+ Ah, MrFishy - I recognize that name immediately :)
+ Excellent overview, and on a topic (the rebirth of imperialism with old world trappings) that actually almost got a full write-up in the core book, but was cut for lack of space. Going to enjoy seeing someone else's take on it.
+ Great thematic drives.
+ That's a top-tier bit of description in the 'smell' section, very evocative.
+ 'A Backwards Lockstep' is a brilliant whisper
+ Though I'd like to see the second aspect mechanized in some way, both work really well for building flavour and giving ideas
+ 'Combustruncheon' is a fantastic weapon name :)
+ And a great little era-appropriate marching-style poem to finish it off!
Really enjoyed this, and a great take on the imperialistic theme. Nice one, Fishy!