if you agreed to take a vacation to visit him until he realize he can trust you.
Why would you even CONSIDER allowing them to trap you in that place?
Freedom is worth more than all the protection in the world.
Better to risk death than being locked in a cage, however gilded.
You'd be a million times safer if it became known that nothing anyone did to you could possibly make you help them, unless you -wanted- to help them of your own free will.
(I realize that proving it would be an unpleasant experience, but in the long run you'll either be dead or free from other people attempting to force you, and both options are better than the alternative.)
It's REALLY irritating that I can't choose to just leave --or at the very least attempt it.
Even if it means meeting a bad end.
(Of course, if the mc had been smart they wouldn't have revealed their powers to begin with, to anyone. But what's done is done.)
And it's impressive how many ways you find to say "Yes".
It's almost as if you wanted the reader to think they have a choice when in fact they have no choice at all. >_>
The story itself is very good, and well-written too.
But I feel like you can't make a SINGLE choice yourself.
(Not counting love interests here.)
Even when someone in the game ask you if you want to do this or not, there's no choice at all --you end up doing it.
At most you can pick one of ten ways to say yes. >_>
I also notice that there is no route you can choose to not have a love interest focus.
And instead of actually having several encounters that determine your relationship to someone, you can choose first who, then whether it's platonic or romantic.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if you try to ignore them (and if it had been possible to insult them, that too) or whatever you choose otherwise; Everything is determined by those two choices, and NOTHING else.
That's what it appears like to me, so please tell me if I'm wrong.
Overall this game has a very interesting and well-written story.
But it is EXTREMELY frustrating to have NO choice at all!
If I was dating someone who had the faintest clue on how to do that, I might have let them do that.
Personally, I don't have the faintest clue how to even clean my laptop without using the CCleaner program. And it always get rid of everything, even my logged-in pages. >_>
So while I'm sure it sounds easy enough for someone as tech-savvy as you, to me it's more like me being a kinder-gardener and someone tells you to solve a math problem that requires a college education.
I'm pretty sure I would have flunked geography in elementary school if it was possible. ^_^;
I don't even know where Bali is located, to be fair. Sounds...Asian........? lol
(And as may be obvious I just fed the AI the info I did know, and let it fill in the blanks --Bali is as good setting as any, from what the game looked like, since they share the same continent, so the nature will look the same, even if the tribal customs are different.)
Although I admit the AI isn't exactly infallible. I will have to do some fact-checking later if I want to get it precisely right.
But for any fantasy setting, the best source will always be the author. ^_^
I know that some authors are very touchy about someone using their story and get things wrong.
But you do seem a bit more laid back about it.
But thanks for the info. ^_^
I did use the Manggarai people to try and figure out the Komodo culture.
And I see. I used the Caci dance idea the way it's portrayed in the game, and with what the guy said about it.
No, warrior tribes/people are specifically referring to the kind of tribe (or nation) that makes going to war central to their lifestyle.
(Like the Romans, or the Camanchi native american tribes, and your Komodo tribe who seem to appreciate strength and warrior skills more than peaceful pursuits.)
Most nations go to war over something, but it doesn't make them a warrior tribe.
(Like your bird people, who seems to prefer peace over war.)
But regardless, I just wanted to figure out the background for the Komodo tribe so I can use it for my fanfic.
And it's hard to write about a child growing up in a place --and the following culture clash with british wizarding society-- if I don't know the values and everyday life of the Komodo tribe he'll be raised in.
I realize real life will be a bit different from fiction.
So that part is mostly to fill in the gaps that the game doesn't answer.
Never heard of that at all. But good to know.
And I figured. The name "Komodo" was kinda self-explanatory.
But it doesn't tell me what kind of culture his tribe is in.
I mean, it helps knowing the general area is based on Bali tho.
(Are people there as cute as Reksa too? ^_^ )
His people is clearly a warrior culture.
Is the Manggarai a warrior culture?
Or are they more inspiration for the bird people?
I'll run it through my AI.
It's excellent in digging up info on things like this.
....within it's 1000 words limit at least. lol
Based on the behavior of Reksa and the people in the village, I can theorize that strength and warrior skills are important.
The talk of honor and dishonor (with the face scarring and battle prowess) hints at an honor-culture.
(Which isn't exactly uncommon outside modern western civilization. And is also common in many warrior cultures.)
I don't know if the way Reksa acted with the mc is his personality or not, but the fact that no one else reacted to it makes me think that claiming a woman without asking her permission AND that his rival thought he could claim her at all indicates a 'might makes right' mindset.
But it's tricky to be sure what is culture and what the the manipulative/corrupted hot guy's imposed rules.
Except Reksa DO talk about what duties are expected and stuff like that, so I think he could be used as a moral guideline....
If you want to offer proper world building of your world, without interrupting the story, why not create the world at World Anvil, or a similar page, and link it?
That way people can choose if they want to learn more or not, outside the gameplay itself. ^_^
I used my AI assistant to help me create a theory on their culture (for my fanfic).
(Most of it comes from tribal warrior cultures, and similarities in them. Paired with what little I could gleam from the game itself.)
Could you tell me if I'm hitting anywhere near the mark?
Obviously I need to adjust it with this new info, but as a baseline....
