Is the sketchy drawing of the boy a placeholder for the real artwork?
....this may be one of the rare few mc's I ACTUALLY agree with! Erza really DO seem like a looser. And a clingy one to boot. Yuck.
(Nothing against anime and fantasy, but his personality... >_> But that's the point I suspect. So good job. lol)
The 'hot side character' do have the promise to be hot. He reminds vaguely of Sol from The Kid in the Back --lookwise. (Another yandere game here. I love Sol. Every tiny ever-so-slightly-creepy/dangerous acts and all. :heart: )
I look forward to see the finished artworks. ^_^ guy still sounds like a dork, but Imma gonna chalk that up to manipulations for now. (As in; he sounds like a nice guy. I don't like nice guys. But if he -is- a yadere, he won't be a nice guy. So it's all good. lol)
It was a pretty short game, but I like it thus far. ^_^
Do you plan to update it more?