Hey,great game! I have a few requests:
- With plank bridge now being extremely unthreatening I’d prefer to see it removed. As it was, with the ability to fall, it was pretty tedious and not terribly engaging. With there being no challenge or threat at all anymore, it went from a somewhat tolerable section, to simply a nusence and nothing else. So if the bug cannot be fixed and the only way to fix it is to remove the offending code, it’s probably best to just take this section out.
- Electricity should not be jumpable while zapping just like in crazy party. I like the timing challenge in the electricity, but being able to jump over it, even when it’s zapping makes it rather non-threatening to say the least.
- Could we get a linux version? If this is written in nvgt, linux should be quite simple to make a version for.
Thanks for hearing me out, and thanks for a great game!