Watching FoozleCC, he shows sample code to copy and use. I have no idea where this code is – which sample is he showing/using?
Construct 3 r416.2 stable
Installed addons: Frag Light 2.8.0, SSAO 1.6, 3DObject, Rotate 3D
Preview 3DObjectFragLight - Scene is completely black.
F12 – I now see I have an error:
main.js:98 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'GetDefaultVertexShaderSource') at main.js:98:57
(anonymous) @ main.js:98Understand this errorAI
c3runtime.js:280 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Error compiling fragment shader: ERROR: 0:11: 'pos' : redefinition
at C3.Gfx.WebGLShaderProgram.Compile (c3runtime.js:280:1243)
at async C3.Gfx.WebGLShaderProgram.Create (c3runtime.js:280:1904)
at async C3.Gfx.WebGLRenderer.CreateShaderProgram (c3runtime.js:460:9318)
at async Promise.all (3DObjectFragLight-8/index 1)
at async C3.CanvasManager._InitWebGL (c3runtime.js:1190:6728)
at async C3.CanvasManager._InitRenderer (c3runtime.js:1190:7050)
at async C3.CanvasManager.CreateCanvas (c3runtime.js:1190:4819)
at async C3.Runtime._InitialiseCanvas (c3runtime.js:1195:18300)
at async C3.Runtime.Init (c3runtime.js:1195:10955)
at async Q._InitDOM (main.js:26:12442)
Same error after publishing and running in chrome using IIS.
3DObjectVertexColor –
Project exported – running in Chrome.. Scene is completely black.
Error log:
main.js:99 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'GetDefaultVertexShaderSource') at main.js:99:57Understand this errorAI
c3runtime.js:280 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Error compiling fragment shader: ERROR: 0:11: 'pos' : redefinition
ERROR: 0:12: 'vColor' : redefinition
at C3.Gfx.WebGLShaderProgram.Compile (c3runtime.js:280:1243)
at async C3.Gfx.WebGLShaderProgram.Create (c3runtime.js:280:1904)
at async C3.Gfx.WebGLRenderer.CreateShaderProgram (c3runtime.js:460:9318)
at async Promise.all (3DObjectVertexColor/index 0)
at async C3.CanvasManager._InitWebGL (c3runtime.js:1190:6728)
at async C3.CanvasManager._InitRenderer (c3runtime.js:1190:7050)
at async C3.CanvasManager.CreateCanvas (c3runtime.js:1190:4819)
at async C3.Runtime._InitialiseCanvas (c3runtime.js:1195:18300)
at async C3.Runtime.Init (c3runtime.js:1195:10955)
at async Q._InitDOM (main.js:26:12442)