Thanks for the feedback! You are actually the second person to mention having trouble with the jump when it comes to the blob animation so I think what I need to do is just not have the sprite go so high in the walk cycle lol. The jump is not that high to begin with, so when its at its highest point in the walk cycle the blob already looks halfway to the max point in the jump.
I'm glad you liked the art style! My main trick for doing minimal art well is mainly in the color palette. The entire game is made up of blues and purples with the only strong deviant being the red laser. The collectables and player are purple, the enemies are dark grey and the environment is a series of very de-saturated blues. I mostly just picked the colors based upon what looked nice and whether or not I needed something to stand out (like the collectables and enemies). Then it was just a matter of adding a tiny bit of detail, some softer gradients here and there and you're golden!