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A member registered Sep 06, 2023

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Well, that happens in the game anyway. Since we have the option to make our character strip off certain clothes, it really doesn't make sense for the monster to so easily strip your character naked the moment they catch you.

It is why I feel that "Having the act as a Health bar or Armor" makes more sense, and gives us more reason to panic and run away... Or intentionally strip and let the monster have their way with our ratty... Which I don't want to happen, by the way.

To be honest, there needs to be an "Option to kill", so you do not accidentally kill any defenders you like.

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On the last part, it is balanced out by the fact that if you accidentally hit your Companions while dealing with ANOTHER enemy, they go right back to hating you, and you have to start the process all over again... Which also means that if you only had ONE companion and was fighting ONE enemy, accidentally hitting them will quickly cause them to become TWO enemies, and the numbers spike the more companions you have.

Add in the fact that "Binding Perks" are not only dungeon Only but also hard to come by, it means that you cannot get it over 25% and thus, have to be stuck with the issue of having a LOT of Luck with RNG to get a successful Bind on the first try, otherwise, you are going to lose Mind a LOT and start bawling when your new Enemies start beating you into the ground... And since those perks are "Dungeon Only", you end up losing them when you leave, and have to rely on RNG to get them back... Which is, AGAIN, NOT FUN.

This also means your claim of "Too Easy" is because you clearly haven't accidentally walloped your Ex-Defender Companion while you were aiming for ANOTHER defender.

To get rid of the "Crying" effect, you HAVE to masterbate... But that not only leaves you vulnerable, but you have to also scurry about, looking for "Safe Zones" where the local enemy cannot reach you, otherwise, they interrupt you and make your efforts mean zilch, as it counts as "Being Downed", and that takes away from the Mind Bar, meaning you end up going right back to blubbering if you had been interrupted midway through recovering "Mind".

The other issue is "Gold being Useless". Why should we be going on Dungeon Raids for the sake of useless Gold when it all goes "Poof" the second we leave, rather than, oh I don't know, allowing us to use the Gold to BUY Items such as healing items and mind-restoring items, or converting the Gold into Gems so we can get more permanent perks?!

To be frank, the only reason I can see the ability to get up at so little health, is because it is already punishing enough to get knocked down, seeing as I am playing a Virgin Run.

The "Crying" effect does not help if you are tied up, as you lose the ability to free yourself if you are not fast enough with the quicktime... And that quickly becomes irritating as you don't really find any Mind-clearing items, and stopping to "Bean Flick" becomes troublesome because it takes a while, even as a Loppan, and if you end up loosing "Mind" in the middle of an enemy infested area, this means you end up vulnerable waiting for the horni bar to fill up, and the enemy can drop right in and force you into a quicktime, which reduces the Mind Bar even more.

Since we cannot buy more health items, or hire companions or have the option to KEEP companion rescues from the Dungeon as party members, a "Get up" mechanic is better than simply ending your run once your health depletes to zero... And you don't end up accidentally killing characters you don't want to kill, like what happens in Dungeon Keep Her.

I do feel that we should have an option to "Finish off our Enemy" with the interaction option... And that allowing us to Bind our enemies shouldn't be stopped by the Crying Status.

...You can access Cheats?

Only with luck, like how Tratonia said.

Makes it really stressful.

"if i was that horny all the time i can imagine keeping my panties on would be a problem."

It is. Loppans have a higher chance of stripping down in the middle of a dungeon run and flicking the bean.

The only good thing about it is that it allows us to get rid of the crying effect quicker... But unfortunately, it also means that you are more likely to end up vunerable when the enemy figures out the janky physics of the dungeon.

And to be frank, while I agree that having the ability to bail out too soon is too cheesy, the issue is that when you are at a piddling segment of health left, you have no health items or any way to restore health in any manner, and you have at LEAST two rescues and four companions under your belt, Then suddenly, it isn't so much a "Chinese Takeout" option anymore, and more "Oh Gods, where is the bleedin' Exit?!" There needs to be an option where in order for you to find the exit, you need at least two rescues to have the option to leave... Or more health items than just One Roll of sodding Banages.

Adding to that, having our companions becoming actual party members should be a thing, and choosing who stays with your group, and who goes to live a regular life after their ordeal. I had managed to snag a cute Deer Girl named Theodora that I had JUST managed to ensure she became a companion... And then I left the dungeon to find out she had disappeared and wasn't coming back, because she counted as a Rescue.

