To be frank, the only reason I can see the ability to get up at so little health, is because it is already punishing enough to get knocked down, seeing as I am playing a Virgin Run.
The "Crying" effect does not help if you are tied up, as you lose the ability to free yourself if you are not fast enough with the quicktime... And that quickly becomes irritating as you don't really find any Mind-clearing items, and stopping to "Bean Flick" becomes troublesome because it takes a while, even as a Loppan, and if you end up loosing "Mind" in the middle of an enemy infested area, this means you end up vulnerable waiting for the horni bar to fill up, and the enemy can drop right in and force you into a quicktime, which reduces the Mind Bar even more.
Since we cannot buy more health items, or hire companions or have the option to KEEP companion rescues from the Dungeon as party members, a "Get up" mechanic is better than simply ending your run once your health depletes to zero... And you don't end up accidentally killing characters you don't want to kill, like what happens in Dungeon Keep Her.
I do feel that we should have an option to "Finish off our Enemy" with the interaction option... And that allowing us to Bind our enemies shouldn't be stopped by the Crying Status.