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Felix Isaacs

A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'd say a late game character should have six or seven aspects, at least some of which have been altered through combining them with others over time. Skills-wise, three or four at rank 3 and a decent spread at rank 2.

The dragonfly rules give some good solo-style advice, as they cover splitting GM rolls and storytelling among players, but it would still take some adaptation. Possible, but with dedication.

That's not something I can offer I'm afraid, as the physicals come through mythworks but itch is my own thing. But you do get the pdf for free if you buy the physical, if that helps!

+ Eating weird stuff and taking power from it? I'm on board immediately

+ " Most historognashes keep pages from books or small beads and trinkets on their person to add to their meals like spices" Excellent detail
+ Antiquarian Diet is a HUGE aspect, even for a complex one! I've run into this problem myself before too - sometimes, especially for very niche background options, extra writing is needed to make certain interactions between narrative and mechanics clear. I really should find a way to make this more possible, especially, presentation-wise, for future stuff
+ HA, 'More Than You Can Chew' is great
+ Love a ferret!

Great niche post, lovely flavour, and fun play applications. I heavily approve.

+ Ah, MrFishy - I recognize that name immediately :)
+ Excellent overview, and on a topic (the rebirth of imperialism with old world trappings) that actually almost got a full write-up in the core book, but was cut for lack of space. Going to enjoy seeing someone else's take on it.
+ Great thematic drives.
+ That's a top-tier bit of description in the 'smell' section, very evocative.
+ 'A Backwards Lockstep' is a brilliant whisper
+ Though I'd like to see the second aspect mechanized in some way, both work really well for building flavour and giving ideas
+ 'Combustruncheon' is a fantastic weapon name :)
+ And a great little era-appropriate marching-style poem to finish it off!

Really enjoyed this, and a great take on the imperialistic theme. Nice one, Fishy!

+ Oh yeah, fire - this is going to be a rough one.

+ Oh, maybe no fire?
+ Oh no, there's fire :P
+ I actually really like the back-and-forth buildup of the post's fictional elements in regards to the danger and allure of fire, nicely done.
+ There are definitely a few words I'd change here and there to fit the established Wildsea tone, but the actual content of the writing flows really well and the ideas it's tackling are ripe for a post too. As long-time wildsailors might know, I've been teasing the Pyremind for years now - this is a different approach to the same topic, and a gentler one too. Good stuff.
+ Hoard of Fire needs some balancing, but A Scripture All Must Read is on point.
+ Ha, yeah, I'd definitely tone down the power of some of the aspects, but there's some really good ideas here. The whisper-lamp in particular, and the way it allows you to see without seeing, is brilliant.
+ "You have the longest shadow" I bet @EuphoRic is going to like that one.
+ Great fiction behind these aspects.
+ That second mire is gold.

Definitely worth a read thematically, even if I think some of the aspects need tuning. Damn good job.

+ Instant use of languages, one of the elements that I enjoy the most.
+ Ooh Nadir! I know that place
+ Ah, the monomaniacal I...
+ Well-written dialogue here!
+ Oh, it just clicked! I'm thoroughly enjoying this.
+ This is brilliant. Such an inventive use of disparate existing world elements tied together into some really well-paced storytelling.
+ "It's time for a new adventure - dying" *Heavy metal guitar chord sounds*
+ And a solid ending.

Hell YES. I try not to play favourites, but this was pitched perfectly for me in terms of the kind of writing I enjoy, and it's definitely up there as far as Wildsea fiction goes.

+ Brilliant initial idea, of a kind of microbiome developing beneath the spread of a tallshank. Peak wildsea.

+ Countercyclical season blooming/growth also very cool, and I don't think something that I've explored anywhere else.

+ Love a Wildsea farm, and good built-in adventure seed.

+ And great write-up on Dafo too, multiple seeds scattered through a short space.

Great stuff!

Hmm, I wonder why that is? Thanks for the heads-up though!

"When I was fresh from the wreck I thought myself a corsair" is an *excellent* line. And the descriptions of the ports falling, also brilliant. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this, a brilliant companion piece to the hazard. :)

+ Ooh, giving me MTG Golgari vibes right up front, which I absolutely love (I was a proper hardcore Golgari player back when the first sets of Ravnica released, best era of Magic imho)

+ And a drive that has them seek out larger prey is great, because it's unusual but makes sense in context

+ Cadaverine Glue, good thematic resource

+ My only complaint with this one is that the quirks definitely beat the aspects in terms of storytelling potential (though there's nothing wrong with the aspects themselves, the quirks just have enough thematic wallop that I would have made at least one of them a standard drive).

+ Use of the word 'oft', love to see it.

+ The taxidermy elements are interesting, something very vaguely touched on in one of the prospective Tooth & Nail posts (though not as a main feature of the post, merely a bit of side flavour)

+ Really like the Suspicion track given by Living Visage:)

+ Lightning-shy is nicely thematic as well

+ Reach Beyond Death's Door could definitely be abused by some tables, but the idea is extremely cool

+ I would probably have specifically mechanized the carrion crow's offal-finding, though it being mentioned in the aspect description does still effectively give the 1d6 advantage bonus on relevant roles

+ Great Drives and Mires too!

