Yes; all valid Points Date.
Maybe one more Question if you dont mind.
What is up with that " Scoreboard" at the end of a Level ? :)
greetings & many thanks
You mean, the one shown below? If so, we had some fun at Discord, asking what was the most "low priority" critic or feedback you guys received about your games. Panel push the game screen down, then up. Nothing serious, it's an engine quirk. But seems that it somehow bothers some people. So I will quote an excellent and flattering answer by Mikael there: "When a game is so polished that it rivals official releases, it is bound to happen that people start viewing it as such, thus comparing it to games of very high standard, and commenting about some features that seem to them a little less polished. Believe me; in it's own way, commenting the screen dropping down is definitely a compliment. They compare your game to the best examples and how things were done in those."