I'm sorry the font was difficult to read! While you cannot rename "Astora" as it is integral to the story, you can change her "True Name" just below. Reading your theories and thoughts was very interesting! I really enjoy faerie lore. However, the world of Evernight takes place in my own original faerie world, which is absolutely influenced by established faerie mythology, but is its own blend of ideas. I hope you enjoyed the experience! :)
Ah, you answered a question here I asked when replying to the other comment. lol
Have you read "The Goblin Marked" and the "Green Children of Cornwall"?
(There's a Choice of Game game based on the goblin marked btw. If you're interested.)
I think "Neverwhere" of Neil Gainman may have something on the Fae world too (it crops up in a Constantine/Books of Magic crossover part as well, where Constantine tells the HP rippoff boy (not sure who ripped off who) about the rules of the Fae.)
I've studied the fae (and folklore creatures) since I was a kid, and while I don't remember everything, I DO remember that the most terrifying part for humans was not their wicked deeds but their extreme "otherness".
(They could be wicked, if slighted or a promise broken. 100 years of slavery for not being able to pay for a gift you accepted, eyes ripped out because she either accidentally or intentionally used the salve on her eyes that let her see the unseen, fruits that makes you wither away with longing --I could go on. And that's not counting darker creatures, like Redcaps and Kelpies.)
But these things are not seen as cruel. That's the difference. Because human morality and Fae morality is so vastly different.
Right and wrong often clash with each-other to such a degree that it can be hard to meet. And yet some humans do learn.
In some stories there are people who get so close to the Fae they're considered crazy, because they start acting like them more and more.
In other stories the human is terrified by what appears to be a complete lack of all morals and ethics --while their own rules are very strict and the punishment for breaking them beyond high. (Death as punishment is rare, slavery far more common.)
Sorry... I ramble. ^_^;
I just adore the Fae and love talking about them.
I swear one of these days I'll save up enough money to get Fae ears surgery too. Probably. lol
As much as I love the darker side of the Fae lore (and everything, really, I usually end up falling for the villain, then lamenting that no game allows for a -true- villain to be the love interest lol) your Night world is a truly beautiful place, and the story is wonderful.
The writing is also excellent --and I tend to nitpick a lot on that, being a writer myself.