Aww, thank you so much! And major kudos to you for sharing it with your students, a lot of the Wildsea writers and contributors (including myself) either are now or have been teachers in the past, so it's always lovely to see an educational slant on gaming. :)

Nope, the three smaller ones (ship gardens, one-armed scissor and red right hand) are entirely their own little add-on things.

+ "Desperation is a fantastic bargaining chip" - excellent sentence

+ The third question to consider especially has some fantastic roleplay potential
+ Great mires!
+ Even as a one-track, the burn effect of possessive influenc is probably too strong!
+ But Myriad has some cool tech
+ Bodysnatcher too - mutable aspects is a cool design space.

Excellent! If you can, let me know how it goes :)

+ Excellent concept, good guidance in fiction

+ Smell entry is very wildsea, love it

+ Good whispers too

+ The Identity Focused aspect might actually lead to some creative cures, good fodder for clever player response

+ 'Goodbye Old Friend / Hello New Stranger' is a brilliant heading

+ Brilliant concept, and one I actually almost did myself for Storm & Root but couldn't find a way of making it work in the end (so I guess I'm complimenting myself as much as LT there, but hopefully you know what I mean)

+ Excellent 'questions to consider', made me actually consider something I wasn't already thinking of! Which is exactly what they are supposed to do.

+ 'Balance of Fear' works with a design space I hadn't considered, very cool

+ Great instrument!

+ FANTASTIC first drive, great narrative potential

+ Wonderfully thematic and well-presented

+ 'Unsettling questions' :P

+ Excellent advice on foreshadowing, something that I think a lot of GMs could learn from (doing it on the fly can be really tough, but it's a great skill to learn and hone)

+ Stat blocks are indeed the death of tension

+ Contrasting size is on my mind with PICO, but I suppose it's actually just as important with Leviathans (especially when you have everything between Old Ornail as 'really big squirrel' and the potoo as 'living island')

+ Great core concept

+ Presence section does exactly what it's meant to, spark ideas as to how you might introduce a threat besides just plonking them down into the world. The idea of an old rusty harpoon slamming into your deck with a challenge attached, launched from a still-unseen vessel while the wind carries a hint of lavender, is very cool.

+ 'Pipe Organ Mortars' also has some great imagery

+ 'A Curse on Cowards' is a brilliant quirk

You have good timing! The updated PDF to match the reprint should be up here in about a week :)

The differentiation of cut comes from Wildsea feedback, where people wanted clearer rules on when and how to cut - splitting cut into a few sections is one of the clearest ways to do this (as it gives several clear categories of 'if you're facing this, you might be asked to cut'). As for the character creation, hopefully it'll be out in a week or two (before the end of the campaign)!

I don't think it would betray the spirit, but there isn't any solo advice in the book - if we hit high enough stretch goals that might be something to consider though :)

Thank you so much!

Aww, that's brilliant to hear! Thank you :)

It is indeed - slightly simplified in some places, but expanded upon in others. Early playtests have gone well, which is a promising sign!

Thanks bird dog! I'm looking forward to full release :)

There is indeed, shoot me a message at or get in contact with the official Mythworks support team - either of us will happily trade a PDF for a picture of the book in your hands (or, even better, next to a cat)

Aww, thanks Zerodan! Trying to go for something cute and bold this time around, hopefully achieved it (though it still needs some polishing)

Small and cute, that's the order of the day!

That is so damn good to hear :)

Yeah, that's just a minor error on my part (and entirely my fault) as I tried to cut those skills out of the free basic to slim down some mechanical stuff... Apparently not perfectly :P

Still V.8 - the 1.1 update notice was a copy and paste error from the actual core book, which was indeed updated. sorry for the confusion, edited the page description for the future.

Did a quick google - It's not something I can do, but it should be possible if you contact support.

You don't need a discount if you've bought the physical, I'm happy to throw you one for free! Shoot me an e-mail at with a picture of the book in your hands (or on a table, I'm not fussed) and I'll send you a link to the full free PDF. :)

Hey Jeremy, I don't think the KS pre-order will open up again, but the books are starting to move so should be around in a couple of months (hopefully), and will definitely be available then. Hope that helps!

Hey there! You can e-mail me at and, if you've got proof of purchase (or a picture of the book in your hand, I'm easy) I'll send you a link for a digital copy. Hope that helps!

Heya! You should have received a secret link from mythworks at some point to grab a digital copy that's independent of I will likely give out itch copies ato backers as well (I know some poeple prefer to have all of their stuff hosted digitally somewhere), but I won't be doing that until the S&R backerkit is completely locked, which is likely near the end of this month or start of next month. Hope that helps! 

You're in luck! A kickstarter update just went live on the current progress of the reprints!

Aww, thank you! I'm sure that would be possible, it would probably be best to mail the publisher,, to try to sort something out on that front. :)