oof! my bad for the late reply but i could ask some people on the ballbusting subreddit if they know how to do certain things like code or something else. i'm sure they'd do it for free since it's a game about balls being busted and what not. if thats something you'd like me to do tthen let me know and i'll do it for you man! just tell me what kind of people you're looking for!!
It was pretty ambitious, so it's actually for the best that I abandoned it early on. I think the plan was that you're desperate to whip up the cash to buy your gf those tickets, because she's made it quite clear that your balls are 'on the line'. So it was basically going to be a GTA-style 3rd person open-world thing (but really you'd be limited to this kind of town square/shopping center area.) There would be a variety of different ways of earning cash, but each would inevitably end up getting you busted in some way. Can't remember all the busts I had planned, but there was one involving a group of women doing yoga on the grass, and of course the GTA option of straight-up stealing a girl's purse (and paying dearly for it.)
ah ok! i do hope you find the motivation and a team to help you with these amazing ideas haha, i bought almost all your games so i'm really excited to see the other games you'd release in the future especially with the help of a team!! so now i'll get out of your hair haha. thanks for telling me your sexy ideas when it comes to these games. i wish there were more active creators that released these kinds of games.
oh and do you know when you'll add those things for the silent strike demo? it's no rush of course but i just wanna know when or if i have to update it to get the stuff.