I had very good time reading this. And I have good feeling about the storyline. Charmed with characters, glad to be able to learn more lore and I love Wastelander background. This kind of upbringing is the most interesting part of my experience with your story, you did so well with it. This is what's been missing in ME as colonist background. Btw i find it strange that mc and Theo relationship don't start with higher score this way, but it's been some years, yeah.
Loved different varieties of choices in prologue, always nice to see some options.
Also this:
Show your child what you wish,
I am but your faithful vessel,
To which to pour your blessings into.
Vessel huh. Oh boy wondering what's up with that. Wondering about their old gods and All Mother. Wondering about monster in vision and the one who speaks.
Thank you! Will be waiting for next update.