(Oh, and I know he's not adopted in the game. That part is for the fanfic I planned. Cuz.... Just look at the two characters!
Black hair.... Green eyes.... Duknow. The likeness just hit me when I played it. lol)
Can't do that. I have five million tabs open I can't risk loosing.
Lots of research may vanish if I attempt a cleanse.
(And also, and I can't stress this enough; I'm lousy with tech, so I may end up accidentally deleting shit I shouldn't. ^_^;
Like.... one time I had to have my operating system re-installed cuz I tried to delete something, and somehow I deleted something that ran the damned thing or something.)
I can play the game if it's downloaded tho. Even IF it opens in the browser.
I'm still thinking my laptop is just haunted.
Cuz some browser games works, and others don't.
At random.
I wish there was a save button...
And a history button or scroll-back.
And a skip button and auto-play button.
And literally any other type of button ever.
NOT a fan of the program used to create this game.
Even moving the story forward require clicking on an arrow instead of just anywhere.
I wonder is the rubbing-against-the-4th-wall thing is intentional or not....
The premise of the story itself is interesting --at least the story hinted at in the narrative.
....kinda like Hassan.
He's also the only one I like.
DO you have choices in this game?
Cuz this is the second time my choices have been overruled.
And for some reason you go along with the dumb scheme of a person you have zero reason to like, who's been acting shitty to you and comes off as a bully-bitch, so absolutely NO logical reason.
(Not even an illogical reason, since she's just bland-looking at best.)
Oh, and this is AFTER you chose to not believe in her, and take the side of the other person. And as far as I can tell; your interactions have been purely antagonistic up till now.
WTF? Seriously.... >_>
Aaaaaand yet another in a low row of choices that you somehow CANNOT choose. >_<
Doesn't matter shit what you choose, cuz the game is gonna steam-roll right over everything you choose anyway.
How is this different from a kinetic story? Seriously. >_>
And of course the mc believes in a really unbelievable story with zero evidence, for no good reason at all, just because someone who claimed to know his said so. *sigh*
(I'd have a whole other thing to say about him accepting the 'responsibility', but I will concede that I may be one of the few who wouldn't have given a damn. IF what the girl said was proven beyond doubt to be true. I'd still tell her to piss off.)
I agree with Butterfly. The mc is pathetic.
(Butterfly doesn't look half-bad tho.)
I AM curious about what's going on the.
The story itself is somewhere between boring and annoying (especially the lack of choices), but the story BEHIND the story is VERY interesting.
I wonder if the overlaying story is badly written on purpose....
I wish I could push Carmine off the roof. >_>
I like the Butterfly more and more. ^_^
I don't agree with his goal, but otherwise....
For a game that claims that life is all about choices it sure as hell don't allow the player any.
Non that matters anyway.
The ending was pretty shitty too.
Or perhaps 'pointless' is a better word.
(Tho I suppose other people might consider it happy I guess.
Personally I thought it sucked.)
I am pretty disappointment with this game.
Especially the lack of -real- choices.
Do you have a world creation sheet for your world or something?
(Or a World Anvil page?)
Like... explaining what the different tribes are like, and the world is like and stuff like that?
It's a really interesting world.
And Reksa's warrior tribe is exceptionally interesting.
And I kinda have this nagging idea that won't leave me alone of writing a fanfiction where Harry Potter grows up with them.
I LOVE culture clash stories.
It's always so interesting seeing all the problems and misunderstandings that comes when people of very different cultures meet.
And Reksa's tribe is a warrior tribe, living in a hostile enviorment (in the middle of a war, depending on the timing)
And they seem to have more Sith-like mentality. (Strength and bravery over peace and love and all that. Which is common in that type culture.)
It also seem to be a strong honor culture.
Which is the complete opposite of the modern western world.
I can't stop thinking how interesting it would be to see that clash. ^_^
But as much as I can extrapolate from the game itself, and predict what kind of culture and values based on the game info, it's not a full picture, and leaves much to be guessed at.
And while I could use studies of warrior cultures thorough history to fill the gaps, I'd much rather have the real knowledge from the creator of this amazing world. ^_^
If you don't mind of course.
Kinda wish this game had some male love interests in it....
Why is there a choice to say no to help someone if you end up helping them anyway?
....are you following two families, or is one part just a dream? Or are you living two different lives? o_O
The story is a little confusing there.
(But maybe that's the point. Still... It's confusing.)
That is one lousy mom tho.
There is also exactly zero choice to not rely on anyone.
Or choose no one as the love interest/bff thing.
I think my biggest problem with this game is that I don't understand the mc at all. She's like an alien lifeform to me.
Why won't she just focus on herself, and let the rest of the world burn?
It's not like any of the idiots she deals with ever did her any favors.
So why care? At all?
And if she wants a better life, then make a better life.
And ignore everything and everyone else.
But that is sadly not a choice here.
The ending was.... not what I thought it was when choosing it. o_O
This game is just REALLY confusing. >_>
I question the mc's taste in men....
But the mc is cute.
Then again, her intelligence seem pretty low, so that might explain things.
The profanity filter is a bit annoying.
Can it be turned off?
And if you use the panties scheme, there is a bug that changes the name you chose back to 'yandere chan'.
(Or it comes from loading a save. Not sure.)
....poor guy. 😂
This is clearly not a happy love-story like I thought it would be.