As the title says, yeah. I think i overscoped my project!!! And we are in the middle of the development process, so i can't just turn back!!! What do i do???
In a nutshell my idea is this: you have to run a pastry shop where you have to take orders from customers and, if they whear a hat with an holes, you have to pass their order (which consists of one of 5 drinks and one of 3 pastries) in a spacial machine, called "hole-o-matic" , which literally "holes" their order. Over time the bar becomes more and more crowded and the game more and more difficult and, if you disappoint too many customers, you lose. An infinite game, in short.
When I chose the idea all this seemed feasible to me, but I soon realized that it was anything but managble: The things to do were many more than I had imagined, the things I thought were simple turned out to be very complex and my inexperience, both of 3d and of making games in general (this is my second game, after all) does not help.
In the end I'm left with less than 1 and an half days to finish a game that is in a not-finite state, without the basic concepts yet, and barley playable (I mean, for now you can only walk in the bar). Despite this however, I still intend to upload for the jam and complete it later [Maybe I will put a screen to warn that the game is not finished and that I will finish it after the jam]
Soo... How do I proceed?? Please, help me... I really don't know what to do anymore ...