Really made the 20 Gems I gained NOT feel worth it.

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And you cannot even have a "Lock on" function like some games do, where the character can aim themselves at the nearest enemy once you do things like "Hold down right mouse button", so you can actually aim your weapon of choice at their clothes. Also, allowing us to change the control layout of the player should help a lot better as having our characters and the enemy all flail around like inflatable tubemen in an attempt to hit each other is pretty stressful.

The one good control-wise was the "Skirting" mechanic, where we can give our enemies the slip with minimal stamina loss... And it is funny to have our characters just slip through the dungeon and imagine them reading a newspaper while they do so.

Another was the polite "Enemies do not engage you while you have an inventory open". It can lead to comical moments where your character is looking at the inventory with an enemy right behind them with a weapon out, which can result in picturing your character is just looking inside a chest with their butt sticking up and the enemy is just standing there, tapping their foot and waiting for you to finish.

It helped to reduce the stress of being chased around by enemies with full bars of health while you have a piddling one percent of health left because the game doesn't allow you to buy health items when you start off, and you have no health regeneration at all.

Perhaps. One of the bigger problems is the AI... And the fact that the wonky hitboxes means I spend too much time Mashing the mouse button.

I mean, there is not much point with a crude "Companion" system when half the time, you are trying to avoid hitting your "companions", since hitting them will cause them to lose respect for you, and that is not even covering the limited health items (Which don't heal as much as they should), that you have to start off finding them at random, because we cannot actually buy any health supplies, which makes Gold absolutely useless and dungeon crawling VERY Stressful.

I was spending more time running around in circles and hoping my "Companions" and my Enemies don't end my "Virgin run" because we cannot actually preplan our raids... And the less said about how hard it is to leave the dungeon once we feel we have what we came for, the better.

I started off as a Loppan just to see if I like it... And Not only were the Controls so janky that it makes combat awkward (And risk damaging a perfectly good Mouse), but status effects like "Crying" make any means of Rescue borderline IMPOSSIBLE.

I cannot use the "Interact" system because for some daft reason, it counts as "TALKING". This means that when I try to use the binding mechanic, I end up having my Loppan BLUBBER while she's standing over the Wolfkin that is about to kill her!

What makes it worse is that there is no option to disengage friendly fire, so I end up accidentally hitting my rescue target in the middle of beating up someone else, and make her hate me!

More like the moment the Monster catches the PC, the clothes are off and the Monster is having their fun.

Heck, have us simply have a "Scissor" option if Mal0 doesn't have a Dick and our Ratty is female...

I agree. Having the option to either save our favorite "World Seeds" so that we can play a certain way, or the option to choose how we want it to play out would work well.

Another good suggestion would be that clothes serve a purpose. The more you have, the better you are protected for a certain amount of attempts... And removing certain ones takes away "protection" from that area. (Meaning the less bottomwear our Ratty has, the less our Ratty's bottom is protected.)

Of course, only wearing a Thong for bottomwear means autofailure, as the Wolf can just slip it aside.

Simple answer to the first? Let yourself get caught by the Werewolf when it turns up at night or in fog.

Eh, was having fun running around and thinking the facilities were mono-gendered

No kidding that it is a Big Update... So many trees, and better rain patterns...

Hopefully we don't get "Pitch Black Darkness" when we don't have the sun or the hut to light our way. I keep having that problem, and when I tried to raise the settings higher than "Medium", the Game ended up being unplayable because it didn't want to launch at all.

I think our character is a Possum... And a rather cute one too.

I dunno why, but when I think of names, "Poppy", "Olivia", "Sarah", "Heldi" or "Vanessa" come to mind for the female option.

...Wonder if we will get the option to either change our character's fur and hair color or give said character new hairstyles or the option for longer hair?

Just a thought.

Also, clothing options and colors. I like we already start off with the option to make our protagonist run around in the buff or bottomless, but having the option for different clothes or the ability to change clothing colors sounds pretty nice too, if I am being honest.

Yeah, I like that. It also can allow for interesting self-made Challenges as well.

Bouncy Grenades with reduced trigger time? Eh, could work, considering that one of the methods I used to get Chloe to try and hit any of them is to lob grenade at a wall and let it bounce off into the chasing hoard. Reduced Trigger time means it can actually explode and take out the hoard for once after a Trick Bounce.

And I like the idea of skills for our officer... Especially since you made the implication that the skills and perks would allow us to give our chosen characters a personality we like.

