If you haven't, be sure to write a list out of what your game needs to do, so you don't mentally overestimate your work and make yourself panic.
Have you considering simplifying how you implement graphics? For example, the order you're building is just a bunch of sprites on your UI as opposed to 3D models? That way you just have to put in places to interact with that swap in/out ui sprites. Or, simplify the scope of the game. Just focus on getting one customer in/out of the cafe and programming that, instead of trying to program managing multiple customers at once.
If you're going to work on this afterward, I'd recommend focusing the bare basics of what your game needs to function. To me that looks like:
1 - spawning in a customer that has information about their order. displaying that order in some easy way (like sprites that are attached to the customer model that change image depending on the generated order)
2 - create the spots on your cafe where you interact with to collect your food. display the WIP order as simply as possible
3 - create a way to interact with the hole-o-matic
4 - make the script that checks if you got the customer's order right or wrong, and gives/deducts HP, money, whatever