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Felix Isaacs

A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that's just a minor error on my part (and entirely my fault) as I tried to cut those skills out of the free basic to slim down some mechanical stuff... Apparently not perfectly :P

Still V.8 - the 1.1 update notice was a copy and paste error from the actual core book, which was indeed updated. sorry for the confusion, edited the page description for the future.

Did a quick google - It's not something I can do, but it should be possible if you contact support.

You don't need a discount if you've bought the physical, I'm happy to throw you one for free! Shoot me an e-mail at with a picture of the book in your hands (or on a table, I'm not fussed) and I'll send you a link to the full free PDF. :)

Hey Jeremy, I don't think the KS pre-order will open up again, but the books are starting to move so should be around in a couple of months (hopefully), and will definitely be available then. Hope that helps!

Hey there! You can e-mail me at and, if you've got proof of purchase (or a picture of the book in your hand, I'm easy) I'll send you a link for a digital copy. Hope that helps!

Heya! You should have received a secret link from mythworks at some point to grab a digital copy that's independent of I will likely give out itch copies ato backers as well (I know some poeple prefer to have all of their stuff hosted digitally somewhere), but I won't be doing that until the S&R backerkit is completely locked, which is likely near the end of this month or start of next month. Hope that helps! 

You're in luck! A kickstarter update just went live on the current progress of the reprints!

Aww, thank you! I'm sure that would be possible, it would probably be best to mail the publisher,, to try to sort something out on that front. :)

Hey Tom, we will indeed post more community copies, but I can't specifically tell you when apart from 'this year sometime'!

Yup, currently being printed. :)

I'm pretty sure it currently is, but I don't think it'll be up on the S&R backerkit for too much longer - as printing draws to a close, the backerkit will end sometime relatively soon.

Hello Ulbo! The game can definitely run with two people - in fact, I ran a session with just me and a solo player at a convention last week, and it was excellent!

As for translations, we've had offers from a few translation companies over the years and we have one translation that's complete already (though not into German, I'm afraid). So there's hope for the future, but nothing specific yet. I hope that helps!

It does as a far as I know, and if for some reason there's a holdu-up you an message mythworks with proof of backing/sale and they'll supply you one :)

Alchemy does have an official Wildsea module in the works, I believe, but I don't know when it will be going live I'm afraid!

Much appreciated! If and when we do get a good solo rules-set up, we'll update on the KS, the discord, and here on itch. :)

Not at the moment, but I'm in talks with a designer who might do just that...

But as of right now,  no - it can be played with a GM, and GMless, but not solo.

Oh, that's much easier! email me directly at :)

We do from time to time! Your best bet would be to e-mail the publisher at, they're the ones with the stocks and the warehouses (although not much at the moment, tbh :D )

Yep, that's how it's meant to work - but the internet is a strange and fickle place, so I like to have a back-up in mind. :P

You can either get in touch with the publisher at mythworks, or you cna shoot me an e-mail at with some kind of proof of purchase and I'll make sure you get something digital :)

You can grab one from the store, but supplies are starting to run low! If they run out I think you can still pre-order them from the Storm & Root campaign on kickstarter, and even if threy do run out completely we'll be printing more ASAP. Hope that helps!

We can't ship the first book first, but I can certainly send you a PDF version to use!

Email me at with proof of pre-order (or something similar) and I'll make sure you get a PDF ASAP. :)

We will definitely do some more community copies in the future, but I don't know exactly when!

Whenever we do though, we announce it on the discord (and usually the kickstarters as well, just in case people have friends that want a copy)

No problem, people have asked a few times so I thought it would be a good one to get done. :)

In fact, there's one happening right now! 

Just in case you're still wanting :)

Thank you Zerodan! I'm celebrating, whether we win or not :)

Hey Gundi! We do community copy giveaways every now and then rather than giving them out individually, usually in sets of a hundred, and there's likely to be another one very soon - if you follow me here on itch I think you'll be notified when that happen,s and if you're a part of the discord you'll definitely know! Hope that helps!

I hope it's helpful, and good luck!

The original Wildsea was all chainsaw ships on a treetop sea, weirdness and exploration and Bas-Lag style oddities. But the support we've had from the community on the discord, here on itch, and on kickstarteritself has been absolutely incredible for the expansion - who knew that an expansion based around airships and tree-delving submersibles would be the thing that pushed me to quit the old day job and go full-time writer/designer!

With the core game already up and for sale on my itch page (along with the free basic rules and the free starter adventure if you're curious), and a constant flow of questions and comments and playtest, working on the first expansion has been so much faster and easier than the first book was! It's sitting at about 80% complete now, which I think is really healthy for a kickstarter project to be at before end-of-campaign too. 

I'll thrown a few pages from the new expansion here for you to take a gander at if you wish, but the quickest way to get a feel for the world of the Wildsea is through the free rules. They're there to be used, after all! And if you REALY like it, there's still time for the kickstarter!

So thank you, people - you're a good bunch. :)


Yes, this is something we realised we'd missed after printing, unfortunately - two rules from two different stages of the game's playtesting phases. For the best experience, treat resistances on hazarda as decreasing the marks they take by one, and resistances on CHARACTERS as decreasing the marks by two. This relfects that, as you say, it's difficult for characters to deal more than one or two marks of damage, but hazards can throw that out far more easily. 

It'll be corrected in PDF next time we do a release, and in print if we ever get the chance to do a version two :)

Correct on both counts!

Oh, thank you! I thought I'd caught all of those :P

You can drop it here and I'll get it sorted and corrected for the next PDF update

Hey Mark! I don't know exactly (as I'm not privy to exactly what mythopoeia offers in addition to the PDF), but I do know that the actual PDFs themselves are identical. Itch is my own digital storefront, which I control the prices of myself - I dropped it a while back in recognition of being out for a year, so it may just be that they haven't mirrored the price drop on their webstore. Regardless, I've messaged the publisher about it and they're taking a look - they may well drop the price on their end too. Thanks for the heads-up!

Oh, completely! Working on the SRD for the Wild Words engine as wek speak, hopefully to be out VERY soon, and also a license option for stuff using the actual Wildsea as a setting itself (different thing to the SRD, though they do of course link together pretty well!)

Hey Crestwork - it's not, but it shares enugh DNA from similar influences that it's appeared on Forged In The Dark-related podcasts and such, and quite a few players I speak to liken it to a kind of journey-based Blades. And Im flattered by the comparison, so I don't mind! The only direct FITD influence is the dice spread, the 6/54/321 results.

They're a part of the appendix of the full book, I'm afraid! The whole section is about ten pages long (iirc), so it was a bot too big to fit into the free version.

I can ask the publisher on that one and see what I can do :)

Thank you so much for this review. I have the biggest smile on my face right now. :)

Yep, Mythopoeia still handles all of the physical stuff that's Wildsea related - you can find their store at Hope that helps!