i hope this is a crude joke, to see who or how many may download ai-(insert passive aggressive descripsion, because i have nothing nice to say about ai-art...)? There are no gameplay screenshots, thats a big ol' Red-Flag and the discription of this page reads like a proof of concept. the only inch i have to give, is that this looks like a distraction, to lure new patreon/subscribestar members on board, so the ongoing project - Helen Quest can be financed!? i sincerely hope project like these, that already made the mistake of using ai-art, use them as placeholder.
Hi MuhGuy, I'm sorry to hear that.
I'll give you some information before explain: the main project (HelenQ) is online since Oct 2021 (more or less 38 months), it gained until now nearly 1200$, so approximately 30 $/month. I ask to the artist for 2 commissions/year (400/500$ each). I'm paying the remaining obviosly.
For me that's only an hobby and I'm not earning from that- and that's ok for me, it's a pleasant hobby to create something from nothing. Having said that, I can afford only two commissions/year from an artist so the main project it's slow, and I know it.
But if I want to advance or try something different I'm a bit stuck, because without CG a game is only a bunch of text and some sound.
I wanted to try a different type of game (Helen is a classic fantasy/adventure RPG, while Ark47 is a RPG shooter, with a lot spent on the backbone of the gameplay, so, totally different) with different dynamics. I can't afford a full new commission only to try something new for my pleasure (only for the menu part it'll be 10 images, nearly 800$)...so...the options were two: AI generated CG or handmade by me (my current drawing skill is close to "stickman style" by the way).
I opted for the less atrocious way, AI, and it's clearly stated. In addition, all my updates are free (now and in the future) for both games so please don't accuse me "to lure new members", it's painful: 92% of my patreons are free members and I'm fine with that. I only want to get better and work freely in something I like to do. Helen Quest is going forward, paying a real artist, slowly, but it can't be otherwise.
I'd like to do more for it but I can't, I have a job like all the people and I can't "invest" more than that.
If you want more info or simply want to talk more about that you can contact me any time I'm always open :)
hey, personally as an artist, I'd prefer a text-based game or for you to make your own placeholder art. I understand that making a game is hard but given how AI databases currently scrape artist's work in order to make the AI art you are using (and I have personally have had that happen to me), I avoid interacting with projects using AI. There are others like me who you might be deterring from your work due this. Either which way, I wish you the best of luck
Hi, thank you for the comment, I understand it. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of text based games, I had played a couple but it's not for me. On the other hand I want to improve on the programming part of games, I'm too bad on the drawing, It's definitely not one of my skills.
I'm trying different gamplay styles and mechanics that can't coexist in the same game, this is the reason I had to choose AI.The main game (Helen Quest) has all the images commissioned, but I simply can't afford two projects based on artist commissions.
It's stated in the info section (and now I added an extra disclaimer right at the beginning of the game) that the GC is AI made so if someone doesn't agree with it can skip directly to another game.
I'm definitely not here to sell AI art and I wish also to you and your art the best of luck.
Since the way "most" AI IG (all AI, actually, untill it is clearified otherwise) is trained is still immoral and unfair to the artists or IP and its creator in question. i am bothered by both, use and development of any AI IG. If people could develope it with a system fair and non replacing of Artists in general, i'd be less hostile towards the use of AI. fmgames69 made their point clear that they want to use AI as a placeholder, and how their use of it is not ment for monetary gain. So i will hold myself back from further commenting on this.