I'll tell you honestly, THE GAME IS F#CKING GREAT! But the questions are, I'm stuck in the Biscotti - how do I get into mill? I don't understand, how are the stakes on the roofs of houses pressed? And what can I do with the barrels??? And how can I find out what my current assignment is? Thanks for the answers!
Thank you very much!
If you're at the part where you can't leave Biscotti, you'll need to use the SMASH cursor you just unlocked! You can scroll the mouse wheel or press C to switch between cursor modes ^^
A small "current goal" button somewhere on the HUD could definitely help... Should be easy to implement too. I'll look into that ^^
That's really weird... Just to make double sure, did you defeat Cerelea?
If yes, could you send me a screenshot of the game while you're in Biscotti? If possible, could you also send me your save at nosebecc@gmail.com? It's located in "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\BE_Witches", where XXX is your username.
Sorry for bothering you with this...
The HUD element is something I'd like to add in the future, it doesn't exist currently.