Actually, when you go into "Floating Starfish", you are supposed to tap "Q" and "E" keys rapidly to restore movement.

That being said, it is strangely hard to figure out when you go into Violate mode, since I have tried to follow the quicktime event to free the officer, but never could succeed, unlike with how "Floating Starfish" just means you rapidly tap "Q" and "E" to get moving again.

Yey. Grenades being more viable is a good thing... And the scarcity of grenades does force you to use it only when the hoard is too big to waste ammo spam-firing into the crowd.

Quite a promising game as a result.

Since I just found out our current officer is named "Chloe", I have to wonder if she is wearing panties under her pants, or if she goes commando? (Her current outfit implies she either doesn't wear a bra, or she wears a bra that doesn't cover her nipples)

Eh, I guess we will find out later.

Her name is Chloe? Yeah, that's a nice name.

Part of me wonders if she is a virgin by the start of the game? Would make her being flustered at being nude or exposed be more understandable.

Well, it worked, and It kinda does add realism that some games miss. It can allow for other weapons like lever actions or bolt actions to turn up... And "reloading" those without chambering the next round from the reserve could use a "chamber load" animation (meaning the user directly loads the round into the chamber rather than through the reserve)... Though I suspect our Officer hasn't had to do that, and would be slower on that kind of reload compared to just actually racking the action, but would get better the more you "train" the officer.

Funnily enough, Since I am a TF2 player, tapping 'Q' is as natural as quickly poking with one of my "spare" fingers not fiddling with the motion keys, so once I figured it out, it was as simple as idly tapping "Q" while reminding myself "Q for this game chambers round, not quick-swap to your previous weapon".

It does mean the keys for certain actions needs to either be better defined in the user menu (such as actually having an image of the keyboard that points out which key does what), or allow us to manually rearrange the keyboard keys according to our user style.

Anyway, I did wonder if we could have a way to have melee be a little... Quicker?

Melee currently feels like our protagonist is an old lady with arthritis swinging a short handbag around, and the bat's range feels shorter than it looks.

It just isn't viable even as a last resort, as I have had better results tossing officer bimbo's "bouncing betty" grenades just to get ammo for whichever weapon she was using... Said bouncing betties being more likely to make her do the "floating starfish" if I forget where the nade landed.

From what I can Tell, Bug 2 occurs if you shoot too many enemies while they are jumping the fence and successfully "kill" them before they land on the otherside.

I think this is a fault of the collision mesh not properly despawning.

...Uh, mate, "Q" allows you to rack the pump. Weird mechanic, and it was frustrating for me the first time when I didn't know, but it is there in the description. (It does mean we may need a tutorial section, or at least, a menu to allow us to know what the control layout is, and if we want to change it to our own preferences.)

Still, I find shooting them in Spawn to be rather boring, as the fun is in prancing around with our current Protagonist and having her shoot all pell-mell in what is likely panic if she's a virgin.

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Good I gave you ideas, but I am actually surprised that there are no special damage areas.

I landed around five clean headshots with Officer Bimbo's pistol, and was able to floor one of the possums, while it took her roughly eight from the same gun to knock one down on body shots.

I dunno what is happening there, it is just kinda funny.

On that note, I think you need to reduce the grenade bounce a little. They bounce too much and end up straying too far away from the hoard to do real damage.

Also, when Clothing damage is implimented, would it start from her pants, seeing as that is where they'd start? Kinda have a thing for seeing gals like her with exposed legs...

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Yeah... Though, considering how I kept trying to aim for "Sweetspots" while prancing around in our thicc officer, I have to ask, do the enemy units take more damage if you aim your shots at the head and the crotch area?

If so, I feel a good mechanic is that you can aim at the crotch to deal more damage like how you would with the head, but doing so runs the risk of the enemy getting angry at you if they are not immediately downed by that shot, and would cause them to lunge, which can start the process to strip the officer, but not deal any damage.

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The game isn't bad, and the improvement looks promising, especially with how the hoard actually now climbs their way into the arena.

That being said, I do feel that there should be an alternative attack for the enemies, that is, other than simply trying to hit the heroine to wear her down, there should also be a kind of attack that damages her clothes instead, make her more vulnerable should the inevitable pinning occur and she is overwhelmed, while also not damaging her health bar.

Just thought it would make for an interesting idea.

Also, I do wonder if clothing damage means additional effects, such as our officer getting embarrassed when her clothes first get damaged, with her shots becoming more erratic the more she has to try and keep her clothes on?